[Adopted 8-2-1988 by Ord. No. 5285-88]
[Last amended 6-18-2024 by Ord. No. 7915-24]
The confidential offices and employments and salaries herein, other than those created by statute or ordinance, be and the same are hereby created for the proper conduct of the affairs of the City, and the amount(s) enumerated hereinafter be and they are fixed, granted and ordered paid as regular annual salaries and wages to the confidential officers and employees now or hereafter in the office or employment enumerated unless and until otherwise amended, revised or supplemented by and in accordance with law:
Maximum 2024
Administrative Analyst
Assistant Municipal Attorney
Chief Emergency Medical Technician
Chief Financial Officer
Chief Municipal Court Judge
Chief Municipal Prosecutor
City Clerk
Registrar of Vital Statistics
City Engineer
ADA Compliance Officer
City Manager
Communications Manager
Confidential Secretary
Deputy City Clerk
Director of Health and Welfare
Director of Public Works
Economic Development Director
Fire Chief
First Assistant Municipal Attorney
Health Officer
Management Information Specialist
Municipal Attorney
Municipal Court Administrator
Municipal Court Judge (Second)a
Municipal Prosecutor (Second)b
Municipal Treasurer
Personnel Officer
EEO Officer
HRO Officer
Planning Director
Police Chief
Public Defender
Purchasing Agent
Tax Assessor
Tax Collector
Tax Search Officer
Second Municipal Court Judge Salary is based upon $275 per court session.
Second Municipal Prosecutor Salary is based upon $175 per court session.
[Amended 7-21-2015 by Ord. No. 7228-15]
Annual salaries shall be paid in equal semimonthly installments.
Direct deposit.
[Added 5-2-2017 by Ord. No. 7375-17]
All permanent employees and elected public officials who receive compensation from the City of Clifton are mandated to have direct deposit of their compensation as of July 1, 2017, in accordance with Chapter 28, P.L. 2013, as defined under N.J.S.A. 52:14-15f(b) (including paperless online pay stubs and W-2s).
Seasonal and temporary employees who are employed by the City of Clifton are exempt from the direct deposit mandate.
Municipal employees may request, in writing, an exemption from the direct deposit mandate to the City of Clifton's Personnel Director. Such requests will be presented to the City Council within 30 days. The City Council may grant such an exemption by resolution and only for good cause.
Unless otherwise heretofore or hereafter waived by the officer or employee, there shall be added to and made part of the remuneration to each officer and employee an amount equal to 2 1/2% of the salary or wages fixed for each such person upon the completion of five years of cumulative service in and for the City of Clifton; an amount equal to 5% of the salary or wages fixed for each such person upon the completion of 10 years of cumulative service in and for the City of Clifton; an amount equal to 7 1/2% of the salary or wages fixed for each such person upon the completion of 15 years of cumulative service in and for the City of Clifton; an amount equal to 10% of the salary or wages fixed for each such person upon the completion of 20 years of cumulative service in and for the City of Clifton; and an amount equal to 12 1/2% of the salary or wages fixed for each such person upon the completion of 25 years of cumulative service in and for the City of Clifton. Such additional compensation shall be paid, notwithstanding the maximum salary or wages hereinabove provided for such office or employment and shall be paid at the same time and in the manner as the salary or wages fixed pursuant to the provisions of this article.
For the purposes of this section, all periods of employment shall be deemed to have commenced on January 1 of the year of appointment or employment, unless the actual date of such appointment or employment took place on or after July 1, in which case said period of employment shall be deemed to have commenced on July 1 of the year of said appointment or employment.
An interruption of service resulting from any cause beyond the control of the officer or employee, such as military service or injury in the line of duty or illness, shall be considered as service for the City of Clifton for the purpose of determining the completion of said cumulative periods of five years of service with the City.
In computing such period of cumulative service in and for the City of Clifton, credit shall be given for all prior full-time service by an officer or employee as an employee of the State of New Jersey or any other political subdivision thereof, unless the same is waived, in writing, by such officer or employee.
Notwithstanding anything hereinabove to the contrary, the remuneration (longevity payments) set forth in this section shall not be applied or be applicable to confidential officials or employees hired or appointed on or after January 1, 1988, and if said employee was receiving longevity payments as result of a previous position with the City of Clifton at the time of appointment, said longevity payments shall be considered waived upon acceptance of said position.
