[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Bloomfield 9-22-1993 by L.L. No. 2-1993 (Ch. 112 of the 2016 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
In accordance with the Municipal Home Rule Law of the State of New York, the Village Board of the Village of Bloomfield has the authority to enact local laws for the purpose of promoting the health, safety or general welfare of the Village of Bloomfield, including the protection and preservation of the property of its inhabitants. By the same authority, the Village Board of the Village of Bloomfield may include in any such local laws provision for the appointment of any municipal officers or employees to effectuate and administer such local laws.
In order that site preparation and construction activities may be in conformance with the provisions of this chapter, this chapter is hereby adopted and shall be known and may be cited as the "Soil Erosion, Sedimentation, and Stormwater Management Control Law of the Village of Bloomfield."
Upon the filing of this chapter by the Secretary of State, all site preparation and construction activities requiring a permit under this chapter shall be in conformance with the provisions set forth herein.
It is the purpose of this chapter to protect public health, safety and welfare in the Village of Bloomfield by regulating site preparation and construction activities, including excavation, filling, grading and stripping so as to prevent problems related to erosion, sediment, drainage or stormwater runoff. In relation to this purpose, this chapter is intended to:
Preserve the quality of the natural environment from such adverse effects of site preparation and construction as:
Pollution of lakes, ponds and watercourses from silt or other materials;
Unnecessary destruction of trees and other vegetation;
Excessive exposure of soil to erosion;
Unnecessary modification of natural topography or unique geological features; and
Failure to restore sites to and attractive natural condition.
Protect people and properties from such adverse effects of site preparation and construction as:
Increased runoff, erosion and sediment;
Increased threat to life and property from flooding or stormwaters;
Increased slope instability and hazards from landslides and slumping; and
Modifications of the groundwater regime that adversely affect wells and surface water levels.
Protect the Village of Bloomfield and other governmental bodies from having to undertake, at public expense, programs of repairing roads, flood protection facilities and other public facilities.
Ensure that site preparation and construction are consistent with the Master Plan of the Village of Bloomfield.
The provisions of this chapter shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety and welfare. Whenever the requirements of this chapter are at variance with the requirements of any other lawfully adopted rules, regulations or ordinances, the most restrictive, or that imposing the higher standards, shall govern.
As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
All activities directly related to the growing or raising of crops or livestock for the sale of the agricultural produce, including horticultural and fruit operations.
The person designated by the Village Board of the Village of Bloomfield (by resolution) to administer and maintain the provision of this chapter.
The gravitational movement of water or other liquids by surface runoff or subsurface flow.
The wearing away of the land surface by action of wind, water, gravity or other natural forces.
Any activity which removes or significantly disturbs rock, gravel, sand, soil or the natural deposits.
Any activity which deposits natural or artificial material so as to modify the surface or subsurface conditions of land, lakes, ponds or watercourses.
The alteration of the surface or subsurface conditions of land, lakes, ponds or watercourses by excavation or filling.
The application of a layer of plant residue or other material for the purpose of effectively controlling erosion.
Solid material, both mineral and organic, that is in suspension, is being transported, has been deposited, or has been removed form its site of origin by erosion.
The activities of stripping, excavation, filling and grading, no matter what the purpose of these activities.
All unconsolidated material or nonliving organic material of whatever origin which overlies bedrock.
Any activity which removes or significantly disturbs trees, brush, grass or any other kind of vegetation.
The natural surface layer of soil, unusually darker than subsurface layers, to a depth of at least six inches within an undisturbed area of soils.
Any natural or artificial stream, river, creek, ditch, channel, canal, conduit, covert, drainageway, gully, ravine or wash in which water flows in a definite direction or course, either continuously or intermittently, and which has a definite channel, bed and banks, and any area adjacent thereto subject to inundation by reason of overflow, flood or stormwater.
No site preparation shall commence until a soil erosion, sedimentation and stormwater control permit has been issued for any activity requiring a permit as listed in § 112-7.
None of the following activities shall be commenced until a permit has been issued under the provisions of this chapter:
Site preparation in connection with the subdivision of land into two or more parcels;
Site preparation within 100 feet of wetlands;
Site preparation within any Limited Development Overlay District;
Site preparation requiring site plan or special use permit approval;
Stripping or grading which affects more than 15,000 square feet of ground surface within any parcel or any contiguous area;
Excavation or filling which exceeds a total of 100 cubic yards of a material within any parcel or contiguous area.
The following activities are exempted from permit requirements:
Activities not meeting the criteria in § 112-7;
Agricultural operations;
Household gardening and activities related to the maintenance of landscape features on existing developed lots, excepting such activities as are required to obtain permits under § 112-7;
Governmental activities to the extent such activities are exempted by law.
Before any site preparation requiring a permit under § 112-7 of this chapter is commenced, three copies of a permit application shall have been filed with the authorized official, and this application shall have been approved and a permit shall have been granted pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
The authorized official shall determine if the application is complete as required by § 112-10, and whether such application will be reviewed and approved by the authorized official or by the Village Planning Board pursuant to Subsection C hereof.
