[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-1]
There is hereby created a Water Department of the Borough, which Department shall be charged with the responsibility for the operation and maintenance of a municipal water supply system, the administration of consumer service and the collection of fees and charge as hereafter provided.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-2]
The overall control of the Water Department will be by the Mayor and Council of the Borough. Annually, the Mayor shall appoint a Water Committee, consisting of three members of the Council. This Committee shall be responsible initially for the operation of the Water Department. He shall designate one member of such committee as Chairman, who shall be known as the Water Commissioner. Such Committee shall establish the policy for the operation of the Department, shall report to the Mayor and Council and shall administer the terms of this Chapter.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-3]
The Mayor and Council shall appoint a Water Superintendent who shall meet the qualifications and be certified, in accordance with N.J.S.A. 58:11-18.12 and other applicable law. The Water Superintendent shall be responsible for the overall daily operation of the Department, shall meet with the Water Committee, and shall be responsible for carrying out the orders of the Mayor and Council and the Water Committee. The Water Superintendent shall make a written report to the Water Committee of the status of the Department, at least quarterly, and more frequently if the Water Committee shall so direct.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-4]
The Water Department shall exercise all of the powers prescribed by N.J.S.A. 40:62-47 et seq. as may be amended and other applicable law.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-5]
It shall provide for the sale of water to persons, firms or corporations within the Borough upon the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth. In addition thereto, it may provide for the sale of water to consumers residing outside the Borough, provided that such customers furnish all facilities and all maintenance therefore, and agree to pay the charges as hereinafter provided, or as shall be specially determined by the Mayor and Council. All persons, firms or corporations receiving a supply of water for any purpose from the water system of the Water Department of the Borough, shall be subject to the terms of this section and any further rules and regulations promulgated thereunder.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-6]
Salaries shall be paid to all employees of the Water Department in accordance with the Salary Ordinance of the Borough.[1]
Editor's Note: The Salary Ordinance is available for inspection in the office of the Borough Clerk.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-7]
During construction, alteration or repair of any building or structure, the Water Department shall have the right to regulate the purpose for which water may be used and shall require either the payment of rates in advance for construction charges or, at its option, the metering of water.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-8]
Each building to which water is supplied must have a separate service pipe from the water main. It must have a separate and distinct curb stop and meter for each customer. However, in special cases, upon application in writing, the Mayor and Council may grant permission to install a multiple connection at the water main.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-9]
No physical cross-connection between the public water supply system and any other source of supply shall be made or permitted.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-10]
During construction and thereafter, all repairs and renewals of service lines and attachments necessary to be made between the curb stop and the water meter shall be made at the expense of the owner, whose duty it shall be to keep same in repair or protected from damage by frost or other causes, both natural and unnatural.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-11]
Installation of water service within the Borough shall include the installation of a water meter owned by the Borough and water shall be sold to consumers thereof by measurement through the aforesaid meter. The same regulations shall apply to consumers outside of the Borough, provided, however, that the maximum daily water drawn for all consumers outside of the Borough in any twenty-four-hour period shall not exceed 120,000 gallons.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-12]
Applications for water to be used on private property shall be made in writing by the owner of such property or his duly authorized agent specifying the purpose for which the water will be used and including a statement of the number, size and type of fixtures to be supplied in each building. The applicant requesting water service shall enter into an agreement with the Borough, which agreement shall continue from year to year unless either party shall have given notice in writing terminating the contract.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-13]
Plans for the equipment to be installed and the specifications therefore shall be on file with the Water Superintendent and shall describe:
The location of the curb stop.
The depth of the line below finished grade.
The location of all pipe.
The location of the meter connection.
Type and quality of all material to be used.