[Added 2-4-2997 by Ord. No. 5865-97]
[Amended 2-2-1993 by Ord. No. 5622-93; 2-4-2997 by Ord. No. 5865-97; 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00; 5-1-2001 by Ord. No. 6194-01; 5-18-2004 by Ord. No. 6406-04; 12-31-2010 by Ord. No. 6916-10; 12-3-2013 by Ord. No. 7129-13; 3-3-2015 by Ord. No. 7206-15; 12-19-2017 by Ord. No. 7420-17; 4-17-2018 by Ord. No. 7443-18; 1-21-2020 by Ord. No. 7559-20]
Hospitalization and medical coverage. The City shall provide to all employees covered hereunder and to their eligible dependents, except as modified herein, the Blue Cross/Blue Shield medical and hospitalization plans known as the Preferred Provider Option ("PPO") Plan, the Direct Access ("DA") Plan and the Omnia Plan, which covered employees may select from during period of open enrollment. Copies of all policies affecting the employees covered by this agreement shall be on file and available for inspection at the office of the City Clerk of the City of Clifton.
Conditions. The following conditions shall apply to the hospitalization and medical coverage provided by the City:
Deductibles: The employer shall have the right to implement up to a $200 deductible for individual subscribers and up to a $400 deductible for family subscribers enrolled in the PPO and a $150 deductible for individual subscribers and up to a $300 deductible for family subscribers enrolled in the DA plan. Omnia Plan deductibles will be based upon the Tier Assignment of the provider or facility. Tier 1 deductible is $0; Tier 2 is a $1,500 deductible for individual subscribers and a $3,000 deductible for family subscribers enrolled in the Omnia Plan.
Physician co-pays: The PPO physician visit co-pay shall be $25 per visit. The DA physician visit co-pay shall be $10 per visit. Omnia Plan co-pays will be based upon the Tier Assignment of the provider. The co-pay is $5 per visit for Tier 1 providers and $10 per visit for Tier 2 providers. There is no co-pay for Tier 1 inpatient admissions and a $150 co-pay for Tier 2 inpatient admissions, other than hospice.
Prescription drug co-pays: The City will continue to provide, at no cost to the employee, except as modified herein, a prescription drug plan with no less coverage than the one presently in force, for the term of this agreement. For the purpose of the City providing prescription coverage to employees, the co-pay for each prescription for nongeneric drugs shall be $25. There shall be no co-pay for generic prescriptions.
Employee contributions: All employees will pay a contribution to health insurance premiums, including prescription and dental, based upon pensionable base salary in accordance with the provisions of P.L. 2010, c. 2 and P.L. 2011, c. 78[1] which are incorporated by reference as if set forth herein at length.
Editor's Note: See N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21.1 and N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.28 et seq.
Dependent coverage: All health insurance coverage hereinabove in Subsection A are hereby extended to cover, to the extent hereinafter more particularly set forth, all dependent members of the immediate families of all of the employees of the City of Clifton. Such insurance coverage shall be extended to cover, through the end of the calendar year during which each attains his or her 26th birthday, all of the dependent members of the immediate families of the City's employees who are full-time students at a recognized, certified, secondary school or institution of higher learning pursuing a prescribed course of study at any school or institution for which course credits are given or who are "disabled" within the meaning of that term as defined by applicable New Jersey State law.
Dental coverage. The City will continue to provide, at no cost to the employee, except as modified herein, a group dental plan with no less coverage than the one presently in force, including orthodontic benefits, for the term of this agreement.
Life insurance. The City will provide a $20,000 life insurance policy for all employees covered by this agreement up to the age of 70. For employees age 70 and older, said insurance shall be in the amount of $2,500, and a $1,000 policy shall be provided to all retired employees for the first 10 years of retirement only.
Retiree coverage.
[Amended 2-7-2023 by Ord. No. 7793-23]
Insurance coverage, as set forth in Subsections A and C herein, except as modified herein, shall be extended to cover employees who retire from the City of Clifton in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Public Employees Retirement System and N.J.S.A. 40A:10-23. Effective January 1, 2020, the PPO plan will no longer be available to retirees after they reach age 65, or the earliest Medicare eligibility age. After January 1, 2023, retirees who reach age 65, or the earliest Medicare eligibility age, that select Medicare primary with the Direct Access Plan or the Omnia Plan as secondary insurance shall receive 10 years of benefits from the date of retirement. Employees who reach age 65, or the earliest Medicare eligibility age, that select the Braven/HBCBS Medicare Advantage Plan, shall receive lifetime health benefits. Retiree coverage is subject to the terms and conditions set forth.
