The purpose of this chapter is to describe the procedures and requirements for the management, handling, and disposal of solid waste generated within the City of Franklin, New Hampshire. These provisions shall apply but not be limited to all activities at the Franklin transfer station; commercial collection and storage; recycling; the City-provided automated curbside collection system means of specialized containerized service using mechanized equipment; and all phases of solid waste enforcement. The proper management of solid waste is necessary to protect the health, safety and welfare of the citizens, property owners, and visitors to the City of Franklin.
The following words and abbreviations used in this chapter shall mean and be defined as outlined below. Any other words not outlined below and used in this chapter shall have its commonly used and understood definition.
A street or road that has been formally accepted and approved by the City Council for public use and maintained by the City, as well as any New Hampshire Department of Transportation state highway within City limits.
The curbside solid waste collection system used by the City of Franklin by means of automated collection trucks and specialized containers lifted into trucks by mechanical arms. There are two terms used in this chapter, "automated residential curbside collection system," specifically addressing residential pickup, and "automated commercial curbside collection system," specifically addressing commercial pickup, both of which are discussed later in this chapter.
The automated curbside collection system level being provided to eligible properties as defined in this chapter for curbside collection, and the disposal of municipal solid waste at the transfer station in compliance with "Transfer Station Guidelines" which will be updated with the City Council approval of a new Solid Waste Ordinance.
Waste that is diverted to the end source without passing through the transfer station.
The City of Franklin, New Hampshire, including City staff or subcontractors.
The legislative body of the City as defined in the Franklin, New Hampshire, City Charter.
A private, licensed company, corporation, or individual that operates within the City for the collection and disposal of solid waste hired either by the City or by the residential or commercial property owner.
A commercial property containing a business entity or similar use, or a residential multifamily housing dwelling of three or more units or any combination thereof to include condominiums. The unit(s) may be an individual and/or standalone use, or it may be of mixed use with multiple business activities or commercial dwelling units.
The cooperative of which the City is a participating member where certain types of solid waste are disposed of for incineration; referred to as "CRSWRRC" in this chapter.
All building and construction material not fit for processing at the incinerator or alternate facilities as specified in their regulations for delivery of materials.
A private, licensed company, corporation, or individual that operates within the City to manage and provide municipal solid waste curbside collection services. Also, a contractor licensed to provide various types of solid waste collection services within City limits.
A notice, issued by the Director of Municipal Services or designee(s), under the enforcement provision outlined below, to inform a resident or property owners that they are not in compliance with one or more provisions of this chapter. This notice may be used as the first step in the overall enforcement process and is intended to be an educational and informational reminder for the proper preparation, handling, and management of municipal solid waste by the property owner.
All containers used in the employ of curbside collection are issued by, and are the property of, the City of Franklin.
The individual property owner, tenant, lessee, or other party receiving the base level collection service provided by the City, or who uses the transfer station.
The Director of the Municipal Services Department or a designee(s) to act on the City's behalf to manage its Municipal Solid Waste Curbside Collection Program.
A notice, issued by the Director of Municipal Services or designee(s) under the enforcement provision outlined below, to inform a resident(s) or property owner(s) they are not in compliance with one or more provisions of this chapter. This notice may be used as the first or second step in the overall enforcement process. The issuance of multiple formal notices can result in loss of service, penalties, or enforcement actions as outlined in this chapter.
The amount of municipal solid waste that the City delivers to the CRSWRRC and other permitted solid waste disposal facilities on an annual basis. This amount is annually calculated by the City and may change as the generation rates of municipal solid waste increase or decrease due to the various factors including: population growth, increases in the amount of solid waste generated, or general economic and market conditions.
All waste identified by the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the NHDES Solid Waste Management Bureau requiring special handling, transport, and disposal.
The facility being used by the City for the disposal and processing of solid waste.
The committee established by the City Council to advise the Department on operational and budgetary issues and referenced in this chapter.
The department of the City that is responsible for the collection, handling and transport of all solid waste and trash and recyclable materials and referenced in this chapter as the "MSD."
Conditions can occur such that a container that can no longer serve the intended purpose and safe functional operation. Such conditions may include but are not limited to missing parts, parts that are no longer functional such as wheels and lid, a container that can no longer be safely emptied by mechanical means or a container that exhibits conditions that pose a safety threat to the container user, passerby and/or operators of the automated equipment used to empty the container.
Containers that are damaged and/or rendered no longer usable due to normal wear and tear will be replaced by the Municipal Services Department at no charge.
Containers that are damaged, rendered no longer functional or are unsafe due to intentional abuse or misuse will be repaired and/or replaced at the expense of the property owner to whom the container was issued. The determination to repair or replace will be made by the Municipal Services Director or designee and that decision will be final.
This includes procedures and guidelines prepared by the Director of Municipal Services and City staff for the proper implementation and operation of the provisions of this chapter.
