The Code of Maryland Regulations, CPR . states that the provisions of the Minimum Livability Code found therein do not apply to housing located in a political subdivision that has adopted a local housing code containing provisions that substantially conform to the provisions of COMAR .05.02.03; and
The Minimum Livability Code set forth herein substantially conforms to those provisions, and it is therefore intended that the adoption of this code shall have the effect of making COMAR .05.02.03 inapplicable in Dorchester County, except to the extent the application of those regulations would be more restrictive than the provisions of this code.
These regulations shall be known as the "Minimum Livability Code" or "this code."
This code is created to protect the public health, safety and welfare in residential structures and premises by:
Establishing minimum property maintenance standards for basic equipment and facilities used for light, ventilation, heating and sanitation for residential structures and premises and for safe and sanitary maintenance of residential structures and premises.
Establishing minimum requirements for residential structures and premises for means of egress, fire protection systems and other equipment and devices necessary for safety from fire.
Fixing the responsibilities of property owners, operators and tenants of residential structures and premises.
Providing for administration, enforcement and penalties.
This code shall be construed liberally and justly to protect public health, safety and welfare insofar as they are affected by the continued use and maintenance of residential structures and premises.