[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Adams 6-19-2006 by L.L. No. 1-2006. Amendments noted where applicable.]
The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the operation and establishment of tattoo and body piercing studios in the Village of Adams, in furtherance of the protection of public safety and health and in furtherance of economic development within the Village limits of Adams.
This chapter shall hereafter be known and cited as the "Tattoo, Body Piercing, Branding and Scarification Regulations."
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The piercing of any part of the body, except the ear.
Any person who performs body piercing to the body of any other person.
Any premises in which the body piercing specialist conducts such practice.
The use of heat, cold or any chemical compound to imprint permanent markings on human skin by any means other than tattooing.
Any person under the age of 18 years of age.
The cutting or tearing of human skin for the purpose of creating a permanent mark or design on the skin.
A mark on the body of a person made with indelible ink or pigments injected beneath an outer layer of skin.
Any premises in which the tattooist conducts such practice.
Any person who applies a tattoo to the body of any other person.
No person shall be a body piercing specialist or tattooist and no person, firm, corporation, partnership or association shall operate a piercing studio or tattoo studio within the Village of Adams without first obtaining a permit from the Village Clerk as provided herein on an annual basis premised on the calendar year.
Form. Every person desiring to procure a permit as herein provided shall file with the Village Clerk a written application upon a blank form prepared and furnished by the Village Clerk, together with two (two-inch-by-two-inch) color photographs of the applicant taken within 30 days of filing such application form.
Contents. The application shall contain the following information:
Name and residence address of the applicant.
Age of the applicant.
Professional training and qualification of the applicant.
Location of the premises upon which the business will be conducted.
Where applicable, the type of piercing equipment to be used.
Method of sterilization used by the applicant on piercing equipment and customers.
A diagram, drawn to scale, showing the dimensions of the premises where such business will be conducted and delineating the interior floor space specifically designated for the regulated activity.
Proof of inoculation for Hepatitis B virus. Such application shall be accompanied with proof of inoculation against the Hepatitis B virus for all persons who are in the process or application of tattooing or body piercing of consumers.
Issuance of permits. Upon filing with the Village Clerk a complete application as provided for herein, together with the permit fee as set by resolution of the Village of Adams Board for the first year's license, the Village Clerk shall issue said permit. Said application shall be refused only upon the grounds of insufficiency of the application. The Village Clerk shall state the grounds for any refusal in writing and mail the same, together with the returned fee to the applicant.
Posting of permit. Every permit issued in accordance with the provisions of this chapter shall be conspicuously on the premises where tattooing and/or body piercing shall be conducted.
Application fee. The annual application fee shall be an amount as set by resolution of the Board of Trustees paid in advance.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
A permit shall be good for one annual year and must be reapplied for on an annual basis.
All body piercing specialists, tattooist, body piercing studios and tattoo studios shall maintain a register of customers in chronological order, to include the following information:
The name, address, phone number and age of customer. The manner of proof of identity and age of the customer shall be recorded.
A photo ID is required proving date of birth (New York State Law prohibits any person below the age of 18 from having a tattoo. This law must be posted clearly in plain view in the tattoo studio).
A description and/or picture of the tattoo and/or body piercing on the body.
A waiver of consent statement signed by the customer acknowledging that they have agreed to have a particular tattooing or piercing procedure.
The information contained in Subsection A(1) through (4) above, shall be recorded in the customer register prior to the commencement of the tattoo or body piercing procedure or any preparation thereof and such register shall be maintained on premises available for public inspection for a period of at least three years.
Maintain a clean and sterile work environment at all times, as per the guidelines in Appendix A.[1]
Editor's Note: Said appendix is included as an attachment to this chapter.
All body piercing and tattooing shall be performed outside the public view. Each person and establishment regulated hereunder shall perform all tattooing and body piercing in a designated enclosed area within the confines of the establishment separate from any customer waiting or reception area.
All permit holders hereunder shall require each person who has received a tattoo or body piercing to remain within the tattoo studio premises for a minimum period of 20 minutes or until all wounds/blood is dried or clotted, whichever is longer. Each tattoo studio hereunder shall post in a conspicuous and public place within the establishment a notice informing the public of such requirement.
No tattoo studio or piercing studio shall be permitted within 500 feet of any school or house of worship and no closer than 500 feet to any other tattoo or piercing studio.
No tattoo studio or piercing studio will be permitted within any residentially zoned area in the Village of Adams.
No person or establishment hereunder shall tattoo any person under the age of 18 years in the Village of Adams. All permitted tattoo/piercing studios hereunder shall conspicuously post a sign in their business window stating that tattooing or body piercing of a person under the age of 18 years is prohibited by New York State Penal Law. No person or establishment shall body pierce a person under the age of 18 years without that individual's parental/guardian's signed permission.
No person shall tattoo or body pierce an individual who is visibly intoxicated.
Branding and scarification is prohibited within the Village of Adams.
No tattooing/piercing studio shall sell or display pornographic material or smoking accessories in the Village of Adams.
The Village of Adams Board of Trustees, its health officers or other party designated by the Board of Trustees shall have the authority to inspect the permitted establishments and businesses annually or upon reasonable cause. Upon the finding of any discrepancies or violations to the above mentioned rules, a violation notice shall be served upon the proprietor of said operation with a requirement of 24 hours' notice to correct said same. Upon the follow-up inspection, if said violation is not corrected, then the following penalties may be imposed:
The Village may, at its option, invoke a penalty of $100 per day of violation. Each day shall constitute a separate violation.
The Village Board of Trustees may revoke said permit to operate a tattoo/piercing studio within the Village limits.
The Village Board of Trustees or its designee, will have the responsibility of enforcing this tattooing/piercing chapter.
If at any time, any term or provision of this chapter shall be found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions hereof shall, to the fullest extent permitted by law, remain in full force and effect unless to do so would substantially compromise the purpose of the chapter contained.
This chapter is intended to be an addition to any current or future laws, rules and regulations of New York State, the United States Government or any other governing body.