Unless otherwise specified herein or unless the context shall require a contrary construction, the following definitions shall apply to the provisions of this article:
Any sign erected for a temporary or transient purpose, not intended for permanent display, but the term shall not be construed so as to apply to billboards or similar permanent structures which are changed periodically or to signs erected within structures. Examples of casual signs shall be real estate signs, signs advertising yard sales and the like and political advertisements, although this list is not to be deemed all inclusive.
Displaying a casual sign, by whatever means.
No person shall post a casual sign:
Upon the premises of an individual without the consent thereof.
Upon any tree or utility pole abutting a highway without the consent of the abutting owner, in the case of a tree, or the utility, in the case of a pole.
In such a way that the same blocks, obstructs or impedes public passage upon a public street, highway or sidewalk.
Upon a traffic sign.
In such a way that it cannot be removed.
In such other manner as may be proscribed by law.
A person posting a casual sign shall remove the same after the event described in said sign is past. For purposes of this section, a casual sign shall be removed within the time limit specified herein:
Signs advertising sales, such as yard sales and auctions: within 48 hours after the sale is concluded.
Freestanding signs advertising sales at commercial structures: within 72 hours after the sale is concluded.
Political advertisements: within 49 hours after the election is concluded.
Signs advertising real estate for sale: within seven days of the date that title actually closes.
For all other casual signs not herein specified: within 48 hours of the date of posting.
The person posting a casual sign shall be deemed responsible for the same and for compliance with the provisions of this article.
In the event that the identity of the individual actually posting a casual sign or failing to remove the same cannot be ascertained, the person whose sign it is or for whose benefit it is posted shall be deemed the person posting the same and responsible therefor.
Each day on which a sign remains posted in violation of the provisions of this article shall be deemed a separate violation. Each sign so posted shall constitute a separate violation.
Any person violating the provisions of this article shall be subject to a fine of not less than $5 nor more than $100 for each such violation.