It is the specific intent of this article to:
Permit, by right, industrial uses appropriate for an established Borough.
To regulate the operation of such uses to minimize traffic congestion, noise, glare, air, and water pollution.
To ensure that such uses will not create fire and safety hazards.
To allow the conversion of older industrial buildings to alternate uses to ensure their economic viability and preservation.
[Amended 7-12-2006 by Ord. No. 519]
In the M&I District a building may be erected, used, or occupied and a lot may be used or occupied for any of the following purposes and no other:
Automotive repair and service, including a body shop, provided that all work is done within an enclosed structure.
Business or professional office.
Contractor's office and storage.
Scientific or industrial research, engineering, training, testing, experimental laboratory, or similar establishment.
Printing, publishing, lithography, or similar processes.
Wholesale sales of industrial products and equipment.
Gymnasiums, health or tennis clubs, or similar facility.
Manufacturing, fabrication, assembly, processing and packaging of natural and man-made materials, chemicals, synthetics and other organic or inorganic products, except those uses specifically prohibited in § 14-2203[1] below.
Editor's Note: So in original.
Mini storage facilities, provided that they are on lots of at least three acres.
Car washes, provided that they only take access from a road classified as a principal arterial and provide a stacking distance for at least eight cars.
The following uses are permitted only in an existing industrial building in the M&I District:
Art gallery.
Retail sales of dry goods, variety merchandise, books, antiques, consignment or secondhand thrift shop and/or similar goods.
Studio for photography, music, or dance.
Apartments, provided they have no greater density than 12 dwelling units per acre.
Accessory use on the same lot and customarily incidental to any of the above-permitted uses, including, but not limited to:
Storage within an enclosed building or fenced area, meeting the requirements of § 680-171, herein.
Repair shop or maintenance facilities normally required for the conduct of industrial operations.
Cafeteria, recreation facility or other service facility located within a permitted use and operated solely for the occupants of the building.
Hookah bar/lounge.
[Added 4-4-2018 by Ord. No. 586]
[Amended 7-12-2006 by Ord. No. 519]
Lot area: 20,000 square feet, unless specified elsewhere in this article.
Lot width: 100 feet.
Building coverage: 40% of the lot area.
Maximum impervious surface coverage: 75% of the lot area.
Front yard. One yard not less than 30 feet in depth, measured from the ultimate right-of-way.
Side yard. There shall be two side yards, neither of which shall be less than 20 feet wide.
Rear yard. One yard not less than 40 feet in depth.
Maximum building footprint of commercial buildings:
For a single use: 50,000 square feet.
For all uses on site: 100,000 square feet.
All parking spaces or lots and all off-street loading in the M&I District shall be in accordance with Article IX, Off-Street Parking, of this chapter. Both shall be set back at least 10 feet from any property line or legal right-of-way.
All signs erected in the M&I District shall be in accordance with Article XXIII, Signs, of this chapter.
Access. A planned system of efficient ingress, egress, and internal circulation of traffic shall be required. Loading and unloading areas shall be provided to the rear of the proposed use and arranged so that they may be used without blocking or interfering with the use of driveways, parking areas, or streets.
Lighting. All lighting fixtures shall not exceed 20 feet, however when they are located in a setback area, the height standards of § 680-57 of this chapter must be met.
Service. Areas for refuse collection and recycling shall be provided. A plan for disposal of solid waste materials shall be required. All solid waste material shall be stored in covered containers, no closer than 15 feet from any property line. Refuse collection areas shall be shielded from the direct view of any adjacent property or public street by a wall or a fence, which is at least six feet in height.
Buffer landscaping. A landscape buffer shall be provided whenever an M&I property abuts a residential district. The adequacy of this buffer shall be determined by Borough Council, upon the recommendation of the Borough Planning Commission or any other Borough agency chosen by Council.
Fire and explosive hazards. Flammable and explosive materials shall be stored, used, and transported in accordance with the applicable state and federal regulations regarding such materials and associated storage vessels.
Outdoor storage.
All outdoor storage facilities for fuel, flammable or explosive materials, and raw materials shall be enclosed by a fence adequate to prevent the access of children and other members of the general public pursuant to § 680-51 of this chapter.
No materials or wastes shall be deposited upon a lot in such form or manner that they may be transferred off the lot by natural causes or forces.
All materials or wastes which might cause fumes or dust or which constitute a fire hazard or which may be edible or otherwise be attractive to rodents or insects shall be stored outdoors only in closed, sealed containers.
No materials or wastes of any form may be stored in a floodplain area unless the storage facility has been floodproofed pursuant to Article XXV of this chapter and to the satisfaction of the Borough Engineer.
Waste disposal. Industrial wastes shall not be stored, discharged, incinerated, or otherwise disposed of except in conformance with the applicable state and federal regulations regarding solid and hazardous wastes.
Fire detection and suppression devices. Fire detection and suppression devices shall be installed when required by Borough Council upon the recommendations of the Borough Fire Chief.
Health and safety hazards. All uses in the M&I District shall comply with all local, state, and federal regulations regarding health and safety hazards, including the reporting of potential hazards.
Public utilities. All uses shall be capable of being served by public sewer and water facilities. All sewer or water facilities shall be subject to all local, state, and federal regulations and are subject to approval by Borough Council upon the recommendations of the Borough Engineer.
All the applicable performance standards of this chapter shall be followed.
[Added 7-12-2006 by Ord. No. 519]
The height of any building or structure shall not exceed 35 feet; however, buildings or structures, excluding signs, are allowed to exceed this requirement by 25 feet (to 60 feet), provided that for every one foot over 35 feet, they are set back an additional two feet from any property line.