For any such employee to be qualified for retirement benefits under this section, he or she shall have retired in compliance with the requirements of the Public Employees Retirement System and N.J.S.A. 40A:10-23. Retirees must also meet the eligibility requirements of applicable ordinances and applicable New Jersey Statutes, including, but not limited to, N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21.1, in order to qualify to receive health benefits in retirement. However, any retired employee otherwise qualified for such coverage in accordance with the terms of this paragraph shall not qualify while (a) he or she is employed on a regular basis, and (b) where such employment provides health insurance coverage not less than those specified in Subsections A and C herein.
Any employee who has retired in accordance with the Public Employees Retirement System that is entitled to receive coverage beyond the age of 65 years under this section, will be entitled to receive coverage beyond the age of 65, with the provision that the City's health insurance plan shall be secondary insurance to Medicare Parts A and B for employees and their spouses beyond the age of 65. Any employee eligible for Medicare Part A or B shall enroll in same as outlined in Subsection H below.
Employees eligible for retirement in accordance with the Public Employees Retirement System shall only be eligible for health insurance coverage in retirement after reaching 10 years of employment with the City of Clifton, in addition to meeting all other statutory requirements.
Any employee qualifying for the above coverage who has reached the age of 65 and elected to receive Direct Access or Omnia will be eligible to continue to receive said insurance benefits by paying City the annual premium for such insurance coverage after the expiration of the ten-year period of retiree medical benefits outlined above. Said benefits shall be secondary to Medicare Part A and B benefits.
Retiree and member health benefit contributions shall be governed by the terms and rates set by New Jersey Statutes including N.J.S.A. 40A:10-21.1 and N.J.S.A. 52:14-17.28, et seq., (P.L. 2011, Chapter 78) as may be amended or modified by any applicable judicial ruling or legislation.
Temporary disability insurance.
All confidential employees shall be covered by a temporary disability insurance plan provided by the City. Said plan shall require the City and the employee to each pay 50% of the premium cost. Said plan requires that, to be eligible, an employee must exhaust all accumulated sick leave, plus all other requirements set forth by the plan. The obligated premium cost to eligible confidential employees shall be no more than the premium cost obligation would be under the New Jersey State Disability Plan.
Changes in plans or carriers. The City may, at its option, change the Horizon Blue Cross/Blue Shield Preferred Provider Option Plan and/or carriers so long as the coverage provided is substantially similar.
Medicare premiums. Confidential employees and their spouse, if applicable, shall continue to be responsible for payment of the costs of their Medicare premiums upon attaining Medicare eligibility, and shall be required to enroll in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B and to pay the full amount of the premiums for both. Upon such enrollment in Medicare the City's medical plan will become secondary to Medicare. Should an eligible employee or spouse fail to enroll in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B, the employee's (or spouse's) medical plan benefits through the City's medical plan shall be reduced by the amount that Medicare would have paid had the member enrolled.
Health insurance opt-out. Confidential employees that receive the City's health insurance coverage shall be eligible for an opt-out bonus when they waive the City's health insurance coverage subject to the following procedures and limitations:
Employees who have other available health insurance, other than through another City employee, will have the opportunity during the annual open enrollment period in June of each year to elect to waive the City's health insurance coverage effective on July 1 of that year.
Any employee who waives health insurance coverage as provided for above shall be entitled to an opt-out bonus of 25% of the net savings to the City on account of the waiver, or $5,000, whichever is less. The waiver terms are fully set forth in the City of Clifton Policy for Waiver of Health Insurance Coverage Sharing of Premium Savings.
This opt out bonus shall be paid in 24 equal semimonthly installments annually.
If the employee is terminated or leaves employment with the City for any reason after becoming entitled to the opt-out bonus, the employee's entitlement to continue receiving installments pursuant to Subsection I(3) above shall cease upon the effective date of the employee's termination or last date of employment with the City. The employee's last installment of the opt-out bonus, therefore, shall be prorated based upon the employee's last date of employment with the City.
To be eligible for the opt-out bonus, the employee must provide proof of alternative health insurance coverage for the employee, and, if applicable, for any eligible dependents.
An employee who has waived the City's health insurance coverage during the annual open enrollment period may opt back in upon 30 days' written notice to the City. The written notice must set forth the changed circumstances that now require the employee to receive health insurance coverage through the City in accordance with the terms of the agreement. The employee's entitlement to installments toward the opt-out bonus shall cease upon the effective date that the employee's City-provided health insurance coverage is reinstated. Any employee who opts back in after receiving the opt-out bonus installments must reimburse the City for the pro-rata share of the opt-out bonus to which the employee is no longer entitled.
