[Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Neptune City 6-24-1957 by Ord. No. 57-3. Sections 84-4, 84-5, 84-6 and 84-12 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
The renting, leasing, maintaining, keeping, operating, conducting or providing of overnight or temporary sleeping or housing accommodations, for a consideration, to tourists, transients or travelers in any building or structure or group of buildings or structures, devoted exclusively or primarily to said business, commonly known as "tourist lodges," "motels," "tourist cabins," "motor lodges," "motor courts," "tourist courts" or "tourist camps," wherein no meals are served.
Any room, cabin or quarters, whether or not physically attached to or connected with any other building or structure, used for the sleeping or housing accommodations in the business of conducting tourist lodges.
Any person, individual, firm, association, partnership or corporation.
No person shall engage in the business of conducting tourist lodges, motels, tourist cabins, motor lodges, motor courts, tourist courts and tourist camps without first having applied for and obtained from the Borough of Neptune City a license to do so. No such license shall be issued to any person who has been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude, nor shall any such license be issued to any corporation in which any stockholder holding 5% or more of any of the stock thereof or in which any director or officer shall have been convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude within a period of five years from the date of release or discharge from prison or other place of confinement, either upon full discharge or upon probation.
Each applicant for such license shall make written application, on forms prescribed and supplied by the Mayor and Council, setting forth the following:
The full name, residence and post office address of the applicant.
The exact location of the proposed licensed premises, giving the street address, block and lot number, as shown on the Tax Assessment Map of the borough, and the exact dimensions of the lands upon which the business is to be conducted.
A description of the buildings, structures and accommodations upon said lands, including a statement of the number of housing or lodging units, the maximum number of persons who can be accommodated at any given time; a description of the character of said buildings or structures as to size, type of construction and whether or not the same are fireproof; and a description of automobile parking spaces and facilities.
The name and address of the owner of said lands and buildings.
The name or names of the person or persons on the licensed premises upon whom process may be served.
A detailed description of the register or system used for the registration of persons to whom accommodations are extended.
Whether any person constituting the individual or partnership applicant or whether the corporate applicant or any stockholder holding 5% or more of the stock thereof or any director or officer thereof has ever been convicted of any crime and, if so, the details thereof, including, with respect to each conviction, the name of the person convicted, the date thereof, the nature of the crime, the court in which the conviction was entered and the punishment imposed.
In the case of corporate applicants, the names and residences of all stockholders holding 5% or more of any of the corporation, the names and residences of all officers of the corporation and the office held by each.
[Amended 11-8-1976 by Ord. No. 76-10]
No cooking facilities of any kind shall be constructed, installed, placed or used in any tourist lodge or motel within the Borough of Neptune City; nor shall any food be prepared, cooked or made suitable for human consumption on or about any such tourist lodge or motel; nor shall the preparation, cooking or making suitable for human consumption of food on or about or in such tourist lodge or motel be permitted by the owners, managers, lessees, operators or licensees thereof, except for a restaurant operating as such exclusively for the preparation and serving of food, and except for one superintendent's or manager's apartment containing not less than two rooms.
[Amended 11-8-1976 by Ord. No. 76-10]
The Borough Clerk shall forthwith forward said application to the Health Officer of the Board of Health and to the Fire Inspector of the borough, who shall inspect the premises to determine whether or not the premises comply with Board of Health and fire ordinances[1] and regulations. If the premises do not comply, said officers shall attach to said application a written list of recommendations and return the same to the Borough Clerk, who shall, in turn, return said application to the applicant. If the premises do so comply, said officers shall attach thereto certificates of approval. The Borough Clerk shall present said application, with said certificates of approval attached, to the Mayor and Council. The Mayor and Council shall thereupon cause to be made such further investigation of the premises and of the information set forth in said application as it may deem necessary, and shall determine on the basis of said investigation and application whether or not such license shall be granted.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 64, Fire Prevention.
[Amended 11-8-1976 by Ord. No. 76-10; 12-13-1982 by Ord. No. 82-10; 7-22-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-14]
The annual fee for said licenses shall be $600, as set forth in Chapter 79, Section 79-4 of the Code of the Borough of Neptune City.
A license issued under the provisions of this chapter shall be for a term of one year, commencing January 1 and expiring December 31; provided, however, that any license issued during the year 1957, and after the effective date of this chapter, shall be at 1/2 the annual rate. Each license shall be valid only to the applicant to whom it is issued and to such applicant to whom the license may be transferred as hereinafter provided. All licenses shall be displayed at a prominent place on the licensed premises.
On application made therefor, setting forth the same matters and things as are required by this chapter to be set forth in connection with an original application for a license, the Mayor and Council, with the consent of the licensee and upon payment of a fee of 10% of the annual license fee for the license sought to be transferred, may transfer to such applicant any license issued under the terms and provisions of this chapter. Said 10% fee shall be retained by the Mayor and Council whether the transfer is granted or not.
Any change in any of the information set forth in the application during the term of the license shall forthwith be communicated by the licensee, in writing, to the Borough Clerk.
Each licensee shall at all times cause to be maintained on the licensed premises a register, consisting of consecutively numbered cards, which shall constitute the register of the licensed premises. Said register shall be preserved for three years upon the licensed premises.
No person shall occupy and no licensee shall permit any person to occupy any housing or lodging unit on the licensed premises, unless each person or head of the party who is to occupy such housing unit shall first:
Display to the licensee or a duly authorized agent or employee of the licensee in charge of the register written evidence of his or her identity and residence.
Write in the register immediately following the preceding registration, in ink, and in his or her own handwriting, his or her full name and address and, in the case of the operator of the motor vehicle or a member of his party, the state license or registration number of the motor vehicle conveying him or her to the licensed premises.
If the registrant does not write in the register the information herein required as to the motor vehicle, it shall be the duty of the licensee or his duly authorized employee to write in said information.
In addition to the foregoing information, the licensee shall cause to be written into the register, in ink, the number or name of the housing or lodging unit assigned to each registrant, the date and hour of registration, a brief description or designation of the identification displayed to the licensee by the registrant pursuant to Subsection B(1) hereof, the signature of the person taking or accepting the registration and the date when the occupant or occupants of each housing or lodging unit quit and surrender the same.
Said register shall be kept and preserved by the licensee and shall be available on request at any hour of the day or night to any police officer of the Borough of Neptune City, or to any duly authorized agent of the governing body of the Borough of Neptune City.
It shall be the duty of the Police Department of the Borough of Neptune City to inspect the licensed premises from time to time, at any hour of the day or night, to determine that the provisions of this chapter are being complied with.
No licensee shall employ in, on or about the licensed premises any person convicted of a crime involving moral turpitude within a period of five years from the date of release or discharge from prison or other place of confinement, either upon full discharge or upon probation.
Any license issued under this chapter may be suspended or revoked for any violation of this chapter, or for any conviction of any licensee or of any stockholder holding 5% or more of the stock of any corporate licensee, or director or officer thereof, of a crime involving moral turpitude, after due notice of the charges and a hearing by the Council of the Borough of Neptune City, at which time the licensee shall be afforded full opportunity to be heard.
[Repealed 9-27-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-15]
Editor's Note: Provisions for violations and penalties, previously codified herein, may be found in Chapter 1, Article III of these Revised General Ordinances.