[Adopted by the Mayor and Council of the Borough of Neptune City 7-24-1972 by Ord. No. 72-11. Section 95-8 amended at time of adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I. Other amendments noted where applicable.]
This chapter is enacted to establish rules and regulations for the protection, care and control of the public parks and playgrounds in the borough, and to regulate the conduct of persons on or within such parks and playgrounds or using the facilities thereof.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All the real property situated in the Borough of Neptune City acquired by or under the jurisdiction and care of the Borough of Neptune City, or which may be hereafter acquired by it and come under its jurisdiction.
The Borough of Neptune City Playground Committee, or its authorized representatives.
A person afoot.
Any written license issued by or under the issuing authority, permitting the performance of a specific act or acts.
Any natural person, corporation, company, association, joint stock association, firm or copartnership.
Any rule or regulation duly adopted, posted and published by the Borough of Neptune City or by the Playground Committee of the Borough of Neptune City.
Selling goods or services by sample or taking orders for future delivery with or without accepting advance payment for the goods; seeking any form of contributions.
When prohibited, means any cessation of movement of a vehicle, occupied or not, except when necessary to avoid conflict with other traffic, including horses.
Any conveyance (except baby carriages), including motor vehicles, trailers, campers, tricycles, bicycles, sleds, sleighs, pushcarts, boats or vehicles propelled by other than muscular power.
To sell, to dispose of by sale or to trade.
In the interpretation of this chapter and all succeeding park ordinances, the provisions shall be construed as follows:
Any term in the singular shall include the plural.
Any term in the masculine shall include the feminine and neuter.
Any requirement or prohibition of any act shall respectively extend to and include the causing and procuring, directly or indirectly, of such act.
No provision hereof shall make unlawful any act necessarily performed by any officer or employee of the borough in the line of duty or work as such, or by any person, or his agent or employees, in the proper and necessary execution of the terms of any agreement with the borough.
Any act otherwise prohibited by law or local ordinance shall be lawful if performed under, by virtue of and strictly within the provisions of a permit so to do, and to the extent authorized thereby.
No person shall cause or permit any animal or pet owned by him, in his custody or under his control, to be or become at large.
Disorderly conduct. All statutes, regulations, ordinances and other applicable rules and regulations regarding disorderly persons shall apply herein and shall be enforced as part of the terms and conditions of the within chapter, and any person in violation thereof shall be subject to punishment as provided by law.
Alms and contributions: solicitation thereof prohibited. No person, group or organization shall solicit alms or contributions for any purpose without the permission of the Borough Council of the Borough of Neptune City.[1]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 99, Peddling and Soliciting.
Vehicular movement and parking. No person shall park a motor vehicle within any park or park area except in designated parking areas, or cause a vehicle to stop or stand in any park or park areas. No parking is allowed in the Holmes A. Adams Recreation Complex or the Memorial Park parking lot except those visiting the park.
[Amended 3-26-2007 by Ord. No. 2007-07]
Prohibited vehicles. No person shall operate or cause to be operated in any park a minibike, motorcycle or go-cart.
Miscellaneous acts and conduct forbidden on or within a park or playground area. No person shall:
Sleep in any motor vehicle.
Throw a stone or other missile.
Play any game of chance or have possession of any instrument or device for gambling.
Sell, expose for sale or give away goods, wares or circulars, or post or display any sign, placard or advertising device.
Play, engage in or take part in any game or competitive sport for money or other valuable thing without an authorized permit issued by the Borough Council.
Unless authorized by law, discharge or have possession of any firearm.[2]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 137, Weapons, Art. I.
Consume or possess alcoholic beverages, except by a permit of the Borough Council.[3]
Editor's Note: See Ch. 39, Alcoholic Beverages, Art. III.
Make any fire at a park or playground, except at such places as may be designated by the Playground Committee and only under such conditions and restrictions as may be prescribed by said Committee.
Cut, break, deface, defile or misuse any building, playground equipment, fence, tree, bush, plant or turf or other thing belonging to a park or playground, or any part thereof.
Destroy, remove or carry away or have possession of any building, playground equipment, fence, tree, bush, plant, turf or other thing belonging to a park or playground or any part thereof.
Cut into, destroy or remove any of the curbing, roadways, sidewalks or paths within a park or playground without written permission from the Borough Council.
Operate a skateboard or ride a bicycle on the Boardwalk at Memorial Park.
[Added 5-9-2016 by Ord. No. 2016-02]
Operate a motorized bicycle, including an LSMB as defined in Section 129-43.
[Added 3-25-2024 by Ord. No. 2024-01]
The following activities are permitted only at times and areas so designated for that purpose by the Committee and are otherwise prohibited within the parks:
Swimming, bathing, wading and fishing.
Ice skating, sledding and skiing.
Model airplane flying.
Boating on ponds, without motors.
Horseshoe pitching.
Baseball and softball, by permit issued by the Chief of Police.
Football and track.
All the persons using the facilities of the parks must obey the posted rules and regulations established for the proper, effective and safe utilization of the facility.
Advertising. No person shall post, paint, affix, distribute, hand out, deliver, place, cast or leave about any bill, billboard, placard, ticket, handbill, circular or advertisement or do any of the following without written permission of the Committee:
Display any flag, banner, transparency, target, sign, placard or any other matter for advertising.
Operate any musical instrument, soundtrack or drum for advertising purposes for the purpose of attracting attention to any exhibition, show, performance or other display.
No horse shall be driven or ridden in the parks except when allowed by permit issued by the Committee.
[Amended 8-13-2001 by Ord. No. 2001-10; 5-9-2011 by Ord. No. 2011-5; 12-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2023-19]
See Chapter 62, Article II, Neptune City Community Center and Recreational Facilities, of the Borough Code for permit fees and requirements.
[Amended 11-22-1999 by Ord. No. 1999-17; 10-26-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-10]
All parks shall open at 6:00 a.m. prevailing time and close at sunset, except for Memorial Park which shall remain open until 9:00 p.m. prevailing time so long as the pavilion and/or gazebo lights are on.
[Added 11-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-22; repealed 4-22-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-2]
[Amended 11-12-2002 by Ord. No. 2002-22; repealed 9-27-2004 by Ord. No. 2004-15]
Editor's Note: Provisions for violations and penalties, previously codified herein, may be found in Chapter 1, Article III of these Revised General Ordinances.
[Added 4-22-2013 by Ord. No. 2013-2]
No smoking. It is hereby established that no person shall smoke any cigarettes, cigars, other tobacco products or smoke, vape, or aerosolize any cannabis products in any Borough of Neptune City Park, playground or park areas as herein defined at any time. The penalty for a violation of this section shall be a disorderly persons offense. Any person who is found to be in violation of this section shall be subject to a penalty as provided in Chapter 1, Article III, Violations and Penalties, §§ 1-16 to 1-20.
[Amended 5-10-2021 by Ord. No. 2021-04]
Refuse. No person shall throw or discard any bottles, cans, paper or other refuse, including but not limited to, cigarette butts, and other tobacco products, in the Borough of Neptune City Park, playground or park areas, and litter shall be placed in refuse containers provided therefor. The penalty or a violation of this section shall be $100 and/or two days community service.