[Ord. No. 21-Code-828, § 1]
Pursuant to Section 31b of the New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance and Marketplace Modernization Act (P.L. 2021, c. 16), all cannabis establishments, cannabis distributors or cannabis delivery services are hereby prohibited from operating anywhere in the Borough of Oakland, except for the delivery of lawful cannabis items and related supplies by a delivery service to residents of the Borough of Oakland only.
Editor's Note: For exceptions to the cannabis prohibitions, see Chapter 59, Land Use and Zoning.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
There is hereby imposed a transfer tax of 2% on receipts from the sale of Adult-Use Cannabis and cannabis items by those Cannabis Establishments located within the Borough possessing a Class 1 Cannabis Cultivator license, a Class 2 Cannabis Manufacturer license, a Class 4 Cannabis Distributer license, and a Class 5 Cannabis Retailer license.
There is hereby imposed a transfer tax of 1% on receipts from the sale of Adult-Use Cannabis and cannabis items by those Cannabis Establishments located within the Borough possessing a Class 3 Cannabis Wholesaler license.
Such tax shall be collected or paid and remitted to the Borough by the Cannabis Establishment purchasing or receiving the cannabis or cannabis item, or from the consumer at the point of sale, on behalf of the Borough by the cannabis retailer selling the cannabis item to that consumer.
The transfer tax shall be stated, charged, and shown separately on any sales slip, invoice, receipt, or other statement or memorandum of the price paid or payable, or equivalent value of the transfer, for the cannabis or cannabis item. No Cannabis Establishments required to collect a transfer tax imposed hereunder shall advertise or hold out to any person or to the public in general, in any manner, directly or indirectly, that the transfer tax or user tax will not be separately charged and stated to another Cannabis Establishments or the consumer, or that the transfer tax will be refunded to the Cannabis Establishments or the consumer.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
Every Cannabis Establishment required to collect a transfer tax imposed by ordinance pursuant to this section shall be personally liable for the transfer tax or user tax imposed, collected, or required to be collected under this section. Any Cannabis Establishment shall have the same right with respect to collecting the transfer tax from another Cannabis Establishment or the consumer as if the transfer tax was a part of the sale and payable at the same time, or with respect to non-payment of the transfer tax or user tax by the Cannabis Establishment or consumer, as if the transfer tax was a part of the purchase price of the cannabis or cannabis item, or equivalent value of the transfer of the cannabis or cannabis item, and payable at the same time.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
All revenues collected from a transfer tax imposed by ordinance pursuant to this section shall be remitted to the Borough's Chief Financial Officer in the manner prescribed herein. The Chief Financial Officer shall collect and administer any transfer tax imposed by ordinance pursuant to this chapter.
The Borough may enforce the payment of delinquent taxes or transfer fees imposed by ordinance pursuant to this section in the same manner as provided for municipal real property taxes. In the event that the transfer tax imposed by ordinance pursuant to this section is not paid as and when due by a Cannabis Establishment, the unpaid balance, and any interest accruing thereon, shall be a lien on the parcel of real property comprising the Cannabis Establishment's premises in the same manner as all other unpaid municipal taxes, fees, or other charges. The lien shall be superior and paramount to the interest in the parcel of any owner, lessee, tenant, mortgagee, or other person, except the lien of municipal taxes, and shall be on a parity with and deemed equal to the municipal lien on the parcel for unpaid property taxes due and owing in the same year. The Borough shall file in the office of its tax collector a statement showing the amount and due date of the unpaid balance and identifying the lot and block number of the parcel of real property that comprises the delinquent Cannabis Establishment's premises. The lien shall be enforced as a municipal lien in the same manner as all other municipal liens are enforced.
The collection of taxes pursuant to the section shall be used towards the payment of debt service.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
The Borough's Chief Financial Officer is charged with the administration and enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, and is empowered to prescribe, adopt, promulgate and enforce rules and regulations relating to any matter pertaining to the administration and enforcement of this chapter, including provisions for the reexamination and corrections of declarations and returns, and of payments alleged or found to be incorrect, or as to which an overpayment is claimed or found to have occurred, and to prescribe forms necessary for the administration of this chapter. Should a Cannabis Establishment fail or refuse to provide adequate information to the Chief Financial Officer to determine the amount of tax due, the Chief Financial Officer may use information provided to the Chief Financial Officer from other sources (i.e., the Commission or Department of Treasury) to determine the amount of tax liability.