The plans shall also include provisions for an inside stop affixed on the street side in close proximity to the meter and a stop or waste valve on the opposite side of the meter.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-14]
The service pipe from the curb stop to and into the building for which service is being provided, shall be installed in a manner approved by the Water Superintendent and no ditch housing such pipe shall be backfilled until the appurtenances and pipe contained therein have been inspected and approved by the Water Department. During construction, the owner shall take the necessary precautions to protect and insure the public passage in the streets and on the sidewalks and shall not leave any excess dirt, stones or other debris.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-15]
No tap shall be made to a water main until all plans therefore have been approved and until the fees in conjunction with such installation have been paid. No additional connections to the service pipe (nor any extensions thereof) shall be made nor shall any device for drawing water be attached thereto without the prior approval of the Water Department in the manner heretofore described.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-16]
All applicants for water service connections or for water service shall be required to accept such conditions of pressure and service as are provided by the distribution system at the location of the proposed connection or the service. Each consumer shall determine at his own risk the check valves necessary for him to install in his plumbing connections. The Borough shall not be responsible for the injury of person or property because of excessive pressure.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-17]
Water mains, hydrants or other appurtenances which the Water Department may require to be installed in any existing or proposed streets, shall be installed by the builder or developer. The ownership shall thereafter be transferred to the Borough when such installation meets the approval of the Water Department. The Water Department shall recommend the type, size and location of all new mains, hydrants and boosters as well as the changing of existing connections where the proposed extension affects the operation of the existing system.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-18]
No extensions to the existing water mains of the Water Department of the Borough shall be made by the Borough unless application is made therefor in writing by the owner of at least 50% of the front footage of the premises to be served by such extension, provided that the number of persons signing such application shall also constitute 50% of the total number of property owners to be served by such extension. Such application shall contain a clause in which those signing the same agree that the entire cost of such extension shall be assessed as a local improvement against them. All such extensions shall be made as local improvements, the full cost of which shall be assessed against the property owners in front of which such extensions are laid.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-19]
Nothing herein contained shall place any obligation upon the Borough to make any such extension by reason of such request. The making of such extension shall rest solely with the discretion of the Mayor and Council of the Borough.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-20]
In the event the Borough agrees to extend its mains as requested by such owners but decides to install a main larger than required in order to permit service to extend to areas beyond that requested, the Borough may do so and pay only for the difference in cost over and above that required under Borough specifications for the main that would have been required to serve the area requested.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-21]
Nothing herein contained shall prevent any one from laying water mains in any street or upon any property at his own cost and expense with the consent of the Borough and under the supervision and in accordance with the specifications of the Water Department. However, the making of such extensions and the laying of such water mains shall in no way create any obligation on the part of the Borough to reimburse the person, firm or corporation making such extensions or laying such water mains for all or any part of the cost. Before any water mains will be supplied with water by the Department, the installer shall first have turned them over to the Borough and the Borough shall have accepted same.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-22]
The Water Department will install a 5/8 inch by 3/4 inch size water meter to each service applied for. If a larger meter is desired, the application shall state in writing the reasons for same and there shall be an additional cost thereof at a price to be fixed by the Department.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-23]
The water meter installation shall be open at all times for the inspection and testing by the Borough. The water meter shall be tested at regular intervals at no cost to the consumer in the manner prescribed by the New Jersey Public Utility Commission. Any meter found to be inaccurate by not more than 3% shall be considered accurate; meters beyond the tolerance shall be replaced. A consumer may obtain additional inspections beyond the routine inspection heretofore described, provided such consumer requests the same in writing to the Water Superintendent. The consumer so requesting shall be charged an additional service charge if the meter so tested meets the departmental standards. The Water Department will be responsible for ordinary wear and tear to the meter due to its use by the consumer and the consumer shall be responsible for all other damages thereto including, but not limited to, damage from frost. The agent of this Borough shall have the right to enter any building or premises at all reasonable hours for the purpose of carrying out any and all of the purposes of this section.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-24]
