[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Trustees of the Village of Dryden 1-24-1996 (Sec. 20703 of the 1996 Code). Amendments noted where applicable.]
For the purpose of this chapter, the following terms used herein are defined as follows:
Any owner, tenant, trustee, receiver, executor or other person who controls, in whole or in part, any subject premises.
Any individual or group of individuals, corporation, partnership, firm, association, company or any other entity, and any agent, designee or employee acting on behalf thereof.
Any parcel of real property improved by a dwelling or other structure. Subject premises shall include the area adjacent to the paved portion of the street(s) on which the premises are located.
All words and terms not specifically defined herein shall have their usual meaning in the English language.
The provisions of this chapter apply to any parcel of real property improved by a dwelling or other structure. Subject premises shall include the area adjacent to the paved portion of the street(s) on which the premises are located.
Each holder shall cause the grass and weeds within 200 feet of a public road on any subject premises to be mowed and the brush and rubbish on such premises to be removed at least once in each of the months of May and August in each year.
[Amended at time of adoption of Code (see Ch. 1, General Provisions, Art. III)]
Whenever the Code Enforcement Officer determines that any subject premises are being maintained in violation of § 100-2 hereinabove, he/she shall serve a notice to cut, trim, remove or otherwise eliminate such long grass and weeds. Such notice shall be served personally or by certified mail upon any holder of the subject premises. Such notice shall give such holder 14 days to correct such violation. Such notice shall state that in the event such violation has not been corrected within such time, the Village of Dryden may cause such long grass and weeds to be cut, trimmed, removed, or otherwise eliminated, and if it does so, shall assess the total expense thereof against the property whereon the same is found.
In the event all such long grass or weeds shall not be cut, trimmed, removed or otherwise eliminated within the time specified in the notice to cut, the Board of Trustees shall proceed to take whatever action is necessary to cause such long grass or weeds to be cut, trimmed, removed, or otherwise eliminated. The total expense thereof shall be assessed against such property by the Board of Trustees in the manner provided hereinbelow.
The Board of Trustees shall serve personally or by certified mail upon the owner of record of such property at the address shown on the last preceding tax assessment roll a written notice, stating that at a time and place specified therein, it will assess the expense of such cutting against such property. Such notice shall be served at least eight days previous to the time specified therein. If directed against a corporation, it may be served upon the corporation at its principal place of business, upon an agent of the corporation within the Village, or upon the Secretary of State. Notice served upon the Secretary of State shall be served at least 12 days previous to the time specified therein. At the time and place so specified, the Board of Trustees shall hear the parties interested, and shall thereupon finally determine the assessment, stating therein the name of each owner and the amount so assessed. The amount so assessed shall constitute a lien on the real property on which it is levied until paid or otherwise canceled pursuant to the provisions of § 5-516 of the Village Law and shall be collected in the same manner as other Village special assessments pursuant to the provisions of § 5-518 of the Village Law.
[Amended 4-10-2014 by L.L. No. 3-2014]
Any person upon whom notice has been served, as set forth hereinabove, to cut, trim, remove, or otherwise eliminate such long grass and weeds, and who for a period of 14 days after the mailing of such notice shall neglect or fail to comply with the provisions of any such notice, shall be guilty of a violation of this chapter. In addition to any other penalty or remedy herein provided, failure to comply with any of the provisions of this section shall be deemed a violation and the violator shall be punished as set forth on the Village of Dryden Fine Schedule, which Fine Schedule may be established by resolution and thereafter amended from time to time by resolution of the Village Board of Trustees.