[Ord. #85-50, § 1]
Pursuant to Section 11 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act (P.L. 1983, c. 383), the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code shall be enforced locally in the Borough.
[Ord. #85-50, § 2; Ord. #85-53, § 3]
The Fire Prevention Bureau of the Borough Fire Department is designated as the enforcement agency for the New Jersey Uniform Fire Code within the Borough.
[Ord. #85-50, § 3]
The local enforcement agency shall enforce the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the Codes and Regulations adopted pursuant to it in all buildings, structures and premises within the established boundaries of the Borough, other than owner-occupied one and two family dwellings, and shall faithfully comply with the requirements of the Uniform Fire Safety Act and the Uniform Fire Code.
[Ord. #85-50, § 4]
The local enforcing agency established by subsection 11-1.2 of this section shall carry out the periodic inspections of life hazard uses required by the Uniform Fire Code on behalf of the Commissioner of the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs.
[Ord. #85-50, § 5]
The local enforcing agency established by subsection 11-1.2 shall be a part of the Construction Enforcement Department and shall be under the direct supervision and control of the Construction Official.
[Ord. #85-50, § 6; Ord. #93-270]
The local enforcing agency shall be under the direct supervision of the Fire Official.
Such inspectors and other employees as may be necessary for the local enforcing agency to properly carry out its responsibilities shall be appointed by the Mayor and Council of the Borough.
[Ord. #85-50, § 7]
Pursuant to Sections 15 and 17 of the Uniform Fire Safety Act, any person aggrieved by any order of the local enforcement agency shall have the right to appeal to the Construction Board of Appeals of the Borough.
[Ord. #85-50, § 8; Ord. #09-Code-600, § I]
The permit fees to be charged by the Fire Prevention Bureau shall be as follows:
Building/structure 2,500 square feet or less: $50.
Building/structure 2,500 - 12,000 square feet: $100.
Building/structure over 12,000 square feet: $150.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § I]
The following buildings shall be subject to the provisions of this section:
All buildings having an automatic fire detection or suppression system or buildings where visual inspection for the presence of fire is obstructed or buildings of life hazard use or when in the opinion of the Fire Official there is a need for immediate access in the event of fire.
All multiple dwelling buildings, which contain five units or more, and which include any common area between the individual units, and which common area is locked from the outside of the building.
All commercial and industrial properties.
All commercial structures which contain two or more individual separately located businesses, and which contain common area between such commercial units, and which is locked from the outside.
All day care/nurseries and public and private schools.
All municipal buildings.
Excluded from the requirements of this section are one and two family dwellings identified and defined by the Uniform Construction Code (N.J.A.C. 5:23 et seq.) as R-3 and R-4.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § II]
All existing buildings shall comply with the provisions of this section within six months of its effective date.[1] All newly constructed buildings, not yet occupied, or buildings currently under construction shall comply with the terms hereof prior to the fire detection or suppression system being accepted and approved for service.
Editor's Note: Ordinance No. 06-Code-526, codified herein as Section 11-2, was adopted April 5, 2006.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § III]
The key vault/lock box shall be located at or near the main entrance to the building or property. It shall be mounted at a minimum height of six feet and a maximum height of eight feet above the final grade.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § IV]
Labeled keys, easily identified, in the field to provide access into the property, and/or building and to any locked areas within the said building, and as may be further directed by the Fire Official. All effected rooms shall be clearly marked with either a number or labels to coincide with its labeled key.
Keys to all locked points of egress whether interior or exterior of said buildings.
Keys to locked mechanical rooms.
Keys to locked electrical rooms.
Keys to fire control panels.
Keys to sprinkler rooms.
Keys to boiler/utility rooms.
Keys to elevator control rooms.
Keys to other areas as directed by the Fire Official.
Pertinent building information or emergency notification information may also be required to be contained in the key vault/lock box or other location as determined by the Fire Official.
Pass/reset codes for any fire alarm system.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § V]
Locks must have the ability to be master keyed to the lock utilized by the Oakland Fire Department and the Oakland Fire Prevention Bureau.
Lock cylinders must have listings in accordance with UL 437, Safety Key Locks.
System keys must withstand a minimum of 50 in./lbs. of torque when fully inserted.
System keys shall be cut using a biaxial pattern similar to Medico Level 3 or better.
Vender must be able to provide official proof of UL Listing.
System keys must be able to be secured in an electronic retention device controlled from the Fire/Police Dispatch Desk.
Key vaults/lock boxes must be listed in accordance with UL 1,037 anti-theft devices.
Key vaults/lock boxes must have a minimum door and wall thickness of 1/4 inch plate steel.
Key vaults/lock boxes must have weatherproof gasket seal of Neoprene or better around all openings.
Key vaults/lock boxes must have a stainless steel dust cap or cover over lock cylinder.
System keys will also be contained in a locked retention system Vehicles within specific Oakland Fire Department Vehicles as determined by the Oakland Fire Department Fire Chief. These system keys will only be released upon an encoded signal, via radio, from the Oakland Fire/Police Dispatch Desk.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § VI]
Decoder units must be capable of being selectively addressed from a remote dispatch center.
Decoder units must be capable of generating an audit/activation usage report.
Dispatch center encoder must transmit all signals in a coded format not easily duplicated.
Encoder units must be capable of generating printed audit reports.
Decoder units must provide visual indication of "Release" and "Error" conditions.
The key vaults/lock boxes shall be of a proper size, sufficient to accommodate the amount of keys required for the building. The obligation and all costs to install the appropriate key vault/lock box shall be the responsibility of the owner of the building or it's duly authorized representative.
If for any reason the Oakland Fire Department or Oakland Fire Prevention Bureau requests the key vault/lock box to be rekeyed, the obligation and all costs shall be the responsibility of the building or it's duly authorized representative. Failure to comply within 30 working days shall result in a violation and shall be subject to the fines as listed in the penalty portion of this section.
Enforcement of this section shall fall under the Oakland Fire Prevention Bureau, which shall keep two keys in a secure place within their office for the sole use of the fire prevention personnel. These keys shall only be used for fire emergencies or inspections of the key vault/lock box systems.
If any key is lost, a police report must be generated immediately with the Oakland Police Department and the Oakland Fire Prevention Bureau. If any key is broken and is replaced, a report must also be generated with the Oakland Police and Fire Prevention Bureau. The report will document that the key was broken and that it was destroyed in a proper fashion.
[Ord. #06-Code-526, § VII]
Any building or property owner failing to comply with, or in violation of the terms of this section shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of not less than $500 and not to exceed $1,000. Each and every day that such violations continue shall be considered a separate and specific violation of this section.