No person other than an employee of the Water Department shall disconnect, remove or in any way tamper with any water meter. Meters shall be wired and sealed.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-25]
A charge may be levied for the installation, replacement or removal of a water meter.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-26]
All water meters shall be read by an employee of the Water Department, which reading shall be final unless objections thereto shall have been made in writing and filed with the Department within five days of the receipt of the bill pertaining to the reading. In the event the consumer is not at home at the time that a Water Department employee comes to read the meter, such employee may leave a card with instructions as to how to read a water meter and requesting that the consumer call the Water Department and advise it of the figures on the meter register. In the event that the Water Department does not receive such telephone call with the information required within five days thereafter, the Water Department may send a bill to such consumer for an estimated amount, which the consumer shall be required to pay.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-27]
No Certificate of Occupancy shall be given for any building until such time as a water meter is properly installed and in operation.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-28]
The Water Department shall install and provide for a hydrant system within the Borough. Wherever a developer of land shall submit preliminary plans for a major subdivision, such developer shall provide thereon the placement of fire hydrants at a place distant not more than 600 feet from the nearest fire hydrant, which hydrant shall be installed by the developer.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-29]
There shall be raised from annual taxation such sums as may be fixed by the Borough Council for the purpose of providing a public hydrant system and such sum shall be credited to the water account.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-30]
The cost for new hydrants will be borne by the developer or builder in the manner provided for the extension of mains and other appurtenances. Persons, firms or corporations may also request, at their expense, the installation of private hydrants and shall pay an annual fee therefor.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-31]
Unless special permission is granted for use of water from a fire hydrant by the Water Department, only recognized members of the Fire Department of the Borough shall draw water from a hydrant for use in fighting fires or for the purposes of drills and tests. In this connection, tests and drills shall be conducted only after prior notification to the Water Department. The Chief of the Fire Department shall be responsible for the proper training of firemen in order to insure that persons operating hydrants can exercise due care and precaution. Anyone using a fire hydrant and finding the same defective shall notify the Water Superintendent immediately thereafter, giving the exact location of the hydrant and a description of its condition in order that necessary repairs can be made forthwith.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-32]
Any person, firm or organization required by law to have a sprinkler system or desiring a sprinkler system at its option, shall make application therefor in the same manner as prescribed for the installation of other water service and shall be liable for the payment of an annual service charge thereafter.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-33]
No person, firm or corporation shall store or use any explosive within 200 feet of any water main or appurtenances of the water supply system without having first obtained a permit herefor, upon application being made in writing to the Water Department. This provision shall not be deemed to sanction the storage or use of explosives in the Borough.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-34]
No person shall obstruct free access to any water meter, curb stop, curb box valve, hydrant or other equipment of the water distribution system.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-35]
No person, other than an employee of the Water Department, shall turn water on or off at the curb stop unless danger of life and property in an emergency situation exists, in which case the person taking such action must immediately notify the Water Department.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-36]
All persons shall report promptly any leaks in the water supply system.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-37]
All maintenance, repairs, replacement or other changes on the house side of the curb stop including all labor and material shall be made by the owner or consumer at his expense subject to the approval and inspection by the Water Department.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-38]
All owners of buildings that are vacant or about to be vacated shall notify the Water Department in writing of such fact so that the meter will be read and the water turned off, to prevent further liability for water charges being made.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-39]
All owners or consumers will be liable for all damages occasioned by water running from open or faulty fixtures or from broken or damaged pipes beyond the curb stop, at which point the jurisdiction and responsibility of the Water Department ceases.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-40]
No person, firm or association, in making any improvements or doing any excavation, shall temporarily discontinue, raise or lower, or otherwise alter mains for service connections without having received written approval from the Water Department, which approval shall be withheld until the person requesting such change provides a necessary performance bond or cash bond to insure the reimbursement to the Water Department of all costs incurred by it in making or permitting the changes necessary or required to be made.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-41; Ord. #70-519]