For the purposes of this chapter this includes all the materials accepted by the City for recycling which will be transported to firms contracted by the City for recycling services. These materials are generated by residential units and commercial properties for disposal at the transfer station or a satellite collection center. The Director will issue a list of acceptable items, which may change due to market, regulatory and economic conditions. There are a variety of recyclable materials that include: glass bottles, tires, metals, clothing, batteries, household appliances, waste oil, mercury-containing devices, non-burnable wood waste and construction materials, leaves and yard waste, and other items included by the Director on the allowed-items list, which can be found in the written "Transfer Station Guidelines."
An individual residential dwelling used for habitation. A single-family home is one unit, a two-family structure is a two-unit building, and a multiunit building or complex is designated by the number of individual units such as apartments, condominium complexes, mobile/manufactured home parks, or a mixed-use or cluster type of building development categorized as commercial use.
The removal of, or the rummaging through, any form of solid waste (any recyclable or nonrecyclable material) from any container that has been placed at the curbside for collection by the City or for disposal at the transfer station is prohibited. All solid waste and recyclable materials placed on the curbside for collection, or brought to the transfer station, are considered the property of the City of Franklin, and no scavenging of the materials is permitted. This section notwithstanding, the proper management of the materials placed curbside for collection is the responsibility of the property owner, directly or through any tenant or lessee, as outlined in § 257-7.
Items exempt from, or not accepted for, regular curbside municipal solid waste collection, which is acceptable at the transfer station in accordance with the State of New Hampshire issued permit to operate. Separated materials must be placed in the designated container(s) at the transfer station.
A type of recycling program that allows for the mixing of all types of recyclable materials. The mixing is done by the homeowner or another resident, a business, or a property owner.
This is the entire waste stream which includes both recyclable and nonrecyclable materials; also, sometimes referred to as the solid waste stream.
Types of wastes that are liquid, solid, gaseous or vapor in nature not considered hazardous requiring special handling. This waste is not permitted to be disposed of through curbside collection. It may be taken and separated at the transfer station for appropriate disposal.
Any state or federal statute, law, regulation or policy intended to address any issue related to the collection, storage or disposal of any solid waste material or any unacceptable or prohibited material.
The facility operated by the City, located on Punch Brook Road, where eligible residents, businesses, contractors and persons may deposit trash, recyclables, and various yard and construction waste materials. Please refer to Article III of this chapter and the "Transfer Station Guidelines" for additional information.
A written information packet summarizing operational guidelines, facility rules and other pertinent information for the public who use the facility. These guidelines are updated as needed by the Municipal Services Director for public distribution.
Typical municipal solid waste (MSW), i.e., trash and garbage that is generated by a residential dwelling unit or a commercial property, not requiring special handling.
Waste not designated in the City's permit or not permitted in the solid waste stream by an applicable city ordinance, state or federal statute or law, or by firms contracted with the City to handle and dispose of the waste.
The Director of the Municipal Services Department or designee(s) (hereinafter the "Director" and the "Department" respectively), shall have responsibility for the administration of this chapter subject to the direction and control of the City Manager and the City Council. As deemed appropriate by the Director, certain responsibilities may be delegated to the Deputy Director or other appropriate City staff. As outlined below in § 257-10, the Director shall have the full authority to make and enforce certain policies and procedures to carry out the purpose of this chapter.
By and through this chapter, it is a requirement in the City of Franklin that all waste delivered to the municipal transfer station be separated by type and disposed of in a designated appropriate container(s). The mixing of special waste with trash is a violation of this chapter and subject to the appropriate enforcement procedures as outlined in § 257-11. The reason for mandatory separation at the transfer station is to help manage, contain and control the costs associated with the disposal and management of solid waste by diverting as many recyclables and specialized types of solid waste from the stream as possible and in accordance with waste bans required by the State of New Hampshire. The listing of designated recyclable materials shall be prepared by the Director and included in the "Transfer Station Guidelines," which can be found on the City website under "transfer station," and at the Municipal Services Department office. The list will also be available to civic and business organizations for use in their events and programs.
The City Council and the City Administration recognize that the most efficient, cost-effective way to handle/dispose of solid waste is to design and implement a solid waste program. Secondly, residents should be educated on ways to separate, reduce, reuse, and recycle as much solid waste as possible. The strong potential exists that costs associated with the disposal of trash will continue to increase and one method of reducing the overall costs to the City is to recycle and separate as many materials as possible. While the markets for recyclables are always fluctuating, the costs of disposing of solid waste are generally lower than the costs of disposing of nonrecyclables, if separated. Thus, the City along with interested individuals, schools, and civic organizations, will educate, inform, and encourage residents and business owners regarding City solid waste collection and disposal methods. Educational outreach programs and information will be made available on the City website, through the schools, at community events, cooperative efforts with local businesses and in the local media. The City Council welcomes the cooperation and assistance of all residents in making Franklin a leader in programs that reduce, reuse and repurpose all types of municipal solid waste.
