In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1970 Borough Code have been included in the 2012 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. I.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1970 Code
Location in 2012 Code
Ch. 1, General Provisions
Art. I, Adoption of Code
NLP; See Ch. 1, Art. I
Ch. 3, Alarm Systems
Ch. 115
Ch. 5, Alcoholic Beverages
Art. I, Licenses
Ch. 119, Art. I
Art. II, Use by Minors
Ch. 119, Art. II
Art. III, Consumption in Public; Open Containers
Ch. 119, Art. III
Art. IV, Teen Nights
Ch. 119, Art. IV
Art. V, Consumption by Underaged Persons on Private Property
Ch. 119, Art. V
Ch. 6, Amusement Games
Ch. 123
Ch. 9, Beaches
Art. I, Acquisition and Operation
Ch. 135, Art. I
Art. II, Use of Motor Vehicles on Beaches
Ch. 135, Art. II
Art. III, Dunes
Ch. 135, Art. III
Art. IV, Beach Fires
Ch. 135, Art. IV
Ch. 10, Bicycles
Art. I, Condition and Operation Regulations
Ch. 139, Art. I
Art. II, Use on Boardwalks
Ch. 139, Art. II
Art. III, Motorized Bicycles
Ch. 139, Art. III
Ch. 11, Assessor
Ch. 50, Art. IV
Ch. 12, Board of Health
Ch. 12A, Boats
Art. I, Storage of Boats or Watercraft Prohibited on the Borough's Bayfront
Ch. 144, Art. III
Art. II, Mooring of Boats or Watercraft
Ch. 144, Art. I
Art. III, Personal Watercraft
Ch. 144, Art. II
Ch. 13, Bonds
Art. I, Posting of Bonds Before Using Heavy Equipment on Public Property
Ch. 356, Art. I
Ch. 18, Buildings, Numbering of
Ch. 163
Ch. 19, Business Hours
Ch. 20, Claims Procedures
Ch. 9
Ch. 21, Construction Codes, Uniform
Ch. 185
Ch. 22, Court, Municipal
Ch. 15
Ch. 24, Custom Garment Fabrication Business
Ch. 25, Development Regulations
Ch. 200
Ch. 26, Dogs and Other Animals
Art. I, Licensing of Dogs; Animal Control
Ch. 127, Art. I
Art. II, Proper Disposal of Pet Solid Waste
Ch. 127, Art. II
Art. III, Wildlife Feeding
Ch. 127, Art. III
Ch. 28, Drug-Free Zones
Ch. 209
Ch. 30, Fees for Various Services
Art. I, Miscellaneous Fees
Ch. 225, Art. I
Art. II, Police Fees
Ch. 225, Art. II
Ch. 31, Firearms
Ch. 233
Ch. 32, Fire-Fighting Apparatus and Equipment
Ch. 237
Ch. 33, Fire Prevention
Ch. 242
Ch. 33A, Fire Zones
Ch. 248
Ch. 37, Games of Chance
Ch. 256, Art. I
Ch. 37A, Garage Sales
Ch. 260
Ch. 38, Garbage, Trash and Recycling
Ch. 390
Ch. 39, Hawking, Peddling and Soliciting
Art. I, Solicitation: Charitable, Patriotic or Philanthropic
Ch. 342, Art. II
Art. II, Public Boardwalks and Beaches
Ch. 342, Art. I
Art. III, Hours
Art. IV (Reserved)
Ch. 41, Litter
Ch. 288
Ch. 43, Mercantile Licenses
Ch. 303
Ch. 44, Local Assistance Board
Ch. 39
Ch. 44A, Marina Utility
Ch. 293
Ch. 45, Massage Parlors
Ch. 297
Ch. 47, Motor Vehicle and Trailer Storage
Art. I (Reserved)
Art. II (Reserved)
Art. III, Sale of Motor Vehicles
Ch. 441
Ch. 47A, Newsracks
Ch. 310
Ch. 48, Noise
Art. I, General Provisions
Art. II, Metered Sound
Ch. 314
Ch. 49, Nuisances
Ch. 50, Offices and Employees
Art. I, Sanitary Engineer
