Each floodplain development permit shall authorize, as a condition of approval, the Town Engineer or designated agents to make regular inspections of the subject property. The Town Engineer or designated agents are also authorized to inspect any property in a special flood hazard area (SFHA) where it appears that violations of these regulations may be taking place, unless otherwise prohibited by state or federal law.
Citations. Any violation of this Chapter 174 is subject to a municipal citation not to exceed $250 which shall be imposed by the Town Engineer, as enforcement officer, for each violation of this chapter as provided under C.G.S. § 7-148(c)(10); provided, however, that the violator has been issued a written warning for said violation by the enforcement officer, as required by statute. Each day of violation shall be considered a separate offense and subject to separate citations.
Suspension or revocation of floodplain development permit. Violation of the provisions of this chapter may, after due notice in writing by the enforcement officer, result in suspension of permit.
Cease and desist order. The enforcement officer may issue a cease and desist order and seek whatever additional remedies to which it may be entitled, at law and in equity, to the extent permitted by state and federal laws. The provisions of this section are in addition to and do not supersede any penalties resulting from simultaneous violations of local, state or federal laws, to the extent permitted by law.
Any person issued a municipal citation pursuant to § 174-27 shall be entitled to a hearing to contest the citation. Any person given notice that his/her permit will be suspended may appeal the notice of suspension within the time limited and on the form prescribed for appeals of citations. No permit will be suspended pending the outcome of the appeal process set forth below. The Town hereby specifically adopts the provisions of C.G.S. § 7-152c for the establishment of a citation hearing process to contest citations issued pursuant to this chapter, and as otherwise permitted by law. The Building Code Board of Appeals is hereby designated the hearing board empowered to hear all contested citations. The procedures for notice, hearing, disposition, judicial appeal and enforcement shall be as set forth in C.G.S. § 7-152c. The citation hearing process shall not apply to those violation which are otherwise governed by state statute.