[HISTORY: Adopted by the City Council of the City of Greenfield as indicated in article histories. Amendments noted where applicable.]
[Adopted 12-18-2019 by Order No. FY 20-012[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance was originally adopted as Ch 302, but was renumbered as Ch. 412, Art. I, to maintain the organizational structure of the Code.
It is hereby declared to be against the public policy for any employer to employ any person in an occupation by the City of Greenfield, Massachusetts at an oppressive and unreasonable wage in any contract, agreement, or understanding in relation to such employment for a wage less than the minimum wage of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts per hour and such lesser wage shall conclusively be presumed to be oppressive and unreasonable, whenever the term "minimum wage" is used herein.
Any employee employed by the City of Greenfield, as defined herein, shall be compensated at an hourly rate of not less than the minimum wage of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts an hour.
The following terms shall mean:
The City of Greenfield, Massachusetts.
To suffer or permit to work.
An individual, including but not limited to full-time employer, temporary worker who is employed by the City.
Any minor under the age of 18, lawfully employ by the City of Greenfield and/or any of its subdivisions may be compensated at a wage less than the minimum wage of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts per hour, but in no event for a lesser wage provided as a matter of law by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as particularly contained in MGL c. 151, Minimum Fair Wages.
In no event shall the payment by the employer of health benefits for employees affect the hourly said is paid as prescribed here.
All wages, commissions, piece rate, and bonuses actually received by the employee and as reportable to the United States Internal Revenue Service.
Compensation due to the employee by reason of employment, payable in legal tender of the United States or checks and bank convertible into cash on demand at full face value. Employer payments toward a medical benefit plan and/or accounts do not constitute wages for the purposes of this article.
Nothing herein shall apply to wages contracted, prior to the effected date of this article, by collective bargaining agreement during the term of the agreement. It shall apply to all agreements thereafter or any amendment to an existing agreement.
This article shall become effective on July 1, 2020.
If any term, condition or part of this article is deemed invalid, void or voidable, it shall not invalidate the remainder of the article.
Any violation of this article shall be enforced by any agency or court having applicable jurisdiction.