Editor's Note: Former § 295-10, General exceptions, was repealed 6-12-2024 by Ord. No. 2738-24.
Emergency exceptions. The provisions of this article shall not apply to:
The emission of sound for the purpose of alerting persons to the existence of an emergency.
The emission of sound in the performance of emergency work.
Special variances.
The Mayor and Council shall have the authority, consistent with this section, to grant special variances which may be requested for good cause shown.
Any person seeking a special variance pursuant to this section shall file an application with the appropriate department within the Borough. The application shall contain information which demonstrates that bringing the source of sound or activity for which the special variance is sought into compliance with this article would constitute an unreasonable hardship on the applicant, on the community or on other persons. Any individual who claims to be adversely affected by allowance of the special variance may file a statement with the department containing any information to support his or her claim. If the department head finds that a sufficient controversy exists regarding an application, such department head may recommend that appropriate action be taken by the Mayor and Council.
In determining whether to grant or deny the application, the Mayor and Council shall balance the hardship to the applicant, the community and other persons, the special health, safety and welfare of persons affected, the adverse impact on property affected and any other adverse impact in granting the special variance. Applicants for special variances may be required to submit any information the reviewing department or directors may reasonably require. In granting or denying an application, the Mayor and Council shall maintain a copy of the decision and reasons for granting or denying the special variance, in accordance with the state law.
Variances in time to comply shall be granted to the applicant containing all necessary conditions, including a schedule for achieving compliance. The variance in time to comply shall not become effective until all conditions are agreed to by the applicant. Noncompliance with any condition of the variance shall terminate the variance and subject the person or entity holding it to those provisions of this chapter for which the variance was granted.
Application for extension of time limits specified in variances in time to comply or for modification of other substantial conditions shall be treated like applications for initial variances under this section, except that the Mayor and Council must find that the need for extension or modification clearly outweighs any adverse impact of granting the extension or modification.
The department head may issue guidelines defining the procedures to be followed in applying for a variance in time to comply and the criteria to be considered in deciding whether a variance will be recommended to the Mayor and Council.
Application information. The application for a permit to operate a loudspeaker or other sound-amplifying device within the Borough of Roselle must be submitted, in writing, to the Borough Clerk. Said application shall contain the name and address of the applicant, the name and address of the owner of the loudspeaker and/or sound amplifier, the date on which said device is intended to be used and the purpose of the use of the same.
Issuance of permit. Upon receipt of the foregoing information and after a routine police check to satisfy the requirements of this chapter, the Borough Clerk, following approval by the Mayor and Council, shall issue a permit for the use of the loudspeaker or sound amplifier.
Permits for the use and/or detonation of explosives or fireworks which violate § 295-7 shall be obtained prior to the use and/or detonation of the same; however, under no circumstances shall a permit be issued for the use and/or detonation of dangerous fireworks, as defined in N.J.S.A. 21:2-3.
A completed application shall be submitted to the Roselle Fire Department with an application fee of $500 no less than 45 days prior to the event, or a late charge shall be assessed as follows:
Thirty-one to 44 days prior to the event: $50.
Sixteen to 30 days prior to the event: $100.
Ten to 15 days prior to the event: $150.
Less than 10 days prior to the event: $250.
Application requirements.
All applications for permits in accordance with this section shall set forth the following:
The date, time and place of making such display or discharge;
The name, address, telephone number, ID or social security number of any person making the display and/or in charge of igniting, firing, setting off, exploding or causing to be exploded such fireworks or explosives;
The experience of any person making the display and/or in charge of igniting, firing, setting off, exploding or causing to be exploded such fireworks or explosives, including references;
Whether any person making the display and/or in charge of igniting, firing, setting off, exploding or causing to be exploded such fireworks has ever been convicted of a crime, indicating the date and type of conviction (if any); and
A list of fireworks and/or explosives to be displayed or discharged, and where same are to be stored prior to the display or discharge.
Applications for a permit under this section will be considered incomplete unless the following has been submitted:
Site plan;
Surety in the form of a certified check or money order payable to the Roselle Fire Department in the sum of $2,500 conditioned for payment of all damages to persons or property by reason of the event.
Certification of insurance naming the Borough of Roselle as co-insured stating that the insured shall indemnify the Borough of Roselle and hold the Borough of Roselle harmless in the amount of $1,000,000.
A copy of the explosives/fireworks vendor's "Permit to Manufacture Explosives" and/or "Permit to Use Explosives."
Permit issuance. A resolution authorizing a permit shall be obtained from the Borough of Roselle prior to the sale, display or discharge of any fireworks within the Borough of Roselle.
Permit fee. The fee for such permit is $300, which shall be payable upon approval of a completed application under this section but in any event must be paid prior to the first day of the event/display for which the applicant applied.
Conditions for issuance. The display and/or discharge of fireworks and explosives shall be handled by a competent operator approved by the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments of the Borough of Roselle. Such display shall be of such a character, and so located, discharged, or fired, as in the opinion of the Chiefs of the Police and Fire Departments, after proper inspection, shall not be hazardous to property or endanger any person(s). The location of the storage place of the fireworks or explosives shall be subject to the approval of the Chief of the Fire Department. Prior to the issuance of a permit, the application for same, including the certificate of insurance, must be reviewed and approved by designated legal counsel for the Borough of Roselle. The sale, possession, use and distribution of fireworks for such display shall be lawful under the terms and conditions approved with the permit and for that purpose only. No permit issued hereunder shall be transferable. Upon issuance of the permit, the Roselle Fire Department shall immediately notify the Police Department of the same.