The authorized official shall have the authority to review and approve, approve with modifications or disapprove all permits applied for pursuant to this chapter, except for the applications involving any activity which will otherwise require Village Planning Board review and approval as subdivision of land as regulated by Chapter 86, Land Development; site plan approval under Article XIII of Chapter 135, Zoning; and special use permit approval under Article IX of Chapter 135, Zoning. For applications involving such activities, the Planning Board shall have review and the approval authority and shall coordinate this permit approval with the underlying Planning Board review process.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The authorized official or Village Planning Board may, upon its discretion, refer any permit application hereunder to the Village Engineer and/or other agencies or officials for guidance and recommendations.
All permits hereunder shall be granted or denied within 60 days of the filing of the application thereof; unless the applicant and the Village Planning Board consent to a time extension or, when applicable, the Village Planning Board shall follow the general procedures used by the Planning Board under the land subdivision and site plan review time frames.
Prior to granting a permit, the authorized official or Village Planning Board shall determine that the request is in harmony with the purpose and standards set forth in this chapter.
In granting a permit, the authorized official or Village Planning Board shall fix a reasonable time limit for the termination of the permit and may attach any conditions which it deems necessary to assure compliance with the provision of this chapter.
Major modifications of the terms of approved permits shall follow the same application, review and approval procedures as those set forth in this section for the original permit.
It shall be the responsibility of the authorized official to inspect sites as frequently as necessary to assure compliance with the terms of approved permits and the provisions of this chapter and to submit written notification of any violations of these terms or provisions to the Chairman of the Village Planning Board.
If at any time during the effective period of a permit or upon its expiration the terms of the permit are violated, the authorized official or the Village Planning Board may revoke the permit and may require that the performance guaranty be forfeited to the town. If the applicant shall be unable to complete the project or any phase thereof within the specified date of completion, he may present, in writing, a request for an extension of time, setting forth therein the reasons for the request, which extension may be granted at the discretion of the authorized official.
The property owner or his agent may initiate a request for permit by filing with the Village Planning and Zoning office three copies of an application. The application shall consist of, at a minimum, the application form available from the Village, the checklist completed by the applicant and appropriate maps, plans and/or sketches depicting the proposed site with appropriate accuracy giving the nature and scope of the proposed activities. Smaller or less complicated sites can be handled with a sketch to an approximate scale. Larger more complicated sites, especially where erosion and sedimentation may affect off-site areas, will require more detail and may require a plan prepared by a licensed engineer or architect. The applicant should discuss with the authorized official, at or prior to the time of application, the extent of mapping that may be required.
At a minimum, the map, plan or sketch prepared shall indicate the following:
Boundaries of the subject parcel and other parcels adjacent to the site which may be materially affected by the action.
Existing features, including structures, roads, watercourses, utility lines, etc., on the subject parcel and on adjacent parcels where appropriate.
Existing vegetative cover, including wooded areas, grass, brush or other, on the subject parcel and on adjacent properties where appropriate.
Limits or extent of excavation, filling and/or grading proposed to be undertaken.
The disposition of soil and topsoil, whether on-site or off-site, and the locations of any stockpiles to be placed on-site.
Temporary and permanent drainage, erosion, stormwater management techniques and sedimentation control facilities, including ponds, sediment basins, swales, energy dissipation devices, silt fences and/or straw bale locations.
The location of proposed roads, driveways, sidewalks, structures, utilities and other improvements.
Final contours of the site in intervals adequate to depict slopes and drainage details on the site.
A time schedule indicating:
When major phases of the proposed project are to be initiated and completed;
When major site preparation activities are to be initiated and completed;
When the installation of temporary and permanent vegetation and drainage, erosion, stormwater and sedimentation control facilities is to be completed; and
The anticipated duration (in days) of exposure of all major areas of site preparation before the installation of erosion, stormwater and sedimentation control measures.
A separate estimate may be required to be submitted, detailing the costs of providing the temporary and permanent vegetation and drainage, erosion, stormwater and sedimentation control facilities, depending upon the scope of the project.
In granting a permit under this chapter, the standards and considerations taken into account shall include, but not be limited to, the following:
Site preparation and construction shall be fitted to the vegetation, topography and other natural features of the site and shall preserve as many of these features as feasible.
The control of erosion and sediment shall be a continuous process undertaken as necessary prior to, during and after site preparation and construction.
The smallest practical area of land shall be exposed by site preparation at any given time.
The exposure of areas by site preparation shall be kept to the shortest practical period of time prior to the construction of structures or improvements or the restoration of the exposed areas to an attractive natural condition.
Mulching or temporary vegetation suitable to the site shall be used where necessary to protect areas exposed by site preparation, and permanent vegetation which is well adapted to the site shall be installed as soon as practical.
Where slopes are to be revegetated in areas exposed by site preparation, the slopes shall not be of such steepness that vegetation cannot be readily established or that problems of erosion or sediment may result.
Site preparation and construction shall not adversely affect the free flow of water by encroaching on, blocking or restricting watercourses, except as permitted by approved detention systems.