The owner of any house, building, structure or lands to which water is supplied shall be liable for the payment of the price or rate herein fixed for the use and consumption of water and for the installation of fixtures, repairs, testing or other services performed or furnished by the Water Department as provided in this section, and for the failure to pay such charges, interest may be assessed thereon and other penalties fixed and all charges together with interest thereon at the rate of 8% per annum from a date 30 days after the charges have become due shall be a lien on the premises until the same shall be paid and satisfied and such premises may be sold to pay and satisfy the lien in the same manner as provided for by law for the collection of tax arrearages.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-42]
Consumption charges for consumers in the Borough shall be billed quarterly on January 1, April 1, July 1 and October 1. Consumption charges for consumers outside of the Borough shall be billed monthly. Other charges provided for by this section shall be billed when occurring and shall be payable either in advance where so provided or within 30 days thereafter.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-43; Ord. #69-499]
In the event that meter charges or other charges are not paid within 30 days from the receipt of the bill, interest at the rate of 8% shall be charged. In the event that meter charges or other charges are not paid within 90 days of the date and the interest having accrued thereon, the water service shall be shut off and shall not be restored until all arrearages are paid.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-44]
The schedule of fees for the consumption of water is set forth in the following subsections.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-45; Ord. #70-519; Ord. #79-743; Ord. #82-956; Ord. #83-982; Ord. #86-76, § 2a; Ord. #93-278, § 1; Ord. #04-Code-481, § I; Ord. #08-Code-576, § I; Ord. #09-Code-596, § I; Ord. #13-Code-696; Ord. #14-Code-711 § 1; 12-19-2018 by Ord. No. 18-Code-779; 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. 19-Code-801; 1-22-2020 by Ord. No. 20-Code-802; 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-871; 12-21-2022 by Ord. No. 22-Code-899; 12-20-2023 by Ord. No. 23-Code-935]
Effective January 1, 2024, each customer shall pay a minimum charge of $57 per quarter on the account, which charge shall entitle the customer to utilize up to 6,000 gallons of water. In the event that a customer commences or ceases to require services, during such portion of a quarter that it would be inequitable to charge the full minimum quarterly charge, the aforesaid amount shall be prorated as nearly as possible at the rate of $19 which entitled the user to 2,000 gallons of water per month. In any event, any customer owning a home in Oakland for a minimum of one year, using water supplied by the Borough, shall be required to pay a minimum of $228 per year.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-46; Ord. #70-519; Ord. #79-743; Ord. #82-956; Ord. #83-982; Ord. #86-76, § 2b; Ord. #93-278, § 2; Ord. #04-Code-481, § II; Ord. #08-Code-576, § II; Ord. #09-Code-596, § II; Ord. #12-Code-680 § 1; Ord. #13-Code-696; Ord. #14-Code-711 § 2; 12-19-2018 by Ord. No. 18-Code-779; 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. 19-Code-801; 1-22-2020 by Ord. No. 20-Code-802; 12-20-2021 by Ord. No. 21-Code-871; 12-21-2022 by Ord. No. 22-Code-899; 12-20-2023 by Ord. No. 23-Code-935]
Effective January 1, 2024, customers who use in excess of 6,000 gallons per quarter shall pay, in addition to the minimum charge set forth in subsection 13-10.2, the sum of $4.50 for each 1,000 gallons used in a quarter above 6,000 gallons, up to 10,000 gallons; the sum of $5.75 for each 1,000 gallons used in a quarter above 10,000 gallons up to 25,000 gallons; the sum of $6.30 for each 1,000 gallons used in a quarter above 25,000 gallons up to 50,000 gallons; and the sum of $7.95 for each 1,000 gallons used in a quarter above 50,000 gallons up to 100,000 gallons. For each 1,000 gallons used in a quarter above 100,000 gallons, the customer shall pay $9.75 per 1,000 gallons.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-47; Ord. #70-519; Ord. #86-59, § 2; Ord. #86-76, § 2c; Ord. #04-Code-481, § III; Ord. #08-Code-576, § III; Ord. #09-Code-596, § III]
Whenever water is sold to any entity, municipality, individual, person or business outside the Borough, the rate to be charged shall be $7.23 per 1,000 gallons.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-48; Ord. #81-928; Ord. #81-940; Ord. #86-59, § 2; Ord. #86-76, § 2d; Ord. #01-Code-421, § 2; Ord. #04-Code-481, § IV; Ord. #08-Code-571, § IV]
Meters and outside readers shall be of a type approved by the Borough Water Department.
Meters and outside readers for 3/4-inch service (5/8-inch meters) shall be purchased from the Borough Water Department for $150 each, including installation.
Meters and outside readers for one-inch service shall be purchased from the Borough Water Department for $275 each, including installation.
Meters and outside readers for 1 1/2-inch service shall be purchased from the Borough Water Department for $425 each, including installation.
Meters and outside readers for two-inch service shall be purchased from the Borough Water Department for $525 each, including installation.
Permits for the installation of any tap shall be obtained from the Borough Water Department for $100 each.
Construction water permits shall be obtained from the Borough Water Department at a price of $40.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-49; Ord. #81-928; Ord. #81-940; Ord. #86-59, § 2; Ord. #86-76, § 2e; Ord. #05-Code-515, § 1]
A consumer service charge of $20 shall be payable to the Borough by any consumer to defray any costs and administrative expenses resulting in a change of consumers. Any consumer shall include both the consumer who is being removed from the records as a water user and the consumer who is being added as a water user.
