[HISTORY: Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Montvale 9-8-1964 by Ord. No. 476; amended in its entirety 12-10-1996 by Ord. No. 96-1043 (Ch. 24 of the 1966 Code). Subsequent amendments noted where applicable.]
Any person claiming payment from the Borough of Montvale shall present a detailed bill of demand to the Purchasing Agent, duly certified, or, in the alternative, the governing body may by resolution require an affidavit in lieu of certification.
It shall be the duty of the Purchasing Agent to see that the signature of the officer or employee who has been duly designated by the Mayor and Council to certify that the materials have been received by, or the services rendered to, the Borough of Montvale appears on every claim.
The Mayor and Council shall, by resolution, establish the threshold for which claims shall require the signature of Councilmember Liaison of the Department which placed the order, Finance Chairperson and the signature of only the Borough Administrator to be processed for payment and presented to the governing body for approval. Said resolution may be amended from time to time.
Those claims which require the signature of the Councilmember Liaison of the department which placed the order shall then be presented to that Councilmember Liaison of the Department responsible for the placing of the order who, if satisfied that the claims are proper, shall approve the same. After such approval is given, the Councilmember Liaison shall file the claims with the Finance Chairperson, if required, who shall then file the claims with the Purchasing Agent, who shall then present these claims to the governing body for formal approval at a regular meeting.
Claims which only require the approval of the Borough Administrator for presentation to the governing body for formal approval at a regular meeting, as prescribed by the Mayor and Council by adoption of the appropriate resolution, shall be presented to the Borough Administrator by the Purchasing Agent for approval. The Purchasing Agent shall then present these claims to the governing body for formal approval at a regular meeting.
Claims shall be considered by the governing body which shall approve the same, except that said governing body may reject any claims presented to it stating the reasons for such rejection. Any disapproved claims shall be referred back to the Borough Administrator with such instructions as the governing body may give at the time of disapproval.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Clerk to record all claims in the official minutes of the Borough, indicating that the governing body has by formal action approved the same, with the appropriate record as to any claims disapproved or rejected.
It shall be the duty of the Borough Clerk, or such other officer designated by resolution of the governing body, to indicate on said claims that they have been approved for payment, with the date of approval thereof noted on the claim.
After the Borough Clerk has certified that the claims have been approved, the Clerk shall turn the same over to the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer, who shall forthwith prepare the necessary checks for the payment thereof, which said checks shall be signed by the Mayor and Borough Clerk and thereafter countersigned by the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer who the governing body designates by resolution as a signatory. After preparing checks for the payment of claims, the Treasurer or other Chief Financial Officer so designated by the governing body shall record them in a proper book of accounts and thereafter shall otherwise distribute the checks to the claimants. In the event of the absence of any of the above-named officials, those duly authorized by law to act in their absence shall sign the necessary checks.
In the case of payrolls, the Borough payment to the social security system (OASI), pension system, the group insurance plan for the employees and other mandated agency payments, the appropriate department heads or such officer or employees as may be designated by resolution of the governing body shall prepare the necessary payrolls, payments or deductions for all employees, which payrolls, payments or deductions shall be duly certified by the person authorized to certify that the services, payments or deductions have been rendered or are required and the amount specified is in fact due and owing to the employee or employees or to the social security system, pension system, to the established group insurance plan and other mandated agency payments for employees. Said payrolls, payments or deductions shall be approved by the Borough Administrator, paid by the Treasurer or other chief financial officer of the Borough and subsequently presented to the governing body for ratification and approval.
This chapter shall provide for the establishment of a payroll account, and the governing body may thereafter by resolution prescript the manner in which payroll checks shall be drawn, who shall sign the same and the dates on which payment shall be made. In addition, the local unit may, if it so elects, adopt a resolution providing for biweekly payment of salaries, wages and compensation.
In case any officer or employee of the Borough presents a claim or voucher for reimbursement for actual and necessary travel expenses, the same shall be supported by receipts where available, setting forth said expenses and claims for reimbursement. Said procedure for reimbursement shall be established by the governing body by resolution.
All other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed.
This chapter shall take effect immediately upon publication in the manner provided by law.