Art. II, Tax Collector's Office
Ch. 50, Art. I
Art. III, Public Works Director
Repealed by Ord. No. 1508
Art. IV (Reserved)
Art. V, Office of the Borough Clerk
Ch. 50, Art. V
Art. VI, Borough Attorney and Borough Engineer
Ch. 50, Art. II
Art. VII, Borough Administrator
Ch. 50, Art. III
Art. VIII, Residency Requirements
Ch. 71
Art. IX, Sick Leave Trust Fund
Ch. 86
Art. X, Chief Financial Officer
Ch. 50, Art. VI
Art. XI, Indemnification of Officials
Ch. 20
Ch. 53, Peace and Good Order
Art. I, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 338, Art. IV
Art. II, Conduct in Public Places
Ch. 338, Art. II
Art. III, Picnicking and Beach Parties
Ch. 338, Art. III
Art. IV, Gaming Houses and Houses of Ill Fame
Ch. 338, Art. I
Art. V, Use of Laser Beam Devices
Ch. 338, Art. V
Ch. 54, Playgrounds
Ch. 333
Ch. 56, Police Department
Art. I (Untitled)
Superseded by Ord. No. 1426; see now Ch. 62
Art. II, Off-Duty Police Employment
Superseded by Ord. No. 1426; see now Ch. 62
Ch. 58, Property Maintenance
Ch. 350
Ch. 59, Rental Property
Repealed by Ord. No. 1589; see now Ch. 364
Ch. 59A, Transfer of Title
Art. I, Permit for Continued Occupancy
Ch. 429, Art. II
Ch. 59B, Zoning Permit to Transfer Title
Art. I, Inspection of Property
Ch. 429, Art. I
Ch. 60, Salaries and Wages
Ch. 79
Ch. 61, Personnel
Superseded by Ord. No. 1481; see now Ch. 57
Ch. 64, Smoking
Ch. 383, Art. I
Ch. 65, Signs
See Ch. 200
Ch. 67, Storm Sewers
Ch. 395, Art. I
Ch. 68, Streets and Sidewalks
Art. I, Driveways
Ch. 405, Art. III
Art. II, Grass, Weeds and Other Impediments
Ch. 405, Art. I
Art. III, Excavations
Ch. 405, Art. II
Art. IV, Driving Over, On, or Upon Sidewalks
Ch. 435, Part 10
Art. V, Stormwater Run-Off
Ch. 399, Art. I
Art. VI, Casting of Snow or Ice
Ch. 405, Art. IV
Ch. 74, Tennis Courts
Ch. 417, Art. I
Ch. 75, Unfit Dwellings and Dangerous Structures
Ch. 156
Ch. 76, Vehicles and Traffic
Part 1, General Traffic Regulations
Ch. 435, Part 1
Part 2, Municipal Parking Lots
Ch. 435, Part 2
Part 3, Emergency Parking Restrictions
Ch. 435, Part 3
Part 4, Parking Meters
Ch. 435, Part 4
Part 5, Removal of Vehicles
§§ 76-49 through 76-51
Ch. 435, Part 5
§§ 76-51.1 through 76-51.18
Ch. 424
Part 6, Handicapped Parking
Ch. 435, Part 6
Part 7, Trailer Parking and Storage
Ch. 435, Part 7
Part 8, Permit Only Parking
Part 9, Fire Company Parking
Ch. 435, Part 8
Part 10, Restricted Vehicle Parking
Ch. 435, Part 9
Ch. 78, Water and Sewers
Art. I, Water-Sewer Utility Department
Ch. 94
Art. II, Sanitary Sewer: Connection and Installation of Service Connections
Ch. 450, Art. I
Art. III, Sewer Connection Specifications and Regulations
Ch. 450, Art. II
Art. IV, Water and Sewer Rates
Ch. 450, Art. III
Ch. 80, The Regulation of Certain Wharf Locations
Ch. 458
Ch. 81, Violations and Penalties
Ch. 1, Art. II
Ch. A83, Cable Television Franchise
Ch. A470
Ch. A84, Communications Facilities Right-of-Way Agreement
Ch. A475