All fill material shall be of a composition suitable for ultimate use of the fill, free of rubbish and carefully restricted in its content of brush, stumps, tree debris, rocks, frozen material and soft or easily compressible material.
Fill material shall be compacted sufficiently to prevent problems of erosion, and where it is to support structures, it shall be compacted to a minimum of 90% of standard proctor with proper moisture control.
Topsoil which is excavated from a site shall be stockpiled and used for the restoration of the site, and such stockpiles shall be seeded or otherwise treated to minimize the effects of erosion if the pile is to remain for a period of more that 120 days.
Prior to, during and after site preparation and construction, an integrated drainage system shall be provided which at all times minimizes erosion, sediment, hazards of slope instability and adverse effects on neighboring property owners.
The natural drainage system shall generally be reserved in preference to modifications of this system, except where such modifications are necessary to reduce levels of erosion and sediment and adverse effects on neighboring property owners.
All drainage systems shall be designated to adequately handle anticipated flows both within the site and from the entire upstream drainage basin.
Sufficient grades and drainage facilities shall be provided to prevent the ponding of water, unless such ponding is proposed within the site plans, in which event there shall be sufficient water flow to maintain proposed water levels and to avoid stagnation.
There shall be provided such measures as benches, berms, terraces, diversions and sediment, debris and retention basins, where necessary, to minimize erosion and sediment.
Drainage systems, planting and other erosion or sediment control devices shall be maintained as necessary to provide adequate protection against erosion and sediment and to ensure that the free flow of water is not obstructed by the accumulation of silt, debris or other material or by structural damage.
The DEC Memorandum of April 1991, New York Guidelines for Erosion and Sediment Control, and DEC memorandum of April 1990, TOGS 5.1.8, New York Stormwater Management Guidelines for New Development, shall be the reference or technical guide used in the development of the soil erosion, sediment and stormwater plan for any specific site or project.
After the approval of the application and before the issuance of any permit, the applicant shall file with the Village Clerk/Treasurer an amount of the estimated cost of the erosion and sedimentation control measure, as submitted under § 112-10C of this chapter and accepted by the Village, in one of the following performance guaranties:
A certified check;
Cash; or
A letter of credit from a bank approved by the Village.
The authorized official may grant a waiver of such guaranty if he deems the proposed activities to be of minor scope and to be consistent with the provisions of this chapter.
The Village shall accept the performance guaranty only if the party or parties filing the performance guaranty agree that upon the termination of the permit or the operation, whichever may come first, the project shall be in conformity with both the approved specific requirements of the permit and the provisions of this chapter; and that in the event of default of such and/or violation of any other applicable laws, such performance guaranty shall be forfeited to the Village. Such performance guaranty shall continue in full force and effect until a certificate of compliance shall have been issued by the authorized official after such consultation with any agencies or individuals as he deems necessary to ensure that all provisions of this chapter and of the permit have been met.
The Village shall return to the applicant any amount that is not needed to cover the costs of restoration, administration and any other expenses incurred by the Village as a result of the applicant's default.
Waivers may be requested from the authorized officer or Village Planning Board as appropriate where the scope of the project is so limited that a permit is not appropriate.
Decisions of the authorized official or Planning Board on permit applications under this chapter may be appealed, at the applicant's option, to the Village Board, or be commencement of a judicial proceeding under Article 78 of the Civil Practice Law and Rules, provided that such appeal is made, in writing, within 30 days of the decision appealed from.
The Village Board may from time to time on its own motion, on petition, or on recommendation of the Village Planning Board, and in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, amend, supplement or repeal the regulations or provisions of this chapter.
The Village Board may, from time to time and by resolution, establish appropriate fees for the review and processing of the permits under this chapter.
If there is any damage due to a violation of this chapter or if any soil, liquid or other material is caused to be deposited upon or to roll, flow or wash upon any public property, private property or right-of-way in violation of this chapter, the person, firm, partnership, corporation or other party responsible shall be notified and shall cause the same to be removed from such property or way within 36 hours of notice. In the event of an immediate danger to the public health or safety, notice shall be remedied immediately. In the event that it is not so remedied, the Village shall cause such remedy as necessary and the cost incurred by the Village shall be paid to the Village by the party who failed to so remedy and shall be a debt owed to the Village, above and beyond the approved performance guaranty.
Any person, firm, partnership, corporation or other party who violates any provision of this chapter shall be guilty of misdemeanor and subject to a fine of not more than $1,000 or imprisonment not exceeding one year, or both such fine and imprisonment. The imposition of any such penalty for the violation of this chapter shall not excuse such violation nor permit the continuance thereof. The application of the above penalty or penalties for a violation of the provision of this chapter shall not be held to prevent the removal of conditions prohibited by this chapter by such legal means as may be proper.
[Amended 4-27-2016 by L.L. No. 2-2016; at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. I)]
The continuation of an offense against the provisions of this chapter shall constitute, for each week the offense is continued, a separate and distinct offense hereunder.
The authorized official, as designated by the Village Board of the Village of Bloomfield, shall have the authority to issue appearance tickets when the provisions of this chapter are deemed to be in violation.