[Adopted 1-23-2020 by Ord. No. 2020-01]
Statement of purpose. The Borough finds and declares that it is necessary to set forth clear standards in relation to the siting of poles cabinets and antennas for the benefit of its citizens and any utilities which use the Borough's rights-of-way. The purpose of this chapter is to protect the property of the Borough and its citizens by creating a permit system for all new poles, antennas and cabinets which are proposed to be placed in the municipal right-of-way.
For purposes of this Chapter 405, the following definitions shall apply:
The cost of processing an application for a right-of-way permit, including, but not limited to, all professional fees such as engineering, planning or attorney fees such as are normally charged for approval escrows.
The Borough Council of the Borough of Seaside Park.
A small box-like or rectangular structure used to facilitate utility or wireless service in the municipal right-of-way.
The part of the electrical system, after the transmission system, that is dedicated to delivering electric energy to an end user.
A pole that is in lawful existence within the municipal right-of-way.
A cabinet that is not attached to an existing pole and is touching the ground.
The surface of, and the space above or below, any public street, road, place, public way or place, sidewalk, alley, boulevard, parkway, drive or the like, held by the Borough as an easement or in fee simple ownership. This term also includes rights-of-way held by the County of Ocean where the Borough's approval is required for the use of the same pursuant to N.J.S.A. 27:16-6.
A long, slender, rounded piece of wood or metal.
A device that is attached to a pole and used to transmit radio or microwave signals and shall include, but not be limited to, small cell equipment and transmission media such as femtocells, picocells, microcells and outside distributed antenna systems.
A cabinet that is proposed to be placed on an existing or proposed pole.
A pole that is proposed to be placed in the municipal right-of-way.
Any lands, areas, buildings or installations owned by the Borough of Seaside Park or any of its Departments, agencies or commissions, and shall include municipal Board of Education lands, areas, buildings or installations.
An agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions for use of the municipal right-of-way and includes, but is not limited to, municipal franchise agreements.
An approval from the Borough, setting forth applicant's compliance with the requirements of this chapter.
Existing poles within the same right-of-way which are located within 500 feet of the proposed pole.
A cabinet that is located beneath the surface of the ground.
Companies subject to regulation by the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities under Chapter 48 of the Revised Statutes of the State of New Jersey.
Notwithstanding any franchise or right-of-way agreement to the contrary, all facilities proposed to be placed within the municipal right-of-way by a utility regulated by the Board of Public Utilities and all other entities lawfully regulating any facility, equipment, antenna, cabinet or other installation within the municipal right-of-way shall be subject to the standards and procedures set forth within this chapter and shall require right-of-way permits for the siting of poles, antennas, cabinets and related facilities, equipment or other installation within the municipal right-of-way.
No person shall operate or place any type of pole-mounted antenna within the municipal right-of-way without first entering in to a right-of-way agreement pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
No person shall operate or place any type of pole-mounted antenna within the municipal right-of-way without first entering in to a right-of-way agreement pursuant to the provisions of this chapter.
The terms of said right-of-way agreement shall include:
A term not to exceed 10 years;
Reasonable insurance requirements;
A fine for unauthorized installations;
A reference to the siting standards set forth in this chapter;
Annual inspection fees to ensure adequate and reasonable maintenance;
Requirements regarding removal of any equipment at the end of the term or in the event the technology becomes obsolete; and
Any other items which may be reasonably required for the applicant's operation within the municipal right-of-way.
No pole, antenna or cabinet shall be installed in the municipal right-of-way without the issuance of a right-of-way permit for that installation.
No right-of-way permit shall be issued for installation of a pole, antenna or cabinet unless the applicant can demonstrate with competent evidence it is unable to share equipment with a carrier or collocate on an existing pole.
Pole siting standards.
Height. No pole shall be taller than 35 feet or 110% of the height of poles in the surrounding streetscape, whichever is higher.
Distance from the curb line: No pole shall be farther than 18 inches from the curb line.
