It is the specific intent of this article to:
Permit, by right, single-family detached and semidetached dwellings.
Allow by conditional use, limited nonresidential conversions that are low traffic generators and compatible with the existing residential character of the area.
Maintain the existing residential streetscape of this section of Main Street through regulations that allow these conversions only when front facades and porches are preserved and only if building additions and parking areas are not constructed between the public street and the front facade of the principal structure.
[Amended 3-7-2007 by Ord. No. 526]
The following are permitted by right in the R-O District:
Single-family detached dwellings.
Single-family semidetached dwellings, provided that the dwelling with which it has a party wall in common is erected at the same time.
Accessory uses, in compliance with § 680-45 of this chapter.
Student homes, subject to the provisions of § 680-132.
The following may be permitted by a conditional use in the R-O District by Borough Council in accordance with § 680-55 of this chapter and § 680-129 of this article.
Business or professional office.
Studio for photography, music, dance, or art studio.
Multifamily conversions, in compliance with § 680-44 of this chapter. However, an existing structure exceeding 5,000 square feet which is located on a lot of at least 15,000 square feet, is permitted by conditional use to have more dwelling units, provided the parking standards in Article IX and all applicable building codes relating to size of a dwelling unit are met.
Private clubs, fraternal organizations, and lodge halls, provided that they are on lots of at least 20,000 square feet.
Each permitted use or conditional use in the R-O District shall comply with the following area regulations:
Lot area and width.
A lot area of not less than 6,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 40 feet for a detached dwelling.
A lot area of not less than 4,000 square feet and a lot width of not less than 30 feet for each side of a semidetached dwelling.
Front yard. One yard not less than 25 feet in depth, to be measured from the legal right-of-way line, except where a building line has been established, then the building line of the majority of the buildings on that side of the block shall be used.
Side yards.
For every detached dwelling, two side yards not less than 20 feet in aggregate width and neither less than eight feet.
For every semidetached dwelling, one side yard not less than eight feet.
Rear yard. One yard not less than 15 feet in depth.
Building area: not more than 40% of each lot.
Impervious coverage: not more than 55% of each lot.
Building height: the maximum building height shall be 35 feet.
[Amended 7-12-2006 by Ord. No. 519]
The following standards shall apply to all conditional uses in the R-O District:
All conditional uses must have their primary facade oriented toward Main Street.
The conditional use must preserve, utilize, and maintain an existing building in a manner that is consistent with the historic character of this section of Main Street. If an existing building is demolished, then no conditional use will be permitted.
The conditional use must preserve and maintain the front facade and, if existing, the front porch. Any building addition shall be located to the rear and shall be compatible with the existing building in size, scale, and materials. Stairways, fire escapes, and other structural alternations shall be located to the rear or side of the building.
The conditional use must preserve the existing front yard as a landscaped open space. The only impervious coverage in the front yard will be sidewalks or pedestrian access paths or driveways. The landscaping shall be the type traditionally found in the Main Street area (shade trees, foundation plantings, grass, etc.).
All refuse facilities must be screened from the view of public streets and neighboring properties.
Maximum building footprint of commercial buildings:
For a single use: 5,000 square feet.
For all uses on site: 15,000 square feet.
The following standard shall apply to all conditional uses in the R-O District:
The maximum impervious coverage of a lot is 55%. However, if two or more adjacent property owners use common parking facilities and a shared access drive pursuant to Article IX of this chapter, then the impervious coverage for each lot may be increased to 80%.
In addition to the requirements found in Article IX, Off-Street Parking, the following requirements shall apply to all uses in the R-O District:
There shall be no parking permitted between the front wall of a principal structure and the curb of the street toward which that wall is oriented.
[Added 3-7-2007 by Ord. No. 526]
Student homes are permitted when authorized as a special exception subject to the following provisions and the provisions of § 680-71:
Shall be located in an existing SFD or twin.
Shall have no more than three residents per student home.
Shall have a floor area of at least 1,500 square feet, exclusive of basements, garages, and accessory building.
An apartment may be used as a student home, subject to the following provisions:
Shall be located above a nonresidential use.
Shall be located on a parcel with frontage on an arterial road.
Shall have a floor area of at least 400 square feet for each resident.
Shall have no more than three residents per student home.
In mixed-use structures, no more than two apartments may be used for student homes.
Shall register their use as a student home in conformity with § 680-71 of this chapter.