Optional life insurance. The City shall provide optional life insurance coverage for all employees, except seasonal part-time employees. Said life insurance coverage shall be provided, at the option of each employee, with 75% of the cost of the same being paid by the respective employee. Coverage under said life insurance protection shall be in accordance with the schedule for coverage provided under the existing group life insurance plan maintained by the City.
Changes in state law. In the event that during the term of this agreement any state law is amended which would conflict with the provisions of this article, the provisions of such statute shall control and this agreement shall be considered amended to conform thereto.
Sick leave.
In addition to the compensation herein provided for as regular salaries and wages, the City of Clifton hereby grants and provides that those offices and employments as set forth in § 99-34 hereinabove shall earn sick leave at the following rate: one day per month during the first year of employment; then 1 1/4 days per month thereafter.
Each employee shall be permitted to accumulate a total of 15 sick days per year, which days shall be deemed to accumulate year to year if not used.
Any leave taken due to illness or injury shall utilize any accumulated sick days pursuant to this subsection.
Terminal leave; attendance payment.
[Amended 2-1-1994 by Ord. No. 5673-94]
Except as modified herein, any employee who shall commence terminal leave, as provided herein, which shall be a prelude to final retirement, shall be entitled to a terminal leave benefit of 50% of the sick days earned, but not taken upon the condition that he elects an ordinary service retirement benefit pursuant to the then-existing New Jersey statute.
Any employee who shall commence terminal leave which shall be a prelude to final retirement shall be entitled to a terminal leave benefit of 50% of accumulated earned sick days, not to exceed 90 days of sick leave, except that those employees who have accumulated more than 180 earned sick days as of December 31, 1993, shall be entitled to a terminal leave upon retirement of 50% of the accumulated earned sick days as of December 31, 1993.
[Amended 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00]
At the end of each calendar year, any employee who has accumulated 180 or more sick days shall have the right to be paid an attendance payment equal to 50% of the sick days earned in and not used in that calendar year. The attendance payment shall be made within one month at the close of the calendar year in which it is earned. Any employee seeking to exercise his right to an attendance payment must make a request for the same, in writing, on or before January 15 in the year following the year in which the attendance payment was earned.
[Amended 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00]
Accumulated sick leave will be subject to the caps and restrictions set forth by New Jersey state statutes including but not limited to N.J.S.A. 11A:6-19.1 and N.J.S.A. 11A:6-19.2 et seq.
[Added 6-8-2022 by Ord. No. 7731-22]
The terminal leave benefit due any employee or his estate may be paid to said employee or estate in either of the two following manners, which may be selected by said retiring employee or estate:
[Amended 2-1-1994 by Ord. No. 5673-94]
The total salary due such employee for terminal leave, paid in equal bi-weekly installments as shown and authorized by the City's regular payroll as proof for payment during the period of such terminal leave.
A lump sum payment option as follows:
[Amended 5-21-2024 by Ord. No. 7911-24]
The initial payment in the year in which the employee retires will be limited to the total salary funds available in the municipal budget during that retirement year.
The balance, if any, is to be paid within 120 days after the adoption of the municipal budget in the year following the year of retirement.
The City shall have the discretion to make lump-sum terminal leave payments in advance of the adoption of the municipal budget. The City's decision to make terminal leave payments prior to the adoption of the municipal budget in any given circumstances or year shall not obligate the City to make such payments prior to the adoption of the municipal budget in any other circumstance or year.
Upon selection of the lump sum payment option, the retiring employee waives any rights to benefits which may have been or will be negotiated during the year in which he retires. Thus, there will be no pyramiding of benefits.
In the event that an officer or employee, while actively employed by the City, shall decease, then payment for 50% of the accumulated sick leave, which leave shall be earned and accumulated in accordance with Subsection A hereinabove, shall be made to the surviving spouse. In the event that the deceased employee's spouse shall have predeceased said employee, then payment as provided for herein shall be made to the surviving children of said employee, share and share alike.
Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, in the event that an employee is required to work less than five days per week, the benefits set forth herein shall be apportioned based upon the number of days being worked.
[Added 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00]
[Amended 2-20-2024 by Ord. No. 7887-24]
Effective January 1, 2024, confidential officers and employees shall receive, without loss of pay, two personal days annually, which must be taken during the year in which it was earned. If not so taken, such personal days shall be deemed to have been waived and forfeited.
Personal days may not be utilized in connection with vacation leave and must be requested, in writing, at least two days in advance, except in cases of extreme urgency.
