[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Wrentham 10-15-2001 STM (Art. 7.60, Sec. 2, of the 2013 bylaws). Amendments noted where applicable.]
This bylaw is enacted for the purpose of protecting the historic and aesthetic qualities of the Town by encouraging the preservation of historically or architecturally significant buildings and structures within the Town, and to encourage owners of such properties to seek out persons who might be willing to purchase, preserve, rehabilitate or restore such buildings or structures rather than demolish them, and to allow an appropriate historical record of such buildings and structures to be created.
[Amended 6-8-2015 ATM by Art. 33]
As used in this bylaw, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A fixed combination of any materials, having a roof, common walls and passageway areas, and forming a structure for the shelter of persons, animals or property.
The Wrentham Historical Commission.
Any act of willfully pulling down, destroying, removing or razing a building or structure, or commencing the work of total or substantial destruction with the intent of completing the same.
The Wrentham Building Commissioner.
Any building or structure listed on the National Register or eligible for National Register listing.
Any building or structure researched and found by the Commission to be historically significant, or architecturally significant in terms of construction, or by association with an important architect, builder, person or event.
Within seven days of receipt of an application for a demolition permit for a building or structure which is 50 years old or older, the Inspector shall forward a copy of this application to the Commission. No demolition permit should be issued at that time, and no demolition may occur. The application shall include all current Field Cards from the Board of Assessors for the subject property, as well as a description of the demolition intended, including a list of all structures or portions thereof to be demolished.
Within 30 days from the Building Inspector's receipt of a complete demolition permit application, the Commission shall determine whether the structure is historically or architecturally significant. If the Commission determines the building or structure is not considered significant, the Commission shall so notify the Inspector in writing and the Inspector may issue a demolition permit.
If the building or structure is determined to be significant, the Commission shall so notify the owner and the Inspector in writing, and the Inspector shall not issue a demolition permit for a period of 12 months from the date of the application, unless the Commission informs the Inspector prior to the expiration of said 12 months that the applicant for the demolition has made a reasonable but unsuccessful effort to locate a purchaser for the building or structure, or one who is willing to preserve, rehabilitate or restore the building or structure, or has agreed to accept a demolition permit on specified conditions approved by the Commission. If the Commission does not determine that the building or structure is considered significant within 30 days of the Building Inspector's receipt of a complete demolition permit application, the Inspector may issue a demolition permit.
Nothing in this bylaw shall restrict the Building Inspector from immediately ordering the demolition of any building or structure in the event of an imminent danger to the safety of the public.
The Building Inspector and/or the Commission, as well as the Town, are authorized to institute any and all actions and proceedings, in law or equity, as they may deem necessary and appropriate to obtain compliance with the requirements of this bylaw or to prevent a threatened violation thereof.
No building permit shall be issued with respect to any premises upon which a building 50 years old or older has been voluntarily demolished with disregard for the provisions of the bylaw, for a period of three years after the date of the cessation of such demolition. As used herein, "premises" refers to the land contained within the parcel upon which the demolished building or structure was located and the land contained within all adjoining parcels under common ownership or control, whether subdivided or redivided.
No permit for the erection of a new structure on the site of an existing building determined to be a preferably preserved significant building or structure may be issued prior to issuance of a permit for demolition of such existing buildings.
Appeal from decisions or determinations of the Commission or Inspector may be made to the Zoning Board of Appeals.