[Amended 12-16-2019 by Ord. No. BH2019-1]
Any smoking in workplaces and places of public accommodation and associated signage shall be in accordance with applicable federal and state laws, including, but not limited to, the New Jersey Smoke Free Air Act, N.J.S.A. 2A:170-51.4 et seq., N.J.S.A. 2C:33-13.1 et seq., and any amendments to such.
No person or employer shall discharge, refuse to hire, or in any manner retaliate against any employee or applicant for employment because such employee or applicant exercises any rights to a smoke-free workplace afforded by this chapter or applicable regulations.
[Amended 6-28-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-15]
No person shall conduct, maintain or operate a retail electronic smoking device establishment that sells, distributes, or gives electronic smoking devices without first obtaining from the Secaucus Health Department a written license approved to do so. No more than eleven (11) licenses may be issued to operate a retail electronic smoking device establishment within the boundaries of the Town of Secaucus.
[Amended 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-32]
Fees in accordance with the following schedule shall be paid before any license required in this article shall be issued:
Electronic smoking device establishment license: $1,200.
Renewal. Licenses issued under the provisions of this article, unless forfeited or revoked by the Secaucus Health Department, shall expire annually on the 31st of December. In order to continue selling electronic smoking device(s), each establishment shall apply for a renewal of their license for each retail location, and the annual license renewal fee shall be $1,000 per retail electronic smoking device establishment location, payable no later than January 31 of the year following renewal. If a renewal application and payment are not received by January 31, the Seacaucus Department of Health has right to deem the license forfeited.
[Amended 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-32]
New applications. Applications for new licenses will be accepted on a rolling basis, however if the maximum number of licenses to operate a retail electronic smoking device establishment established in § 141-7A is met, new applications will be held in the order received for the calendar year in which received. The list shall expire annually on the 31st of December.
The Board of Health, through its proper representatives, shall inspect, upon initial application and as often as deemed necessary, every retail electronic smoking device establishment in the Town of Secaucus. The person operating a retail electronic smoking device establishment shall permit the Board of Health Inspector reasonable access to all parts of such establishment necessary for the purpose of conducting such inspection.
Any retail electronic smoking device establishment which, upon initial inspection is rated "conditionally satisfactory" or "unsatisfactory" shall be subject to a reinspection fee of $200. One follow-up inspection after the initial application inspection may be done for a minor violation or correction without a fee at the sole discretion of the Board of Health Inspector. Subsequent reinspection(s) deemed necessary by the Health Inspector shall be at a fee of $200 per inspection. Failure to pay said fee prior to the reinspection date established by the Department constitutes a violation of this chapter.
At the time of the initial application, any subsequent renewal or at the discretion of the Secaucus Health Department, license holders shall:
Disclose if they are also a manufacturer, wholesaler and/or distributor of electronic smoking devices as defined above (which includes related products, components, refills, etc.), and if that part of their business is conducted or takes place at the same location as the retail electronic smoking device establishment or at another location(s) as noted in the initial application or subsequent renewals. If such business takes place at a different address(es) in the Town of Secaucus, the said retail electronic smoking device establishment shall disclose such address(es) in the Town of Secaucus.
Provide any and all contact information, including but not limited to company name, company contact name, address, phone, website and email, regarding any kind and all sources of the electronic smoking devices for sale or distribution. This includes but is not limited to information regarding any and all electronic smoking devices suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, distributors, etc., including those based in the Town of Secaucus.
No license is transferable by sale or otherwise.
Such license shall be posted in a conspicuous place in such establishment. No itinerant establishments shall be permitted to obtain an electronic smoking device establishment license.
All licensing fees shall be paid to the Town of Secaucus to offset budget appropriations in connection with education and enforcement of this chapter and/or the State of New Jersey's Tobacco Age of Sale Inspection Program.
[Added 12-13-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-32]
No such license shall be issued to or renewed for any person who has a disqualifying violation, nor shall any such license be issued to any corporation or limited liability corporation in which any stockholders/members holding 5% or more of any of the stock thereof or in which any director, officer or member shall have a disqualifying violation. A license applicant may request a waiver of this bar by submitting a letter with an explanation of the disqualifying violations and how they have been remedied, along with any supporting documentation. The Board of Health shall have the authority to grant such a waiver after reviewing the applicant's request, if they determine that the disqualifying violations have been remedied, are unlikely to recur, and denial of a license would be contrary to the interests of the Town and would cause undue hardship to the applicant.
Suspension or revocation of a license may occur at any time in the discretion of the Secaucus Health Department for a disqualifying violation, provided that said licensee shall be afforded a hearing before the Town Administrator and reasonable notice of such hearing provided prior to such suspension or revocation.
Notice of the hearing for suspension or revocation of a license shall be given in writing, setting forth specifically the grounds of complaint and the time and place of hearing. Such notice shall be given personally or mailed to the licensee at their last known address at least five (5) days prior to the date set for such hearing.
A licensee may appeal any decision of the Town Administrator to the Board of Health by the filing of a written notice to appeal within seven (7) days of the Town Administrator's decision. The Board of Health shall hear such appeal within ten (10) days of the notice to appeal by the applicant. An appeal to the Board of Health shall stay a suspension or revocation. The Board of Health shall affirm, reverse, modify or remand back to the Town Administrator such decision, to the licensee within fifteen (15) days of such hearing.
Convictions, negative findings or findings of liability shall qualify as disqualifying violations for the purposes of this chapter:
A violation of health and safety laws or codes, including, but not limited to, building safety, fire safety, and health codes which occurred within the past three years.
A violation of labor laws or codes which occurred within the past three years.
A violation of laws or codes pertaining to tobacco products, electronic smoking device, Smoke Free Air Act or medicinal or recreational cannabis which occurred within the past three years.
A willful violation of any of the provisions of Chapter 141 which occurred within the past three years.
No person shall sell, distribute, or give electronic smoking devices in the Town of Secaucus unless an employee of the establishment controls the sale of such products. A person may only sell electronic smoking devices in a direct, face-to-face exchange between the retailer and the consumer. Self-service displays and vending machines of electronic smoking devices shall be prohibited.
No person shall sell, distribute or give electronic smoking devices to any person under the age of 21 years.
No retail electronic smoking device establishment shall allow the retailer, employee, or any other person to sell, distribute, or give such products until the retailer, employee, or other person has read the Secaucus ordinances and state laws pertaining to the sale of electronic smoking devices and has signed a statement that they have read such ordinances and state laws. Such form statement will be supplied by the Secaucus Health Department and all signed original statements shall always be kept on file by the retail electronic smoking device establishment and made immediately available for review by the Health Department. All retail electronic smoking device establishments shall be in compliance with this provision by the effective date.
The sale of any electronic smoking device refill, including, but not limited to, any and all liquids, gels, wax, or powders, and whether or not such refill contains nicotine, that is intended for human consumption and is not contained in packaging that is child-resistant is prohibited as set forth in N.J.S.A. 2A:170-51.9 et seq.
Container e-liquid shall not be sold at retail in the Town of Secaucus except by a licensed vapor business pursuant to N.J.S.A. 54:40B-3.3 and in compliance with any other applicable regulations.
License holders can only do in-person marketing and sales of electronic smoking device establishment. There shall be no cross marketing or sales at nonregistered retail location and mobile locations, including, but not limited to, street fairs, local fairs, festivals, etc.