[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Township of Stowe 11-12-1934 by Ord. No. A-230 (Ch. 13, Part 4, of the 1993 Code of Ordinances). Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 6-14-1976 by Ord. No. (4)]
No person, firm or corporation, either as principal or agent, shall use, exercise or carry on the trade or business of buying, selling and dealing in junk, rope, scrap iron, lead, brass, copper or other metals and rags and bones and other materials commonly termed "junk" within the limits of the Township of Stowe without first having obtained a license from the Township Secretary, which license shall be dated the first day of December, 1934, for each year and shall be renewed annually on the first day of December of each and every year, and shall be granted only upon and subject to the terms, conditions and provisions hereinafter set forth.
Such persons, firms and corporations engaged in said business shall be divided into two classes, to wit: first class, to be known as "merchants," and second class, to be known as "peddlers." The first class shall include all persons, firms and corporations having a yard, house, building or other place or premises as a fixed location for the conduct of said business. The second class shall include such persons as shall have no fixed location for the conduct of said business, but who shall conduct the same by wagon, truck, pushcart, sack or other conveyance.
[Amended by Ord. No. 6-14-1976(4)]
The Township Secretary shall grant licenses to all proper persons, firms and corporations who may apply for the same to use, exercise and carry on the trade or business of buying, selling and dealing in junk, rope, scrap iron, brass, copper or other metals, and rags, bones and other materials commonly termed "junk" which license shall, in the case of a merchant, set forth the exact location wherein said merchant is authorized to conduct said business.
[Amended 7-14-1986 by Ord. No. 696; 2-9-1988 by Ord. No. 710; 11-9-1993 by Ord. No. 760]
Merchants. A merchant shall, before receiving any license or any renewal thereof, pay to the Treasurer of the Township of Stowe therefor such sum as shall be established from time to time by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, whether the said license be issued for a year or a part of a year.
A peddler shall, before receiving any license or any renewal thereof, pay to the Treasurer of the Township of Stowe therefor such sum as shall be established by resolution of the Board of Commissioners, whether the said license be issued for a year or a part of a year.
No person, firm or corporation licensed as a merchant, as provided in this chapter, shall, by virtue of one license, keep more than one place of business for the purpose of buying, selling and dealing in any of the articles and materials named in this chapter, nor shall he or they at any time buy, sell or deal in such articles and goods in a place other than that for which such license is granted.
All persons, firms or corporations licensed as merchants under the provisions hereof shall keep and retain on their premises such junk, rope, scrap iron, brass, lead, copper and other metals, and rags, bones and other materials commonly termed "junk" in their original forms, shapes and conditions for a minimum period of 48 hours and shall not add to, reduce, change or alter such original forms, shapes or conditions, nor sell, trade, give away, or dispose of any such materials, until such minimum period of 48 hours shall have elapsed.
Every peddler licensed under the provisions of this chapter shall dispose of any and all materials mentioned in this chapter which he shall purchase, procure, obtain or have in his possession as such dealer to a regularly licensed merchant under the provisions of this chapter at or before high noon of the day following his purchasing, procuring, or obtaining the said material or materials; and it shall be unlawful for any peddler licensed under the provisions of this chapter to store, or cause to be stored, any of the material or materials mentioned in this chapter in any yard, stable, barn, house, outhouse, dwelling or other building or place whatsoever for any period longer than is necessary to dispose of the same as hereinabove provided.
No person, firm or corporation licensed hereinunder shall receive or buy from minors or unknown or irresponsible persons, firms or corporations any junk, rope, scrap iron, brass, lead, copper or other metals, or rags, bones or other materials commonly known as "junk."
The premises of all persons, firms or corporations licensed hereunder shall be accessible at all times to the Police Department of the Township for the purpose of examining, inquiring into and searching for any articles and materials which may be received or purchased under the provisions of this chapter, and the places of business conducted by merchants so licensed shall not open for the transaction of business before 7:00 a.m. and shall close promptly at 6:00 p.m.
[Amended by Ord. No. 6-14-1976(4)]
No license shall be granted to a merchant under this chapter until the Board of Township Commissioners has ascertained that his operations are in conformity with all applicable laws and ordinances. Every person, firm and corporation licensed hereunder shall so conduct the business for which such license shall have been granted that the same shall not constitute a nuisance, and all such places of business and vehicles and equipment of all such license holders shall be subject to inspection by persons designated for the purpose by the Board of Township Commissioners during the business hours herein provided. Licenses are not transferable and shall be exhibited upon request of any police officer. Licenses may be suspended by the Board of Commissioners when it shall deem such suspension to be of benefit to the public health, safety or morals.
[Amended by Ord. No. 6-14-1976(4); 11-9-1993 by Ord. No. 760]
If any person, firm or corporation shall violate one or more of the provisions or requirements of this chapter, he or it shall, upon conviction thereof, be subject to pay a fine of not more than $600, and costs of prosecution, for each and every violation thereof, or, in default of payment of such fine and costs, to undergo imprisonment for not more than 30 days.