[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Adams 7-19-2004 by L.L. No. 2-2004. Amendments noted where applicable.]
It is the intent of the Village to regulate the use and installation of freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment and/or regulate potential nuisance these items create.
A "freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment" is a device or devices which are not fully enclosed within a structure and which, through the combustion of wood, coal, fuel oil, gasoline, kerosene, propane, natural gas, or other combustible materials are designed to heat water for, or otherwise provide a heat source, to a structure. This term does not include fixed or portable electric generators or portable kerosene heaters.
A freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is allowed within the Village limits by permit only. Said permit shall be applied for and issued by the Village Zoning Officer. Fees collected with regard to these permits shall be set by resolution by the Village Board. Said permit shall require satisfactory inspection of the installation of the freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment by the Zoning Officer before it is used. Violation of any part of this chapter will result in the immediate revocation of said permit.
The permits will require compliance with the following rules and regulations.
A freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is to be installed, operated and maintained per the manufacturer's instructions.
The chimney height is to be extended upward a minimum of 15 feet above the average ground height on the property which the freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is situate.
A freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is to be located no less than 100 feet from the road and 20 feet from a side and rear lot line.
Should the freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment be removed, the permit shall lapse. Additionally, if the freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is replaced or upgraded, a permit shall be required through application to the Village Zoning Officer. When a freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is replaced or upgraded, the installation and use shall comply with this chapter.
The freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment allowed to be installed shall be for natural wood, propane, natural gas, or any combination thereof. The use of alternate fuels within the same unit shall be per manufacturer's design and installed by and approved of by manufacturer.
The fuel supply is to be natural wood, propane, or natural gas only. The burning of processed wood products and other non-wood products is not allowed within the Village limits. The burning of fuel oil, kerosene, or any other items not specifically allowed under this subsection is prohibited.
The burning of wood in said freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment shall be allowed within the Village limits from October 1 through April 30 of any calendar year. The burning of wood in a freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment not allowed from May 1 through September 30 of any calendar year. Propane and natural gas may be burned year round.
A freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment is to be operated according to the best burn practices policy published by the outdoor furnace manufacturer caucus.
The fuel of a freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment shall be arranged in a neat and orderly fashion so as to maintain the aesthetic value of the neighboring Village properties.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
Any person violating any provision of this chapter including the operation of a freestanding, fuel-burning heat-producing equipment without a permit shall be punishable by a fine of not more than $250, imprisonment for not more than 15 days, or both such fine and imprisonment for any occurrence. Every 24 hours of continued unauthorized or illegal use after the initial citation may be cited as a separate occurrence.