The Village Board is responsible for the policy, rules, operation, administration and review of the POTW and any capital improvements to be made thereto.
The Superintendent is responsible to the Board for the implementation of rules, regulations, policy, operation, administration, maintenance and supervision of the POTW. Applications, requests and submissions shall be made to the Superintendent, who will review and forward the item to the Board for action.
Licenses/permits. Instructions and forms for application for licenses or permits required by this chapter shall be obtained at the Village office.
Application. Application shall be made for each sewer connection contributing sewage to the POTW, if such sewage contains industrial wastes, scavenger wastes, or other wastes whose pollutant characteristics are such that the discharge is subject to control under this chapter.
Applications for scavenger waste permits. Applications will be made using the same form and supplying the applicable information in Exhibits C and D.[1]
Editor's Note: So in original.
Application fees for licenses or permits. An application fee will accompany an application for a license or permit to be issued under this chapter. The fee is to defray part of the administrative costs of processing applications, including the inspection of the applicant's facilities and waste sampling programs. The fees will be included in the annual budget of the Village of Bloomfield.
Billing based upon volume (commercial or industrial user). Under certain conditions, a variation of billing for sewer surcharge(s) which are based on volume of water metered into premises may occur. These variations shall include one or more of the following:
Water which is used in product; since this water is metered when it enters but does not go into the sewer system, a charge based on incoming metered water would be greater than the values of the actual service provided. To obtain relief for this inequity, it is required that the owner install, at his expense, proper metering equipment which will uniquely measure that volume of water which enters into product. Such equipment and plans for installation must be approved by the Superintendent or his designated representatives, and must be maintained in working condition at all times by the owner. Alternately, volume of water going into product may be established by evaluation of water content in product and total volume of product. This data must be submitted to the Superintendent in substantiated form for his consideration to establish a volume credit allowance against incoming metered water.
The volume of unpolluted waters which are not discharged into sanitary sewers may be credited against the metered volume of incoming water if a metering system is installed at the point of discharge of this water. The plot plan, piping design, and specifications for the meter must be submitted to the Superintendent for approval before installation. The cost of installation and the maintenance of equipment is the responsibility of the owner.
Volume of make-up water to circulating cooling systems, boilers, etc., where water is lost due to evaporation may be measured with meters on the make-up line. Such installations must be approved by the Superintendent in order to deduct the meter reading from incoming water meters.
A documented plant water balance may be submitted to show water usage for various process operations. Based on this information, the Superintendent may deduct from the total volume intake those measured volumes of water which do not enter the sewerage system for treatment.
Plants which have various types of water usage which result in a difference between intake measurements and actual flow into sewerage systems may install metering devices at the lateral connection to the public sewer. Such installation shall be made by the owner and maintained by him. The readings of the meter will be used to calculate the charges, provided these readings represent the total discharge of the plant into the public sewerage system. This method is the most precise and equitable way to calculate charges.
Available at the Village office.