[HISTORY: Adopted by the Town Meeting of the Town of Sherborn 1994 (Ch. 22 of the 1968 Bylaws.) Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Amended 1999]
No driveway shall be constructed or substantially altered at the point of intersection with a public street or private way unless a written permit is first obtained from the Director of Public Works in accordance with rules and regulations adopted by the Select Board. No provision of these rules and regulations shall operate so as to prevent construction on any lot on which such construction would otherwise be permitted.
No foundation or building permit shall be issued for the construction of a new dwelling unless such driveway permit has first been obtained. The Director of Public Works may impose such conditions in said permit as will reasonably protect said streets or private ways from damage or obstruction as a result of said construction or substantial alteration.
Where a new driveway or a driveway for a new dwelling will exceed 500 feet in length from a public street or private way to any dwelling located on any lot, said driveway shall meet the following minimum standards:
Minimum width - said driveway shall have a minimum width of 14 feet with a minimum ten-inch gravel base and a top surface of either gravel or bituminous concrete or combination of both.
[Amended 4-25-2023 ATM by Art. 22]
Minimum weight bearing - the Director of Public Works shall approve the minimum weight bearing capacity as certified by a registered professional engineer of all such driveways at such locations where the driveway shall consist of a bridge or shall have located under it any culverts or pipes for the purpose of water flow.
Vertical clearances - all overhead utilities or structures of any kind shall have minimal vertical clearance above said driveway of 15 1/2 feet.
Turnaround - all said driveways shall be constructed with a maintained turnaround area or circular turnaround, in proximity to the dwelling as may be approved by the Director of Public Works.
Maximum grades and minimum radii - said driveway shall be constructed with maximum grade slopes of no more than 8% and minimum turning radii in all locations of not less than 40 feet.
Other conditions - all applicants for such driveway permits shall submit suitable plans to the Director of Public Works for approval, who may impose such conditions in said permit as will reasonably assure access to and from said public street or private way to any dwelling built on the property of the applicant for the purpose of assuring access to such structures of all public safety services.
Waivers - the Director of Public Works shall waive any of the requirements of this section in a given case upon written request by the Planning Board.
This chapter shall not apply to any driveway in existence upon the effective date hereof or to any repair or replacement thereof.