A consumer service charge in the amount of $50 shall be payable to the Borough by any consumer to defray Borough costs and administrative expenses as a result if water was discontinued to such consumer as a result of nonpayment of water rents, other fixed charges or penalties and for any other discontinuance as set forth in subsection 13-11.5.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-50; Ord. #70-519; Ord. #86-59, § 2; Ord. #86-76, § 2f; Ord. #04-Code-481, § V; Ord. #08-Code-571 § V]
Any customer residing outside the Borough, other than a municipality, shall deposit, prior to the installation of a water meter, the sum of $100 which sum shall be returned to the customer at the termination of service. Other installation charges shall be:
Service connection, 3/4 inch, installed by Water Department in paved streets: $1,200 per unit.
Service connection, 3/4 inch, installed by Water Department in unpaved streets: $900 per unit.
Service connection, 3/4 inch, installed by a contractor or a developer: $150 per unit to defray the Borough's cost for inspection.
For a larger sized water service connection installed by the Water Department, the fee shall be as described under paragraphs a or b above, plus the cost of material.
For a large sized service connection where a wet tap is required, the fee shall be the current cost incurred by the Borough.
The fee for a tapping permit application shall be $100 to defray the Borough cost for administration.
[Ord. #87-76, § 2g; Ord. #04-Code-481, § VI; Ord. #08-Code-571, § VI]
The charges set forth in this subsection shall be charged for connections directly to existing water lines for the Borough Water Department or to water lines operated or maintained by the Department:
Each apartment unit, condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit, townhouse unit and each single-family dwelling not presently connected to the water system shall pay a capacity charge as follows:
Single-family dwelling: $3,000.
One-bedroom apartment, efficiency apartment, condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit or townhouse unit: $1,900.
Two-bedroom apartment, efficiency apartment, condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit or townhouse unit: $2,380.
An apartment condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit or townhouse unit having three or more bedrooms: $2,800.
Multiple-family dwellings, other than apartment, per unit: $3,000.
For schools, municipal facilities, churches and charitable institutions, the capacity charge shall be the same as for commercial and industrial connections.
For commercial and industrial connections (including condominium offices and cooperative offices), the capacity charges shall be computed for each connection based on the charge for a single-family dwelling multiplied by the equivalent number of single-family units contributing the same flow rate to the system and as determined by the following standards:
The design flow rate for one single-family dwelling is 350 gallons per day.
The design flow rate for various types of establishments, as set forth in subsection 13-10.13, shall be used to determine the equivalency factor for the type of establishments listed therein.
If the design flow cannot be established using subsection 13-10.13, the Borough shall determine the design flow by such means as used in the industry. The minimum capacity charge shall be equivalent to one single-family dwelling as set forth in paragraph a1 above.
For motels, hotels, nursing homes, lodging homes (and other types of similar lodging facilities), the capacity charge shall be the same as for commercial and industrial connections, except that only one connection shall be required.
All capacity charges required by this subsection shall be paid to the Borough Water Department. Payment shall be made prior to the issuance of connection permits by the Water Department.
[Ord. #86-76, § 2h; Ord. #04-Code-481, § VII; Ord. #08-Code-571, § VII]
The charges set forth in this subsection shall be charged to a developer, who installs a water system at his own expense, when the developer seeks to connect his system to existing water lines of the Borough Water Department or to water lines operated or maintained by the Department.
For each apartment unit, condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit, townhouse unit and each single-family dwelling to be constructed, the developer shall pay a capacity charge as follows:
Single-family dwelling: $1,600.
One-bedroom apartment, efficiency apartment, condominium unit, cooperative apartment unit or townhouse unit: $980.
Two-bedroom apartment, condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit or townhouse unit: $1,190.
An apartment condominium unit, seasonal occupancy unit, cooperative apartment unit or townhouse unit having three or more bedrooms: $1,400.
Multiple-family dwellings, other than apartment, per unit: $1,600.
All capacity charges required by this subsection shall be paid to the Borough Water Department. Payment shall be made prior to the issuance of connection permits by the Water Department.
For schools, municipal facilities, churches and charitable institutions, the capacity charge shall be the same as for commercial and industrial connections.
For commercial and industrial connections (including condominium offices and cooperative offices), the capacity charge shall be computed for each connection based on the charge for a single-family dwelling multiplied by the equivalent number of single-family units contributing the same flow rate to the system and as determined by the following standards:
The design flow rate for one single-family dwelling is 350 gallons per day.
