[Amended 7-15-1985 by Ord. No. 85-21]
It shall be the declared policy of the Township to appoint, promote, demote and remove all employees without regard to political consideration. For the purposes of this section, "Township employees" is defined to include full-time, temporary, probationary, permanent and part-time personnel receiving an annual or hourly reimbursement of their services. Employees of the Township shall serve all Township residents equally. The political opinions or affiliations of any residents shall in no way affect the amount or quality of service the resident receives from the Township.
Township employees shall not engage in any political activity during working hours or within or on municipal property; nor shall employees at any other time, participate in political activities so as to impair their usefulness in the position in which they are employed. No Township officer or employee shall directly or indirectly use or seek to use his/her authority or official influence to control or modify the political action of another person.
[Amended 4-20-2015 by Ord. No. 15-13]
No municipal official shall require, invite or demand payment or contribution from Township employees for political campaign purposes.
Township employees whose principal employment is in connection with any activity financed in whole or in part by loans or grants made by the United States or by any federal agency may also be subject to the restrictions of the Federal Hatch Act. The Hatch Act restrictions apply only to political activity which is partisan.
Nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent Township employees from becoming or continuing to be members of any political party, club or organization; attending political meetings during nonworking hours and circulating petitions on public questions; or voting with complete freedom in any election.