[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bloomfield 3-24-1993 (Ch. 90 of the 2016 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
In the event mailboxes are damaged by heavy snow and ice as it is being removed from the Village street, it is the homeowner's responsibility to repair or replace the mailbox. The Village cannot legally reimburse homeowners for mailbox damage while the Village or town is engaged in snow removal.
No mailbox or newspaper delivery box (hereafter referred to as "mailbox") will be allowed to exist on the Agency's rights-of-way if it interferes with the safety of the traveling public or the function, maintenance, or operation of the highway system. A mailbox installation that does not conform to the provisions of this regulation is an unauthorized encroachment under State Code Section 3.1.15. (U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration Publication No. FHWA-HI-97-026, June 1997)
The location and construction of mailboxes shall conform to the rules and regulations of the U.S. Postal Service as well as to standards established by the Village of Bloomfield. Village of Bloomfield standards for the location and construction of mailboxes are available from the DPW Building, 5R Elm Street, Bloomfield, New York.
[Amended 3-22-2006]
A mailbox installation that conforms to the following criteria will be considered acceptable, unless in the judgment of the Superintendent of the Village of Bloomfield the installation interferes with the safety of the traveling public or the function, maintenance, or operation of the highway system.
Mailboxes that meet the three important requirements (shown attached)[1] contribute to a more efficient delivery operation, and the result is improved service to the entire route.
There are two approved styles of boxes:
Traditional design in three standard sizes (shown attached);[2] and
Editor's Note: Mailbox design criteria are on file in the Village offices.
Contemporary design (shown attached).[3]
Editor's Note: Mailbox design criteria are on file in the Village offices.
Where box numbers are assigned, the box number must be shown on the side of the box visible to approaching carrier, or on the door where boxes are grouped. Postal patrons are encouraged to group boxes whenever this is practicable, especially at or near crossroads, at service turnouts, or at other places where a considerable number of boxes are located.
In areas where snow removal is a problem, the use of a semiarch or extended-arm-type of support is suggested. This allows snowplows to sweep near or under boxes without damage to supports and provides easy access to the boxes by carriers and customers.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
Mailboxes must be placed on the right-hand side of the road in the direction of travel, except where the post office has established that all mailboxes must be on one side of the road.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
Mailboxes may not have red reflectors which may cause confusion with car taillights.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
Mailbox supports may not be constructed of brick or stone column, or ornamental mountings such as wagon wheels, limestone fence posts, etc.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
Mailbox locations should minimize the walking distance within the roadway for the patron and maximize the stopping sight distance in advance of the mailbox. Therefore, mailboxes should be located in front of or directly across from the residence receiving mail.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
The mailbox location should not restrict the sight distance exiting a driveway.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
There shall be no more than two mailboxes on a single support.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
Editor's Note: Mailbox design criteria are on file in the Village offices.
[Amended 3-22-2006; 5-23-2011]
Any mailbox that is found to violate the intent of this chapter shall be removed by the postal patron upon notification by the Village of Bloomfield. At the discretion of the Village of Bloomfield, based on an assessment of hazard to the public, the patron will be granted not less than 24 hours or more than 30 days to remove an unacceptable mailbox. After the specified removal period has expired, the unacceptable mailbox will be removed by the Village of Bloomfield at the postal patron's expense.