It shall be the duty of the Chief Financial Officer to collect and receive the taxes, fines, and penalties imposed by this chapter. It shall also be the duty of the Chief Financial Officer to keep a record showing the date of such receipt. The Chief Financial Officer is authorized to enter into agreements with the State of New Jersey to obtain information to facilitate administration of the tax. The Chief Financial Officer is authorized to issue a ruling upon written request of a taxpayer or upon its own volition.
The Chief Financial Officer is hereby authorized to examine the books, papers and records of the Cannabis Establishment to verify the accuracy of any declaration or return, or if no declaration or return was filed, to ascertain the tax due. Every Cannabis Establishment is hereby directed and required to give to the Chief Financial Officer, or to any agent designated by him/her, the means, facilities and opportunity for such examinations and investigations, as are hereby authorized.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
A Cannabis Establishment liable for the transfer tax is required to keep such records as will enable the filing of true and accurate returns or the tax and such records shall be preserved for a period of not less than three years from the filing date or due date, whichever is later, in order to enable the Chief Financial Officer or any agent designated to verify the correctness of the declarations or returns filed. If records are not available in the Borough to support the returns which were filed or which should have been filed, the Cannabis Establishment will be required to make them available to the Chief Financial Officer either by producing them at a location in the Borough or by paying for the expenses incurred by the Chief Financial Officer or his agent in traveling to the place where the records are regularly kept.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
All Cannabis Establishments and Cannabis Delivery operating in the Borough are required to file a transfer tax return with the Chief Financial Officer to report their sales during each calendar quarter and the amount of tax in accordance with the provisions of this chapter. Returns shall be filed and payments of tax imposed for the preceding calendar quarter shall be made on or before the last day of April, July, October, and January, respectively. A Cannabis Establishment who has overpaid the transfer tax, or who believes it is not liable for the tax, may file a written request on an amended tax return with the Chief Financial Officer for a refund or a credit of the tax. For amounts paid as a result of a notice asserting or informing a taxpayer of an underpayment, a written request for a refund shall be filed with the chief financial officer within two years of the date of the payment.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
The returns filed by the Cannabis Establishments and the records and files of the Chief Financial Officer respecting the administration of the transfer tax, shall be considered confidential and privileged and neither the Borough nor any employee or agent engaged in the administration thereof or charged with the custody of any such records or files, nor any former officer or employee, nor any person who may have secured information therefrom, shall divulge, disclose, use for their own personal advantage, or examine for any reason other than a reason necessitated by the performance of official duties any information obtained from the said records or files or from any examination or inspection of the premises or property of any person. Neither the Chief Financial Officer nor any employee engaged in such administration or charged with the custody of any such records or files shall be required to produce any of them for the inspection of any person or for use in any action or proceeding except when the records or files or the facts shown thereby are directly involved in an action or proceeding under the provisions of the State Uniform Tax Procedure Law or of the tax law affected, or when there has been a request under the Open Public Records Act and no exemption is applicable, or where the determination of the action or proceeding will affect the validity or amount of the claim of the Borough under the tax provisions of this chapter.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
The Borough's Chief Financial Officer may initiate an audit by means of an audit notice to be served on any agent at the Cannabis Establishment's principal place of business. If, as a result of an examination conducted by the Chief Financial Officer, a return has not been filed by a Cannabis Establishment or a return is found to be incorrect and transfer taxes are owed, the Chief Financial Officer is authorized to assess and collect any tax due. If no return has been filed and tax is found to be due, the tax actually due may be assessed and collected with or without the formality of obtaining a return from the taxpayer. Deficiency assessments (i.e., where a Cannabis Establishment has filed a return but is found to owe additional tax) shall include taxes for up to three years to the date when the deficiency is assessed. Where no return was filed, there shall be no limit to the period of assessment. All expenses incurred by the Borough associated with the audit and the collection of the outstanding taxes shall be paid by the delinquent Cannabis Establishment.
