[Adopted as Art. 3.50 of the 2013 Bylaws]
Whenever, at any Town Meeting, an order or vote appropriating money becomes effective, the Town Clerk shall certify to the Assessors and the Town Accountant each appropriation in detail, and the provision made for meeting the same, if specified in the appropriation order or vote.
Deeds and conveyances. It shall also be the duty of the Town Clerk to keep a true copy, in a book to be kept for such purpose alone, of all deeds or conveyances executed in behalf of the Town by any Town officer, and to see that every conveyance to the Town of any interest in real estate is properly recorded in the Registry of Deeds.
Plans of Town ways. Whenever a Town way is laid out or altered, a plan shall be made and filed in the Town Clerk's office with the location thereof, and it shall be the duty of the Town Clerk to keep a book of records for the sole purpose of recording the location of all highways and Town ways within the Town, with an index thereto.
[Amended 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 34]
Any notice posted under the seal of the Town Clerk or any notice date stamped and posted by the Town Clerk on the principal official bulletin board of the Town or in a public place so designated for such posting shall not be removed. Removal of such notices shall be punishable by a fine in the amount specified in § 283-2, Fines, and shall be enforced by the Chief of Police.
[Added 11-14-2019 STM by Art. 15]
The Town Clerk is authorized to assign appropriate numbers or letters to bylaw sections, subsections, paragraphs and subparagraphs where none are approved at Town Meeting; and if such number or lettering is approved by the Town Meeting, to make nonsubstantive editorial revisions to the same to ensure consistent and appropriate sequencing and numbering; and to make nonsubstantive editorial revisions to references regarding such numbering or lettering as contained within the bylaws to ensure accuracy and conformity.