Any person who wishes to cause to be recorded in the Registry of Deeds or to be filed with the Land Court a plan of land in the Town of Palmer, who believes that his plan does not require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, may submit his plan, as hereinafter provided, to the Planning Board for such determination.
The applicant shall submit to the Planning Board the original drawing and four prints of the plans, accompanied by four copies of a completed application Form A (see Appendix A, Forms), together with any necessary evidence to show that the plan does not require approval, and required filing fee (see Appendix B).[1]
Editor's Note: Appendixes A and B are included as attachments to this chapter.
Said plan shall also include a location plan, at the scale of the Palmer Assessor's Maps, of the parcels shown on said plan, accurately showing their relation to one or more existing Town streets.
The applicant may submit a non-subdivision plan to the Planning Board, or by registered mail, postage paid, with the Town Clerk, stating the date of submission for such determination.
In addition, the applicant shall provide written notice to the Town Clerk, by personal delivery in hand or by registered mail, of submission to the Planning Board of the items specified above. If the notice is given by delivery, the Clerk shall, if requested, give a written receipt therefor to the person who delivered such notice.
Receipt by the Planning Board, or date of mailing, of such notice, plans and necessary documentation as may be required in these Rules and Regulations shall constitute the effective date of submission.
If the Board determines that the plan does not require approval, it shall within 21 days and without public hearing endorse on the plan the words "Planning Board Approval under the Subdivision Control Law Not Required". Said endorsement shall be signed by a majority of the Planning Board. If the Board determines that the plan does require approval under the Subdivision Control Law, it shall within 21 days of submission of said plan so inform the applicant and return the reproducible original of the plan. The Board shall give written notice of its determination to the Town Clerk.
Before the Board makes its determination, it shall review or have a consultant review the correctness of all street information and compliance with the Palmer Zoning Bylaws.[1] If, in the judgment of the Board, consulting services are necessary or appropriate, the applicant shall reimburse the Town for the full cost of such services prior to the endorsement of the plan. Where the physical condition or width of a public way, from which the lots shown on the plan have their access, is considered by the Board to be inadequate either to provide for emergency services or to carry the traffic which is expected, in the opinion of the Board, to be generated by such lots, the Board shall determine that the plan does require approval under the Subdivision Control Law.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 171, Zoning, of the Code of Ordinances.
If the Board fails to act upon a plan submitted under this section or fails to notify the Town Clerk and the applicant of its action within 21 days after its submission, it shall be deemed to have determined that approval under the Subdivision Control Law is not required.