Upon proposing an assessment, the Chief Financial Officer shall send the Cannabis Establishment an interim notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, which advises the taxpayer of additional taxes that are due. Should the taxpayer wish to dispute the assessment administratively by requesting a hearing with the Chief Financial Officer, it must do so within 30 days of the date of such interim notice. If, after the Chief Financial Officer sends an interim notice, a taxpayer fails to timely request a hearing with the Chief Financial Officer or requests a hearing and after conducting a hearing, the Chief Financial Officer determines that the taxes are due, the Chief Financial Officer shall send the Cannabis Establishment by certified mail, return receipt requested, a final notice. Should the Cannabis Establishment wish to dispute the assessment set forth in the final notice, the Cannabis Establishment must initiate an appeal in the New Jersey Tax Court within 90 days after the mailing of any final notice regarding a decision, order, finding, assessment, or action hereunder.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
The following periods of limitations shall apply to suits for collection of taxes:
When a return has been filed but no tax paid, any suit brought to recover the tax due and unpaid shall be filed within two years after the return was due or filed, whichever is later;
Where no return was filed or a fraudulent return was filed, there shall be no limits to file suit for the collection of taxes;
Where, before the expiration of the time prescribed in this section for the filing a lawsuit against the taxpayer, both the Chief Financial Officer and the taxpayer have consented in writing to its extension after such time, the suit may be filed at any time prior to the expiration of the period agreed upon; the period so agreed upon may be extended by subsequent agreements in writing made before the expiration of the period previously agreed upon.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
Any person who receives an interim notice from the Chief Financial Officer may within 30 days after the date of an interim notice, request a hearing with the Chief Financial Officer. Any person who fails to request a Chief Financial Officer's hearing in a timely manner waives the right to administratively contest any element of the assessment. The Chief Financial Officer shall accept payments of disputed tax amounts under protest pending appeals; however, any request for refund of such monies must be filed in accordance with this section.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
Any aggrieve Cannabis Establishment may, within 90 days after the mailing of any final notice regarding a decision, order, finding, assessment, or action hereunder, or publication of any rule, regulation or policy of the Chief Financial Officer, appeal to the Tax Court pursuant to the jurisdiction granted by N.J.S.A. 2B:13-2a(3) to review actions or regulations of municipal officials by filing a complaint in accordance with the New Jersey Court Rule 8:3-1. The appeal provided by this section shall be the exclusive remedy available to any taxpayer for review of a final decision of the Chief Financial Officer in respect to a determination of liability for the tax imposed by this chapter.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
Unless specifically defined otherwise herein, any term used herein shall incorporate the definition of that term in the Act.[1] Any article, section, paragraph, subsection, clause, or other provision of the Borough of Oakland Code inconsistent with the provisions of this ordinance is hereby repealed to the extent of such inconsistency.
Editor's Note: N.J.S.A. 24:6I-31 et seq., New Jersey Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
No ordinance, regulation or interpretation thereof shall conflict with the Act. If any section, paragraph, subsection, clause, or provision of this ordinance shall be adjudged by a court of competent jurisdiction to conflict with the Act or otherwise be invalid, such adjudication shall apply only to the section, paragraph, subsection, clause, or provision so adjudged, and the remainder of this ordinance shall be deemed valid and effective.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
No provision of this chapter shall be applied so as to impose any unlawful burden on either interstate commerce or any activity of the State or Federal government.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-873]
Any person, firm or corporation who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall, upon conviction, be subject to the penalties provided by § 1-5, General Penalty, of this Code, and each violation of any of the provisions of this chapter and each day the same is violated shall be deemed and taken to be a separate and distinct offense.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-872]
No Cannabis Establishment or Cannabis Distributor shall sell, grow, manufacture, or distribute any cannabis items within the Borough without first obtaining a license in accordance with this chapter.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-872]
All licenses required by this chapter shall be issued by the Borough Clerk upon approval by the Mayor and Borough Council.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-872]
Any person or persons, corporation or corporations desiring to conduct, maintain or operate any Cannabis Establishments and Cannabis Distributor within the Borough of Oakland shall first make an application in writing to the Borough for a license to conduct and operate such business, giving the exact location where the business shall be conducted and the description of the business.
Cannabis Establishments and Cannabis Distributors. A request for a license to operate a Cannabis Establishment and Cannabis Distributor, including but not limited to occupancy and building permits, shall first be submitted for the approval of the Borough.
Applications shall be submitted to the Borough Clerk and will be deemed complete upon submittal of all documentation and information described in herein to the satisfaction of the Borough Clerk;
Subject to the provisions set forth below, licensing for a Cannabis Establishment and Cannabis Distributor will be on a reserve basis based on the order a fully completed Cannabis Establishment application is received. A licensee's failure to submit a fully completed Cannabis Establishment application after a period of 90 days from the original date of submittal shall constitute a basis to deem the application expired and subject the licensee to a loss of the reserve space; and
No applications will be reserved when occupancy permits have reached the maximum permitted by ordinance.
