In expansion of the declaration of legislative intent and community development objectives contained in Article I of this chapter, the specific intent of this district is:
To permit institutional uses on appropriate properties in the Borough, with locational, dimensional, and development standards specific to the type of use proposed.
To provide design and regulatory standards for institutional facilities which will minimize any adverse impacts (such as noise, glare, and pollution) on surrounding properties.
To control traffic generated by institutional uses.
To ensure that institutional uses will be designed to be adequately served by public safety and emergency management services.
Class 1 Neighborhood Level uses.
Place of worship, including associated residences but excluding schools or monasteries.
Public library, museum, gallery, or historic site.
Cemetery, graveyard, mausoleum, provided no graves, burial vaults, etc., are located within 40 feet of a property line.
Emergency service institution, firehouse, ambulance station, or police station.
Active recreation areas, provided that they are an accessory use to a place or worship.
Class 2 Community Level uses.
School, public or private, sectarian or nonsectarian, elementary or secondary, excluding a college or university.
Places of worship in conjunction with a school and/or convent, monastery.
Active recreation areas, provided that they are an accessory use to a school or place of worship.
Class 3 Regional Level uses.
Medical, surgical, and rehabilitation hospital.
College or university.
Active recreation areas, provided that they are an accessory use to a college or university.
[Amended 3-7-2007 by Ord. No. 526]
All permitted uses shall require conditional use approval when the following is involved:
Class 1 Neighborhood Level.
The construction of a building or structure that exceeds 3,000 square feet.
The construction of an addition to an existing building or structure that exceeds 1,000 square feet.
Class 2 Community Level.
The construction of a building or structure that exceeds 3,000 square feet.
The construction of an addition to an existing building or structure that exceeds 1,000 square feet.
Class 3 Regional Level.
The construction of a building or structure that exceeds 3,000 square feet. However, if the building or structure is identified on a master plan that has been approved by Borough Council, at a public hearing after review by the Borough's Planning Commission and any other agency or consultant deemed necessary by Council, then conditional use is not required.
The construction of an addition to an existing building or structure that exceeds 1,000 square feet. However, if the addition to this building or structure is identified on a master plan that has been approved by Borough Council, at a public hearing after review by the Borough's Planning Commission and any other agency or consultant deemed necessary by Council, then conditional use is not required.
The construction of a student residence hall.
All conditional uses shall meet the requirements of § 680-189 of this article and § 680-55 of this chapter.
Each class of use shall comply with the following dimensional regulations:
Class 1 Uses
Class 2 Uses
Class 3 Uses
Minimum lot size
2 acres
8 acres
20 acres
Maximum total building coverage
Maximum total impervious coverage
Minimum building setback from any property line
30 feet
60 feet
150 feet(1)
Minimum parking and service area setback
15 feet
30 feet
75 feet
For any building over 40 feet in height, buildings are allowed up to a height of 60 feet provided that for every five feet over 40 feet, they are set back an additional 10 feet beyond the required 150 feet. Architectural features, such as clock towers or mechanical or utility features are allowed an additional 20 feet in height (to 80 feet), provided these areas are not intended for human occupancy.
Building or structure height.
All Class 1 uses: 35 feet; however, steeples or bell towers are allowed to exceed this by 20 feet, provided that they contain no habitable/usable space.
All Class 2 uses: 35 feet; however, steeples or bell towers are allowed to exceed this by 20 feet, provided that they contain no habitable/usable space.
All Class 3 uses: 40 feet; however buildings are allowed to exceed this requirement by 20 feet (to 60 feet), provided that for every five feet over 40 feet, they are set back an additional 10 feet from any property line. Architectural features, such as clock towers or mechanical or utility features are allowed an additional 20 feet in height (to 80 feet), provided these areas are not intended for human occupancy and are designed to be architecturally compatible with the building.
Recreation areas.
All recreation areas shall have the following setback from any property line:
Class 1 use: 20 feet.
Class 2 use: 65 feet.
Class 3 use: 100 feet.
Borough Council may require that this setback contain buffer landscaping. This landscaping shall contain, at least, a mix of conifers and deciduous shrubs and trees.
Classes 1 and 2 uses must have access to a road of collector status or greater.
Class 3 uses must have access to a road of primary arterial status or greater.
All classes of uses.
All development shall comply with the parking and loading requirements of Article IX and the sign regulations of Article XXIII of this chapter.
All uses shall be connected to the Borough by a safe and convenient pedestrian circulation system.
Service and loading areas, dumpsters, and similar site elements shall not be located within the view of a public street, and shall be adequately screened from view.
Increased planting buffers, wooden fences, or other measures may be required by Borough Council to minimize potential conflicts, or to reduce anticipated levels of noise caused by the following: loading docks, trash receptacles, parking lots, service driveways, active recreation areas or large nonresidential buildings adjacent to neighborhoods or open space areas without adequate buffering.
All classes of uses shall meet the following:
Borough Council may require a traffic impact study, pursuant to § 680-59 of this chapter.
All buildings shall avoid a long, monotonous, uninterrupted walls or roof planes. In keeping with the character of the Borough of Collegeville, the scale and massing of the structure shall be designed to create a structure that is in keeping with the traditional appearance of Collegeville and the region. Architectural features such as staggered setbacks, bay windows, gables, dormers, decorative parapets or chimneys, and various types of wall facings may be used to achieve this.