Any person, corporation or partnership engaged in the business of cleaning, pumping and disposal of septage in the Town of Guilford shall be licensed by the State Health Department and in compliance with Article II of this regulation and in good standing with the Town of Guilford. For purposes of this article, septage shall be defined as septage tank pumpings.
The following regulations shall apply to all septage haulers licensed by the State of Connecticut in accordance with the above provisions or operating within the Town of Guilford.
The license shall be carried in the truck at all times.
All septage haulers shall have prominently displayed on the sides of all vehicles the name and address of the licensed hauler.
All vehicles used in the collection of septage shall adhere to the requirements of the Connecticut Public Health Code, Sections 19-13-B103a through 19-13-B103f, and Section 22a-430 of the Connecticut General Statutes.
An individual septic disposal permit, issued by the Town of Guilford , must be obtained for each septic system pumped. All permits must be completed and shall include at least the following information: the name and address of the property serviced, and the date of service, the amount of effluent pumped and the name of the licensed pumper. A diagram is to be drawn on the permit, showing distances to clean out from two house corners. Completed permits shall be returned to the Health Department. A copy of said permit shall be provided to the homeowner.
Any licensed septage hauler who violates any provision of this article shall be notified by the Town Health Department, in person or by certified mail, of the violation and of the resulting action to be taken by the Town Health Department. Said hauler may appeal the action of the Town Health Department by filing a written request for a hearing at the office of the First Selectman within 10 days of the issuance of the notice of violation.
Violations of this article may result in the following:
First offense: letter of warning.
Second offense: requirement that the hauler post a bond of $500 in form satisfactory to the Town.
Third offense: forfeiture of bond of $500 and/or registration suspension for one year.
Subsequent to any forfeiture or fine under this section, the hauler shall pay the fine and further deposit sufficient funds to return the security deposit to the required amount before its registration will be reinstated.
Upon timely request by a person or company cited for violation of Article II, the WPCA shall conduct a hearing at its next regularly scheduled meeting, which shall be open to the public, at which the septage hauler may present evidence. The septage hauler may be represented by counsel and may present testimony, documentation or other evidence in support of its position and may cross-examine any persons testifying against it. The WPCA, based on the evidence presented at the hearing, shall make its decision and advise the septage hauler of said decision by certified mail. If said decision includes suspension or revocation of a registration, a copy of said decision shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation.
All septage haulers described in § 228-10 of this article have a maximum period of 15 days from the effective date of Article II to obtain the registration required herein. All such septage haulers operating within the Town of Guilford subsequent to said fifteen-day initial grace period shall be subject to the penalties herein provided.