The following documentation and information shall be provided in conjunction with the application:
The contact information of the licensee, including but not limited to, the licensee's name, the principal place of business, a mailing address, e-mail address, fax number, and the primary point of contact for the application. The information shall be promptly updated as necessary;
A copy of the current State-approved license. If State license is pending, a signed affidavit giving a general description of the State license status with supporting documentation;
An affidavit or certification affirming compliance with all requirements of State and local law;
A general description of the proposed structure in which the facility will be located, including co-tenancy (if in a multi-tenant building), total square footage, description of ingress and egress, proposed exterior lighting plan, and building code compliance;
A depiction of the site design, including identifying any matters requiring variance or waiver relief;
The proposed days and hours of operation, the anticipated building occupancy capacity, and the average number of customers and employees anticipated to frequent the facility on a daily basis;
The anticipated parking demand and parking plan per the applicable Schedule of Off-Street Parking Requirements and available private parking supply;
A depiction of the on-site traffic circulation, stacking, and queuing, and demonstrating the manner in which the facility's traffic will be managed so as to minimize the impact on adjacent roadways and neighborhoods;
A proposed signage plan;
A plan for disposal of refuse including disposal of any cannabis or cannabis byproducts which disposal method protects any portion thereof from being possessed or ingested by any person or animal, and which complies with applicable federal, state, and local regulations;
A plan describing the mitigation measures and ventilation system that will be used to prevent any odor of cannabis off the premises;
Applicants for a Cannabis Establishment shall coordinate with the Borough Chief of Police, or his or her designee, regarding the measures to be taken to ensure the security of the facility and the safety of the public and facility employees. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, facility access controls, access to surveillance systems, improved site lighting, and on-site law enforcement or security personnel. Said coordination shall occur in conjunction with any application for site plan, zoning permit or variance relief for a Cannabis Establishment and shall be ongoing, as needed, to address any security or safety issues;
The name(s) and location(s) of the offsite cultivation facilities associated with a dispensary, if any;
Such other information or documentation as determined to be necessary to assess compliance with the requirements set forth or referenced herein.
Additional regulations.
Cultivators and manufacturers must purchase their own water and recycle and purify any water that would be discharged into our aquifer;
10% of the cannabis business's workforce must be comprised of Oakland residents. Relief from this requirement may be provided by the Governing Body upon showing that this requirement cannot be met after sufficient recruitment efforts have been undertaken;
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-872]
All licensed Cannabis Establishments and Cannabis Distributors shall pay the annual license fee of $5,000 for each class of license possessed.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-872]
All Cannabis Establishments and Cannabis Distributors shall be subject at all times to proper and reasonable inspection, during reasonable hours of the day and night, by the Borough or any of the officers or agents thereof. Failure or refusal on the part of the holder of such license or his agents or servants to permit such inspection, and/or the neglect or refusal on the part of any such persons to immediately correct and remedy any offensive or objectionable feature in connection therewith upon demand, such license may be forthwith revoked and canceled, and in addition thereto such person may be proceeded against for a violation hereof as hereinafter specified.
[Added 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-872]
A license issued under the terms and provisions of this chapter shall not be revoked, canceled or suspended until a hearing thereon shall have been had by the Borough. Written notice of the time and place of such hearing shall be served upon the holder of such license at least 10 days prior to the date set for such hearing. Such notice shall contain a brief statement of the grounds to be relied upon for revoking, canceling or suspending such license. Notice may be given either by personal delivery thereof to the person to be notified or be deposited in the United States Post Office in a sealed envelope, postage prepaid, addressed to such person to be notified at the business address appearing upon said license. At the hearing, the licensee or their representatives shall have an opportunity to be heard. Upon due consideration and deliberation, the complaint may be dismissed, or if the Borough concludes that the charges have been sustained and substantiated, it may revoke, cancel or suspend the license held;
If any such license shall have been revoked, neither the holder thereof nor any person acting for him, directly or indirectly, shall be entitled to another license to carry on the same business within the Borough, unless and until a new application for such license be submitted in accordance with this chapter and shall be approved by the Borough Council.