A preliminary plan of a subdivision may be submitted by the applicant to the Planning Board for discussion and approval by the Board. The submission of such a preliminary plan will enable the subdivider, the Board, and other municipal agencies to discuss and clarify the problems of such subdivision before a definitive plan is prepared. The degree of review and effectiveness of the Board's comments shall be in direct proportion to the accuracy and amount of information provided by the applicant on the preliminary plan.
Prior to submission of the preliminary plan to the Planning Board for approval, the subdivider should discuss the plan with the Board of Health, Conservation Commission, School Committee, Fire Department, Police Department, and Department of Public Works to obtain their recommendations. These recommendations should be transmitted to the Board by the respective agencies. These recommendations may be incorporated in the preliminary plan with any changes and additions suggested by the Board.
[Amended during codification]
The center line of proposed roadway and all property lot lines shall be adequately and accurately staked or flagged on the site sufficient for identification by the Board members and Town officials when site visits are made.
The plan shall be submitted by delivery at a regular or special meeting of the Board, or by delivery by registered mail to the Board in care of the Town Clerk. If so mailed, the date of mailing (postmark) shall be the date of submission of the plan. In addition, written notice (see Appendix A, Form B[1]) shall be filed by delivery or registered mail with the Town Clerk, stating the date of submission of the plan. The Town Clerk shall give a written receipt, if requested, to the person who delivered such notice.
The applicant shall submit 10 prints (dark line on white background) of the preliminary plan and a Form B to the Board, together with all other information and documentation as required in these Rules and Regulations. The Board shall file one print with the Board of Health, one print with the Chief of the Fire Department, one print with the Conservation Commission, one print with the Water Supply Protection Committee, one print with the Police Chief, and one print with the Department of Public Works. The Board may decide to forward said plans to other Town agencies and/or departments for their review; thus, additional prints may be requested from the applicant.
[Amended during codification]
At least three of these copies shall have the significant features illustrated according to the following color scheme:
Roads - dark gray.
Streams and water bodies - blue.
Wetlands - solid red.
Wetlands 100-foot buffer zone - dotted red.
One-hundred-year floodplains - orange.
Open space and recreation areas - green.
Pedestrian and bicycle paths - brown.
Subdivision boundaries - black.
Editor's Note: Appendix A is included as an attachment to this chapter.
The applicant shall also file:[2]
Ten copies of a draft development impact statement (see § 215-1.25F and Appendix A, Form L);
The required filing fee (see Appendix B); and
The required review fee (see Appendix B).
Editor's Note: Appendixes A and B are included as attachments to this chapter.
Said fees shall be used by the Town to pay for any additional consultants which it finds necessary to hire in order to carry out an effective review of the proposed subdivision.
The preliminary plan submission shall include at least three alternative concepts for developing the parcel. The preliminary plan shall be drawn at a scale of one inch equals 100 feet on 24-inch-by-36-inch sheets. Said plan shall show sufficient information about the subdivision to form a clear basis for discussion of its problems and for the preparation of the definitive plan. In addition, the plan shall show at least the following information:
The subdivision name, boundaries, True North arrow, date of submission, scale, legend and title "Preliminary Plan".
The names and addresses of the owners of record, the applicant and the registered civil engineer and land surveyor.
The names of all abutters and those owners of land separated from the subdivision only by a street, as determined from the most recent tax list.
Existing and proposed lines of streets, proposed names of the latter, rights-of-way, easements, and any public or common areas within the subdivision. The purpose of easements shall be indicated.
Location, names and present widths of streets bounding, approaching, or within reasonable proximity of the subdivision.
Location of natural waterways and water bodies within and adjacent to the subdivision.
Boundary lines of all proposed lots, with approximate dimensions and lot areas in square feet.
The existing and proposed topography at a five-foot contour interval or better. Datum must be U.S.G.S. mean sea level; major site features, such as existing stone walls, fences, buildings, large trees (12 inches or greater in diameter), rock ridges and outcroppings, swamps, historic features and wooded areas.
Whenever applicable and in a general manner, the proposed and existing storm drainage, sanitary sewer and water systems.
A sketch of the applicant's contiguous unsubdivided land, showing possible or contemplated development and street layout, if applicable.
When multiple sheets are necessary, match lines shall be used and referenced. An index plan graphically indicating the arrangement of said standard (24 inches by 36 inches) sheets at a suitable scale shall be provided.
During discussion of the preliminary plan, the complete information required by the definitive plan, Article VI, may be developed.
A locus or location plan at U.S.G.S. scale showing the subdivision location to the surrounding roadways and physical features.
The applicant shall request, in writing to the Planning Board, any proposed waivers, with justification, of a requirement, rule, or regulation he/she/they may require.
After submission, the preliminary plan will be reviewed by the Planning Board, Board of Health, Chief of Police, Chief of the Fire Department, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, Tree Warden, and other municipal agencies and departments to determine whether it is in compliance with the design standards as set forth in these Rules and Regulations and with any additional requirements of the above-mentioned boards, municipal agencies and departments.
[Amended during codification]
Within 30 days after the date of submission, the Board of Health, the Chief of Police, the Chief of the Fire Department, Conservation Commission, Department of Public Works, the Town engineering consultant, and other municipal agencies shall notify the Planning Board of their respective approval or disapproval of the preliminary plan, and if disapproved, shall list their reasons in writing.
Within 45 days after submission of the preliminary plan, the Planning Board shall approve, or approve with modifications, or disapprove said preliminary plan; and in the case of disapproval, the Board shall state in detail the reasons for its disapproval.
The Planning Board shall file its decision with the Town Clerk, and shall send a copy of said decision by registered mail to the applicant. Failure of the Planning Board to file its decision upon a preliminary plan within 45 days after submission shall be deemed to constitute approval of such a plan.
Approval of the preliminary plan by the Planning Board does not constitute approval of a subdivision, but does facilitate the procedure in securing approval of the definitive plan. In addition, such approval does not in any way authorize the owner to proceed with construction of roadways and/or other work in the subdivision.