Employees covered by this article shall be granted a leave of absence, without loss of regular pay, for a death in the immediate family for a period not to exceed three consecutive calendar days, one of which shall either be the day of death or funeral of the deceased. The day of the funeral of the deceased shall only be selected when unusual circumstances exist which would prevent the funeral from being held within the normal two, three or four days. The "immediate family," for the purposes of this article, is defined as spouse, parent, stepparent, child, stepchild, brother, sister, father-in-law, mother-in-law, grandparent, grandchildren or any relative residing in the employee's household.
[Amended 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00]
The reasonable verification of a death may be required by the City.
It is the intention of this section that the employee will suffer no loss of regular pay for the period specified above. In the event, however, the employee is already receiving payment in the form of vacation pay or other compensation of the City, bereavement leave will not be granted.
In the event that a covered employee is disabled either through injury or illness which is not as a result of or rising from employment and such illness or injury is certified as such by a City Physician, such employee may be granted, by the City Manager, a special leave of absence without pay for such a period of time as the City Physician shall certify is required to heal or cure such injury or illness sufficiently for the employee to resume the normal and usual duties of employment.
Such special leave of absence without pay shall not continue for a period of more than three months from the date of commencement of such injury or illness.
Not more than three additional consecutive leaves of absence without pay, not exceeding three months each, may be granted by the City Manager to such employee, provided that, prior to the granting of each additional leave of absence, the City Physician shall certify that the additional leave of absence is required to heal or cure such injury or illness sufficiently for the employee to resume the normal and usual duties of employment.
In the event that the City Physician, based upon a medical doctor's written report as well as his own written analysis, does not certify the injury or illness for which the leave of absence is sought can be healed or cured within one year of the date of occurrence of such injury or illness, no such leave of absence whatsoever may be granted under this section.
Nonmedical leaves of absence may be granted in accordance with the then-existing Department of Personnel rules and regulations.
The following holidays shall be paid holidays to all employees covered under this agreement:
New Year's Day.
Dr. Martin Luther King's Birthday.
Lincoln's Birthday.
Washington's Birthday.
Good Friday.
Memorial Day.
[Added 2-7-2023 by Ord. No. 7793-23[1]]
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsections A(7) through A(14) Subsections A(8) through A(15), respectively.
Independence Day.
Labor Day.
Columbus Day.
Election Day (general).
Veterans Day.
Thanksgiving Day.
The day after Thanksgiving.
Christmas Day.
To be eligible for holiday pay, an employee must work both the day before and the day after the holiday or be on an excused absence.
An employee shall be entitled to one additional day of vacation for each paid holiday which occurs during such employee's vacation.
A paid holiday, as noted in Subsection A above, which occurs on a Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding Friday, and those which occur on Sunday will be celebrated on the following Monday.
[Amended 2-2-1993 by Ord. No. 5622-93; 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00]
Employees covered under this article will be entitled to the following vacation benefits:
Salary Level
First Year
(working day per month)
2 to 5 Years
6 to 10 Years
11 to 15 Years
16 to 20 Years
21 to 25 Years
Over 25 Years
Under $34,220
$34,221 to $37,643
$37,644 to $41,408
$41,409 to $45,550
Over $45,551
The number of vacation days for an employee working less than five days per week or less than 35 hours per week shall be apportioned based upon the number of days per week or hours per week being worked.
All the officers and employees covered under this article, except as hereinafter provided, whose duties and responsibilities are primarily administrative in nature, shall work a minimum of 35 hours per week and, depending upon the existing circumstances, conditions and workload, such additional hours as may be necessary or required to effectively and fully carry out and perform their respective duties, responsibilities and functions.
The Municipal Attorney, First Assistant Municipal Attorney, Second Assistant Municipal Attorney, and Municipal Prosecutor shall work a minimum of 20 hours per week and, depending upon the existing circumstances, conditions and workload, such additional hours as may be necessary or required to effectively and fully carry out and perform their respective duties, responsibilities and functions.[1]
[Amended 3-18-1993 by Ord. No. 5632-93; 6-21-1994 by Ord. No. 5688-94; 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00; 6-19-2001 by Ord. No. 6204-01; 7-3-2001 by Ord. No. 6208-01; 2-19-2008 by Ord. No. 6717-08[2]]
Editor's Note: Former § 99-45, When effective, which followed this section, was repealed 7-18-2000 by Ord. No. 6149-00.
Editor's Note: This ordinance provided that it take effect 1-1-2008.