The design flow rate for various types of establishments, as set forth in subsection 13-10.13, shall be used to determine the equivalency factor for the type of establishments listed therein.
If the design flow cannot be established using subsection 13-10.13, the Borough Water Department shall determine the design flow by such means used in the industry. The minimum capacity charge shall be equivalent to that of one single-family dwelling as set forth in paragraph a1 above.
For motels, hotels, nursing homes, lodging homes (and other types of similar lodging facilities), the capacity charge shall be the same as for commercial and industrial connections, except that only one connection shall be required.
For connections to water lines constructed by the Borough Water Department as a capital project or water lines constructed by any other governmental or public agency, or constructed by a developer as an off-site or off-tract improvement in conjunction with the development of a subdivision or site plan (except those units constructed by the developer in conjunction with the subdivision or site plan), the capacity charges shall be in the same amount and calculated in the same manner as set forth in subsection 13-10.8, paragraphs a through d.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-51; Ord. #86-59, § 2; Ord. #86-76, § 2i]
The charge for the installation of a sprinkler system for each applicant per year shall be $100 per inch-diameter of service line.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-52; Ord. #74-604; Ord. #81-920; Ord. #86-76, § 2j; Ord. #87-85, § 2; Ord. #87-97, § 1]
The charges for hydrants shall be as follows:
Private, per year, per hydrant: $80.
Public, per year, per hydrant: $10.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-53; Ord. #86-59, § 2; Ord. #86-76, § 2k; Ord. #04-Code-481, § VIII; Ord. #08-Code-571, § VIII]
Nonmetered construction charges shall be as follows:
One-family house: $50 per year.
Two-family house: $70 per year.
Multiple dwelling or development of more than two families or units: $50 per dwelling unit per year.
Industrial or commercial buildings under 10,000 square feet: $200 per year.
Industrial or commercial buildings over 10,000 square feet: $200 plus $20 for each additional 1,000 square feet per year.
[Ord. #86-76, § 2l]
Type of Establishment
Measurement Unit
Private Dwelling
Apartment Buildings
Transit Dwelling Units:
Lodging Houses and Tourist Homes
Motels and Tourist Cabins
Boarding Houses (Residents)
Trailer Camps (Private Bath)
Trainer Camp (Central Bath, etc.)
Luxury Camps (Private Bath)
Children's Camps (Central Bath, etc.)
Labor Camps
Day Camps - No Meals
Restaurants (Including Washrooms):
Average Type
Bar and Cocktail Lounges
Short Order or Drive-in Service
Residential Type
Nonresidential (Serving Meals)
Other Institutions
Elementary (No Shower or Cafeteria)
With Cafeteria
With Cafeteria and Showers
With Cafeteria, Showers and Laboratories
Automobile Service Stations:
No Car Washing
Car Served
Car Washing
Car Washed
Stores, Shopping Centers and Office Buildings*
Square Feet
Factories (8-hour shifts)
Self-Service Laundries
Bowling Alleys
Swimming Pools and Beaches
Picnic Parks (With Flush Toilets)
Fairgrounds (Based upon average attendance)
Assembly Halls
Airports (Based on Passenger Use)
Theatre (Indoor)
Theatre (Drive-in with Food Stand)
Office buildings includes condominium offices and cooperative offices.
[Ord. #04-Code-481, § IX; Ord. #08-Code-571, § IX]
Charge for repair of frozen meter shall be $125 plus $25 per hour for labor.
The charge for movement of curb box shall be a permit fee of $100 plus the actual labor costs incurred.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-54]
The Water Department reserves the right to inspect any and all pipes and appurtenances providing consumer service during a reasonable hour which shall be deemed to be between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. or during periods of emergency, and in conjunction therewith the agents of the Water Department have the right to enter any buildings or premises in order to ensure that the provisions of this section are being carried out.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-55]
Where there is any violation of the rules and regulations or the terms of this section, the Water Department shall have the right to shut off water service until such violation is abated.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-56]
When an inspection reveals a danger of contamination of the water supply or the existence of such contamination, the water supply shall be shut off and the owner given notification to repair, replace or take whatever action is necessary in order to avoid further contamination, and the service shall not be restored until all lines are in serviceable condition and all charges for damages, replacement of water have been paid.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-57]
In case of prolonged scarcity of water from any cause, the Water Department reserves the right, after public notice has been given by the Water Commissioner, to limit the delivery of water until the cessation of the emergency and to restrict completely or suspend temporarily the use of water for lawn sprinkling, car washing, air conditioning or other related matters.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-58]
Water service may also be discontinued for:
The use of water inconsistent with the owners' application or inconsistent with the terms of this section.
