[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Selectmen of the Town of Cromwell 4-14-1993. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Effective with the general election held in November 2013, the Town changed to a Town Council/Town Manager form of government. According to Charter § 11.04, any references in Town ordinances to the "First Selectman" or to the "Board of Selectmen" shall now be deemed to refer to the "Town Manager" or the "Town Council," as appropriate.
Building construction — See Ch. 99.
Streets and sidewalks — See Ch. 204.
In order to promote the public health, safety and welfare, particularly to facilitate the delivery of fire protection, police, ambulance and postal services to its townspeople, the Town of Cromwell adopts the following chapter to govern posting of number signs on buildings within the Town.
All numbers shall be of a color that contrasts with the background to which they are affixed.
Owners are encouraged to use numbers made from reflective materials.
Height and type.
Numbers shall be a minimum of three inches high and a maximum of 12 inches high if affixed to the following: buildings, fences, posts, mailboxes serving a primary building on a lot located on the same side of the street as the building, and mailboxes serving a primary building on a rear lot and located within five feet of the right-of-way to the rear lot.
Numbers shall be no higher than 1 1/2 inches if affixed to a mailbox across the street from the building which it serves or if affixed to one of a group of mailboxes that serves a condominium or other cluster of buildings on a lot.
Numbers shall be block type, numerical form, not script, i.e., "8" not "eight."
Buildings visible from street line. Owners of buildings that require street numbers and which are visible from the street line shall affix numbers either to the top or the side of the largest building entrance visible from the street line. The bottom of the numbers shall be at least five feet above the doorstep or the entrance to which the numbers are affixed.
Other buildings. Owners of buildings that require barriers shall affix additional numbers to fences, posts or mailboxes along the street line. Numbers affixed to objects along the street line shall be a minimum of approximately three feet above the ground so that they will not be covered by fallen or piled snow during the winter months. Buildings which are not visible from the street or are set back 250 feet or more may be additionally marked along the street line.
Mailboxes. Numbers shall be affixed to both sides of mailboxes; where boxes are grouped together, numbers shall be affixed to the front and any visible side.
Residential. Each single-family dwelling or condominium dwelling unit will require one set of numbers. Duplexes will require separate sets of numbers for each dwelling unit. Multifamily dwellings will receive one set of numbers for each building with a separate letter added to the numbers for each unit in the building. Single-family dwellings with an accessory apartment will be required to add the letter "A" to the apartment only.
Nonresidential. The primary building on each nonresidential property shall require a street number. The decision of the Police Chief shall be final on which building within a nonresidential property is the primary building. Other buildings which are not outbuildings or accessory buildings may require that a separate letter or number be added to the numbers for each other building.
Outbuildings. Outbuildings or accessory buildings will not require street numbers and will be considered accessory to the numbered building on the property.
All such private roads shall be posted in a manner so that the names are clearly visible and identifiable.
Each person who owns a building that is occupied or that has received a certificate of occupancy at the time this chapter becomes effective and which requires a set of street numbers must post the street numbers within 60 days from the date the Town of Cromwell notifies him/her of the numbers for the buildings.
Each person who owns a building that requires street numbers and is built or receives a certificate of occupancy after the effective date of this chapter must post the street number before receiving the certificate of occupancy for the building.
The Town shall issue a warning notice to any building owner who fails to post street numbers on his/her building within the time allowed in § 103-6 of this chapter. The warning notice shall be issued from the official designated by the Town Manager and shall be sent certified or registered mail to the building owner at his/her last known address. The warning notice shall allow the building owner an additional 10 days from the date of the warning notice to post the numbers.
[Amended TC 6-16-2014]
Any building owner who fails to post street numbers within the time allowed on the warning notice shall be subject to a fine of $5 a day for each day afterwards during which he/she fails to post the numbers, up to a maximum of $100 or any larger amount that the Connecticut General Statutes permits the Town to fine for violation of this chapter.[1]
Editor's Note: Former Subsection C, which immediately followed this subsection and provided for enforcement by citation and hearing, was repealed BOS 4-9-1997.