[Adopted 4-24-2013; and
updated annually at the April organizational meeting (Ch. 30, Art.
IV, of the 2016 Code)]
The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees will be
the fourth Wednesday of each month, to begin at 5:30 p.m., and will
be held in the Board Room at the Village office, 12 Main Street.
A special meeting of the Village of Bloomfield may be called
for by the Mayor or by at least two members of the Board of Trustees
acting together. Notice for this meeting shall be with at least seventy-two-hour
notice by phone, letter or personal contact. The newspaper(s) and/or
radio station(s) will be given notice of this special meeting. Also,
a notice of this special meeting shall be posted in at least five
locations within the Village.
Due to emergency situations of the Village, a special meeting
of the Village may not be timely. Therefore, an emergency meeting
of the Board of Trustees may be called for by the Mayor or by at least
two members of the Board of Trustees acting together. Notice for this
meeting shall be by phone or personal contact. The reason for this
meeting shall be stated at the time of the contact and only items
directly related to the stated reason for calling the meeting can
be acted upon.
The Board of Trustees of the Village of Bloomfield has determined
to pay a fixed rate for mileage as reimbursement to officers and employees
of the Village who use their personal automobiles while performing
their official duties on behalf of the Village. The Board of Trustees
shall approve reimbursement to such officers and employees at a rate
per mile determined at the annual organizational meeting of the Board
of Trustees.
[Adopted 4-24-2013; and
updated annually at the April organizational meeting (Ch. 30, Art.
V, of the 2016 Code)]