[Adopted 4-28-2022 by Ord. No. 2022-07]
Placing or maintaining spotlights or other types of artificial lighting that provide a concentrated beam of light extending beyond any property lines.
Placing or maintaining spotlights or other types of artificial lighting extending beyond the vertical plane of the face of any building or structure that causes a beam of light to be reflected upon any other property or any public street.
This chapter is intended to apply and to bind the owners, tenants, occupants, guests and all other persons within the corporate limits of the Borough of Seaside Park.
It shall be the duty of the police department and Code Enforcement Officials of the Borough of Seaside Park to determine whether or not this chapter has been and is being complied with and to enforce the provisions of this chapter against any person violating the same.
Any police officer or Code Enforcement Official of the Borough of Seaside Park, or any individual person, may file a complaint in Municipal Court of the Borough of Seaside Park for any violations of this chapter.
Any person who violates any one or more sections of this article shall be subject to the general penalty in Chapter 1, Article II, General Penalty, of the Borough Code. Each and every day a violation of this chapter shall exist shall constitute a separate violation.