[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Stowe 10-14-1974 by Ord. No. A-618 (Chapter 9, Part 1, of the 1993 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
It shall be unlawful to make any cut or fill in or upon any lot in the Township of Stowe, by which there would result any change in the topography of such lot, without first obtaining a permit therefor.
[Amended 11-9-1993 by Ord. No. 760]
For the purposes of this chapter the following definitions shall apply:
Any rock, natural soil or fill and/or any combination thereof.
The mechanical removal of earth material.
The deposition of earth material.
Any excavating or filling or combination thereof.
Any person, persons, partnership, business or corporation.
In this chapter, the singular shall include the plural, the plural shall include the singular, and the masculine shall include the feminine and the neuter.
Application for such a permit shall be made, in writing, to the Building Permit Officer on forms supplied by the municipality. Such application shall contain at least the following:
The name and address of:
The applicant.
The owner of the land on which the work will be performed.
The contractor performing the work.
An identification and description of the work to be covered by the permit for which application is made.
A description of the land on which the proposed work is to be done, by lot, block, tract, and house and street address, or similar description which will readily identify and definitely locate the proposed work.
An estimate of the value of the proposed work.
Such other information as reasonably may be required by the Building Permit Officer.
The Building Permit Officer shall issue a permit only after it has been determined that the proposed work will be in conformance with all applicable requirements and regulations.
After the issuance of a permit by the Building Permit Officer, no changes of any kind shall be made to the application, permit, or any of the plans, specifications or other documents submitted with the application without the written consent or approval of the Building Permit Officer.
In addition to the permit, the Building Permit Officer shall issue a placard which shall be displayed on the premises during the time the work is in progress. This placard shall show the number of the permit, the date of its issuance and be signed by the Building Permit Officer.
The proposed work shall begin within six months after the date of issuance of the permit, or the permit shall expire unless a time extension is granted, in writing, by the Building Permit Officer.
All work shall be completed within one year of the date of issuance of the permit. If any work is to be performed beyond this period, a new permit must be obtained under the conditions and requirements cited in §§ 340-3 and 340-4 of this chapter.
[Amended 11-9-1993 by Ord. No. 760]
Authority of Building Permit Officer. During the permitted work period, the Building Permit Officer or other authorized official may inspect the premises to determine that the work is progressing in compliance with the information provided on the permit application and with all applicable municipal laws and ordinances. In the event the Building Permit Officer discovers that the work does not comply with the permit application or any applicable laws and ordinances, or that there has been a false statement or misrepresentation by any applicant, the Building Permit Officer shall revoke the permit and report such fact to the Building Inspector for whatever action he considers necessary.
Responsibility of permit holder. It shall be the responsibility of the permit holder to notify the Building Permit Officer of the completion of the work, at which time the Building Permit Officer shall visit the site of the work and ascertain whether the same was done in conformity with the permit. If such work shall not have been done in conformity with the permit, the permit holder shall be required to rectify the same as directed by the Building Permit Officer.
[Amended 11-9-1993 by Ord. No. 760]
Applications for a permit shall be accompanied by a fee, payable to the municipality, based upon the estimated cost of the proposed work as determined by the Building Permit Officer at the rates established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Commissioners.
Any person aggrieved by the Building Permit Officer's estimate of the cost of the proposed work may appeal to the Board of Commissioners. Such appeal must be filed, in writing, within 30 days after the determination by the Building Permit Officer. Upon receipt of such appeal, the Board of Commissioners shall set a time and place not less than 10 nor more than 30 days for the purpose of hearing the appeal. Notice of the time and place of the hearing of the appeal shall be given to all parties, at which time they may appear and be heard. The determination of the estimated cost by the Board of Commissioners shall be final in all cases.
[Amended 6-14-1976 (22); 11-9-1993 by Ord. No. 760; 7-14-2020 by Ord. No. 1027]
Any person violating any provision of this chapter shall, upon summary conviction thereof, be sentenced, for a first offense within the calendar year, to pay a fine of not more than $100 and not less than $500 and/or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days.
Upon conviction for a second offense within the calendar year, such person shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $500 and not more than $1,000 and/or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days.
Upon conviction for a third or subsequent offense within the calendar year, such person shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less than $1,000 and not more than $3,000 and/or be imprisoned in the county jail for a period not exceeding 30 days.