Location, safety and aesthetics: No pole shall be erected in the municipal right-of-way unless it:
Is replacing an existing pole; or
Is approved pursuant to a land development application by the Borough's Land Use Board pursuant to a land use application; or
Is located on the opposite side of the street from a part of the electrical distribution system; and
Is 200 linear feet from any other existing pole or proposed pole along the same side of the street; and
Is not located in an area with underground utilities; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way; and
Is finished and/or painted so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties.
Cabinet preference.
Underground cabinets/vaults are the preferred method of cabinet siting within the Borough of Seaside Park and permitted in the municipal right-of-way in all zones.
If the underground cabinet/vaults are not feasible and cannot be reasonably installed, pole-mounted cabinets are the next preferred method of cabinet siting.
If neither underground cabinet/vaults nor pole-mounted cabinets are feasible methods of siting, then ground level cabinets are permissible except as provided in Subsection G below.
It is incumbent on the applicant to demonstrate with evidence the non-feasibility of the preferred methods and the reasons the option elected is the only feasible option based upon the totality of the circumstances.
Underground cabinet/vault site location. Underground cabinets/vaults are the preferred method of cabinet siting within the Borough of Seaside Park and permitted in all municipal rights-of-way.
Pole-mounted cabinet site location. Pole-mounted cabinets are second preferred method of siting and permitted in all municipal rights-of-way. An applicant must demonstrate that underground cabinets/vaults are not feasible and cannot be reasonably installed based upon the totality of the circumstances.
Ground level cabinet site location.
Ground level cabinets are the least preferred method of siting. An application must demonstrate that underground cabinet/vault and pole-mounted cabinets are not feasible based upon the totality of the circumstances.
Ground level cabinets are prohibited on the east side of Ocean Avenue and the west side of Bayview Avenue.
Siting standards:
Pole-mounted antenna and pole-mounted cabinet siting standards.
Pole-mounted antennas are permitted on poles in the municipal right-of-way, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed three cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
Pole-mounted cabinets are permitted on poles in the municipal right-of-way, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed 16 cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
The Borough shall require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any pole mounted antenna or pole-mounted cabinet.
Pole-mounted antenna and underground cabinet/vault siting standards.
Pole-mounted antennas are permitted on poles in the municipal right-of-way, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed three cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
Underground cabinets/vaults are permitted with poles in the municipal right-of-way, provided that each underground cabinet/vault shall not disturb any underground utility service.
The Borough shall require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any pole-mounted antenna and underground cabinet/vault.
Pole-mounted antenna and aboveground cabinet siting standards.
Pole-mounted antennas are permitted on poles in the municipal right-of-way, provided that each pole-mounted antenna:
Does not exceed three cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
Aboveground cabinets are permitted with poles in the municipal right-of-way, except as provided in Subsection G above, provided that each cabinet:
Does not exceed 16 cubic feet in volume; and
Is finished or painted and otherwise camouflaged so as to blend in compatibly with its background and so as to minimize its visual impact on surrounding properties; and
Does not inhibit any existing sight triangles; and
Allows adequate room for the public to pass and repass along and across the public right-of-way.
The Borough shall require that an applicant provide a certification from a licensed engineer attesting to the structural integrity of any pole-mounted antenna or pole-mounted cabinet.
Preapplication meeting. Prior to making a formal application with the Borough for use of the municipal right-of-way, all applicants are advised to meet with the Borough Engineer to review the scope of the applicant's proposal.
The Borough Council shall, by resolution, approve or disapprove every right-of-way permit application based upon the recommendations provided to it pursuant to Subsections E through G below.
All applications made under this section and chapter shall be expedited so as to comply with the shot clocks set forth in the Federal Communications Commission Order entitled "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment By The Removal Of Barriers To Infrastructure Investment," WT Docket No. 17-79; WC Docket No. 17-84.
Every application made under this section and chapter must include a stamped survey prepared by a New Jersey licensed land surveyor demonstrating that any proposed pole, cabinet or antenna is located within the municipal right-of-way. Any such application which does not include such survey shall immediately be deemed incomplete.
