[Ord. #75-44, 1967 Code § 95-1; Ord. #02-Code-74, § 1]
The Board of Health hereby adopts by reference pursuant to N.J.S.A. 26:3-69.1 et seq. the New Jersey State Sanitary Code Public Recreational Bathing Code also known as N.J.A.C. 8:26-1 et seq.
[Ord. #75-44, 1967 Code 95-3; Ord. #02-Code-74, Preamble]
One copy of that Code which is being adopted by reference has been placed on file in the office of the Secretary of the Board of Health, Municipal Plaza, Oakland, New Jersey 07436 and will remain on file at all times for inspection by the public and copies of said Code shall be available to the public upon paying the usual and customary charges in accordance with the regulations and ordinances of the Borough of Oakland providing for photocopies of specific documents.
Editor's Note: Former subsection BH10-1.3, Exempt Facilities from Mandatory Personnel and Lifeguard Requirements, previously codified herein and containing portions of Ordinance No. 02-Code-74, was repealed in its entirety by Ordinance No. 12-Code-88.
[Ord. #75-44, 1967 Code § 95-4; Ord. #12-Code-88]
No person shall operate a public recreational bathing facility until a license has been issued by the Board of Health.
[Ord. #75-44, 1967 Code § 95-5; Ord. #12-Code-88]
The following fees are herewith established for the issuance or renewal of a license to operate a public recreational bathing facility:
Year-round facility: $400
Seasonal facility: $250
[Ord. #75-44, 1967 Code § 95-6; Ord. #12-Code-88]
Licenses issued for the operation of a public recreational bathing facility shall expire annually on May 1 of each year, and application for renewal thereof shall be submitted, together with the required fee.
[Ord. #75-44, 1967 Code § 95-7; Ord. #12-Code-88]
Licenses required by this Chapter or Code may be denied or suspended by the Board of Health for failure to comply with this Chapter or Code. This Board of Health shall afford the person whose license to operate a public recreational bathing facility has been denied or suspended an opportunity to be heard in public hearing, and then following this hearing to be informed by the Board, in writing, of its decision.
[Ord. #02-Code-74, § 3]
Any person who violates any portion of this Chapter or the Code hereto attached as Exhibit A[1] shall be fined not more than $500 and not less than $55 upon conviction in the Municipal Court. If a person shall have been twice convicted of violating this Chapter or Code, the Court may impose an additional penalty of imprisonment in the Bergen County Jail in accordance with N.J.S.A. 26:3-78 if such conviction occurs within a space of six months.
Editor's Note: The Code referred to herein may be found on file in the office of the Borough Clerk.