It shall be a violation of this chapter for any individual, business, property owner, or other person or entity to unlawfully dispose of any solid waste, hazardous waste or special waste in a manner not in accordance with the provisions of this chapter or contrary to any policy, regulation or guidelines established hereunder, or any applicable state statute or regulation. The dumping or disposal of any type of waste generated from any location outside of the boundaries of the City shall also be considered a violation. The previous sentence notwithstanding, the burial/disposal of ash on the CRSWRRC property, or any future disposal agreement with the CRSWRRC to use their land within the City, and approved by the City Council, shall be exempt from the restrictions of this section. The penalties for any violation of this chapter will be as outlined in § 257-11 below. Certain materials are not accepted and prohibited through the City Curbside Collection Program and at the transfer station. These materials may be banned through state or federal statutes or regulations, by the owner/operator of the incinerator where City trash is burned, any future final disposal location, or by City ordinance per regulation. No individual shall dispose of or accumulate any unacceptable materials, as defined in § 257-2, the definition of "unacceptable and unapproved waste," within the City on public or private property. The Department office can be contacted for a listing of such materials or will direct the party to an online list outlining such materials. Violations may be reported to the City of Franklin Municipal Services Department at 43 West Bow Street or by calling 603-934-4103.
The City assumes no obligation under this chapter to remove trash, recyclables, garbage, rubbish, or other solid waste that is not properly managed and containerized by the property owner in conformance with this chapter. It shall be the duty of any person owning, or having under his or her control, any property in the City to keep the same free from paper, rubbish, garbage and any other types of accumulated waste that may be a fire hazard, or obnoxious or dangerous to the general health, safety or welfare of the public and surrounding properties. If the City's Property Maintenance Code (Chapter 233), the Fire Chief, the Health Officer, the Code Enforcement Officers, Municipal Services Director, or the City Manager makes a determination that said material constitutes such a hazard or danger, then the owner or the responsible party shall remove said materials if ordered to do so by the appropriate City official.
The use of containers intended for the management of solid waste, whether for residential, commercial, or industrial purposes, and in place on the subject property, is limited to the property owner, tenants, or lessees. No unauthorized person shall place or dispose of any solid waste in said containers, and any such placement or disposal shall be considered a violation of this chapter and subject to the enforcement provisions of § 257-11. The containers issued by the City for the automated curbside collection program shall not be used by any individual for any other purpose other than the collection of curbside waste generated from within the City.
The Director shall have the authority to create, and modify as needed, policies and procedures necessary and appropriate for the effective implementation of the provisions of this chapter. These policies/procedures are intended to address specific sections of this chapter outlined below, or the general management and disposal of the overall solid waste stream, and shall apply to the automated curbside collection system, the operation of the transfer station, and any private commercial collection services. This authority is deemed necessary by the City Council due to the variety of factors including, but not limited to: economic conditions, any changes to applicable state or federal law or regulation that affects the disposal of solid waste and recyclables, or the availability of markets and/or disposal sites for either solid waste or recyclable materials.
The MSD Director and other City staff identified in this chapter are authorized to issue notices of noncompliance when it is determined that a property is in violation of the provisions of this chapter. The violation of any provision of this chapter shall be considered a violation of the Codes of the City of Franklin and may result in the issues of notices, fines, penalties, or prosecution through the appropriate court of jurisdiction. Each violation shall be considered a separate offense and each day a violation exists shall be a separate violation. The City shall seek compensation from the violator for the costs of any prosecution associated with the enforcement of this chapter. Per § 1-16, General Penalty, of the City Code, the fines shall not exceed $1,000 per violation. The Director reserves the right to issue courtesy notices intended to inform the property owner that certain materials are not authorized for pickup or disposal. If two courtesy notices are issued to an individual property within the previous three months, then the next violation shall result in the issuance of a formal notice of noncompliance. The forgoing sentence notwithstanding, the Director is authorized to issue formal notices at any point in time if deemed as an appropriate enforcement action. The courtesy notices or the formal notices of noncompliance may be issued by the Director, the MSD's solid waste staff, or the City's Code Enforcement Division. The issuance of two notices of noncompliance may result in the loss of service for curbside pickup, and/or prohibit the offending individual from using the transfer station, until and unless the property owner/customer meets with the Director or designee(s) to discuss the violations and establish a mechanism to bring the property into compliance.
The City reserves the right to conduct trash audits for the purpose of reviewing compliance with the provisions of this chapter. The audit may be requested by the property owner or by the Director of Municipal Services. Trash audits may be used to determine if, for example, more or less containers may be appropriate for the trash generated at the residence. Audits may also be requested to ensure that only proper items are being disposed of through the Automated Residential Curbside Collection System. If a property is regularly and continually in noncompliance then the information gathered through the trash audit may be used to issue penalties or an order to stop curbside pickup per § 257-33.
All complaints brought by a property owner, tenant, lessee, or other affected party shall be made in writing, through the submission of a service request, to the MSD Director. These forms are available at City Hall and on the City website. Complaints regarding missed pickup of trash shall be addressed by calling the company contracted by the City for the purpose of residential curbside collection.
Any eligible user of the residential curbside collection service or other services at the Franklin, New Hampshire, transfer station who has concerns about illegal dumping, property management as relates to trash disposal, or any other issues regarding the disposal of trash in the City of Franklin should contact the Director of Municipal Services to determine a satisfactory resolution to the issue.