The willful waste of water for failure to stop leaks or make other repairs.
The tampering in any way with the water meter seals or other appliances of the Water Department.
The failure to comply with any water ban promulgated by the Water Commissioner.
The refusal by the user to permit an employee of the Department from reading the meter or otherwise inspecting or maintaining the water distribution system.
Nonpayment of water rents, other fixed charges or penalties.
Any action tending to cause a loss to the Water Department or for any other just cause determined by the Water Committee.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-59]
Any consumer wishing to discontinue the use of water must give notice, in writing, to the Water Department five days before the end of the ensuing quarter in order to escape liability for the minimum charge for the next quarter, notwithstanding the fact that water service had been discontinued during the subsequent quarter. Upon the discontinuation of service, the water meter shall be removed from the premises.
[Ord. #67-0-452; 1967 Code § 105-60]
Consumers moving or about to move owing water rates or charges cannot transfer their contract with the Water Department from one property to the other. Before water shall be furnished to a new location, all arrearages on the previous location from which the consumer has relocated, shall be paid.
[Ord. #68-486; 1967 Code § 84-1]
The sanitary sewer system maintained and operated by the Borough is hereby established as a municipal public utility from which it will receive the fees, rents or other charges hereinafter prescribed.
[1967 Code § 84-2; Ord. #68-486; Ord. #69-500; Ord. #70-509; Ord. #74-606; Ord. #79-742; Ord. #81-919; Ord. #82-958; Ord. #87-107, § 1; Ord. #88-110, § 1; Ord. #89-145, § I; Ord. #01-Code-427, §§ I, II; Ord. #07-Code-550, § 1; Ord. #08-Code-577, § 1; Ord. #09-Code-595, § 1; Ord. #09-Code-612, § 1; Ord. #12-Code-680 § 2; Ord. #14-Code-711 § 3; amended 12-19-2018 by Ord. No. 18-Code-779; 12-18-2019 by Ord. No. 19-Code-801; 1-22-2020 by Ord. No. 20-Code-802]
The following fees, rents or other charges for the use of such municipal public utility are hereby prescribed, which fees, rents or other charges are hereby deemed proper and necessary:
A connection fee in the sum of $500 shall be payable to the Borough at the time a building sewer permit is issued for the connection of a building to the sewer system of the Borough.
Fees charged for residential use are as follows:
Effective January 1, 2020, the annual service charge for the use of the sanitary sewer system of the Borough for each single-family residential unit and for each unit within a multifamily structure shall be $1,093.04 as a base charge, plus $11.74 per 1,000 gallons of the quantity of potable water used by each residential unit as billed by the Water Department of the Borough of Oakland. The quantity of potable water shall be determined by adding the amount of water consumed during the last quarter of the second year preceding and the first quarter of the year immediately preceding and multiplying the sum of those two quarters by two to arrive at an annual consumption amount.
Whenever a new sewer connection is made to the sanitary sewer during the year, the annual service charge shall be apportioned pro rata.
The fees charged for commercial use shall be as follows: Effective January 1, 2020, the service charge for the use of the sanitary sewer system by commercial establishments shall be $1,093.04 as a base charge, plus $11.74 per 1,000 gallons of the quantity of the potable water used by said commercial establishment as billed by the Borough of Oakland. The quantity of potable water shall be determined by adding the amount of water consumed during the last quarter of the second year preceding and the first quarter of the year immediately preceding and multiplying the sum of those two quarters by two to arrive at an annual consumption amount.
[1967 Code § 84-3; Ord. #68-486]
Any service charge not paid on the due date shall bear interest at the same rate as uncollected water charges of the Borough and shall become a lien upon the premises connected to the sanitary sewer system until paid, and the Borough shall have the same rights for the collection thereof, together with interest and costs and penalties, as it has by law for the collection of taxes on real estate.
[1967 Code § 84-5; Ord. #68-486; Ord. #74-606]
The Water Department of the Borough shall be responsible for the preparation and sending out and collection of fees for the annual service charge to both residential homes and commercial establishments.