The Borough Engineer shall review all applications and advise the Borough Council of his or her recommendation to approve, deny or approve with conditions such applications.
Upon receiving an application, the Borough Engineer shall immediately forward the same to the Borough Land Use Board for review and recommendation pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25(B)(3).
Upon receiving the application from the Borough Engineer, the Borough's Land Use Board's Secretary shall send written and electronic notice to all Board members of the filed application, scheduling a meeting and advising of the time frame for action.
The Borough's Land Use Board shall hold a meeting on the applications expeditiously as possible.
The Borough Land Use Board shall, pursuant to N.J.S.A. 40:55D-25(B)(3), review all applications for the placement of new poles and pole-mounted antennas proposed to be located in the municipal right-of-way and advise the Borough Council of its recommendations to approve, deny or approve with conditions such applications. If the Planning Board recommends a denial of such application, it shall set forth the factual basis for such denial in writing within 45 days of receipt of the application.
The review process by the Borough Engineer and Borough Land Use Board shall occur simultaneously.
If the Borough Council denies any application made under this section and chapter, it shall do so in writing and set forth the factual basis therefor.
Waiver. The Borough Council may waive any siting standard set forth in this chapter where the applicant demonstrates that strict enforcement of any siting standard will:
Prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting any interstate or intrastate telecommunications service pursuant to 47 U.S.C.A. § 253(a); or
Prohibit or have the effect of prohibiting personal wireless service pursuant to 47 U.S.C.A. § 332(c)(7)(B)(i)(II); or
Will violate any requirement set forth in the Federal Communications Commission Order entitled "Accelerating Wireless Broadband Deployment By The Removal Of Barriers To Infrastructure Investment," WT Docket No. 17-79; WC Docket No. 17-84.
Every right-of-way permit application must include a right-of-way permit fee in the following amounts:
New pole or replacement pole: $50.
One to five sites for installation of antenna and cabinets: $500.
Each additional site for installation of antenna and cabinets: $100.
Deposit toward anticipated municipal expenses.
In addition to the right-of-way permit application fee, with the exception for an application to install a new pole, the Borough Engineer shall require the posting of an escrow in the amount of $2,000 toward anticipated municipal expenses including, but not limited to planner, engineer, legal or other municipal fees related to review of an application for a right-of-way permit under this chapter.
The applicant's deposit shall be deposited in an escrow account. If at any time such deposit contains insufficient funds to enable the Borough to conduct its review of the right-of-way permit application, the Borough Engineer shall provide the applicant with notice of an insufficient balance. The applicant shall deposit within 10 days of such notice such additional deposit as shall be agreed upon by the applicant and the Borough Engineer to complete the Borough's review.
After a final decision has been made by the Borough Council in accordance with this chapter regarding the applicant's right-of-way permit application, any unused balance from the applicant's deposit toward anticipated municipal expenses shall be refunded.
Any approval granted pursuant to this chapter does not relieve the applicant from receiving consent of the owner of the land above which an applicant's facility may be located as required under New Jersey law.
Applicant must, in addition to obtaining a right-of-way permit pursuant to this chapter, also receive any and all necessary road opening permits, construction permits and any other permits required under the ordinances of the Borough of Seaside Park including, but not limited to the Uniform Construction Code.
Applications for Borough consent pursuant to N.J.S.A. 27:16-6 requires adherence to the standards set forth in this chapter. No such applicant shall be required to enter into a right-of-way agreement with the Borough.
Any person violating or failing to comply with any other provision of this article shall, upon conviction thereof, be punishable by a fine of no less than $100 and no more than $1,000, by imprisonment not to exceed 90 days or by community service of not more than 90 days or any combination of fine, imprisonment and community service, as determined in the discretion of the Municipal Court Judge. The continuation of such violation for each successive day shall constitute a separate offense, and the person or persons allowing or permitting the continuation of the violation may be punished as provided above for each separate offense.