[Adopted 4-15-1975 by Ord. No. 998]
The governing body hereby finds that certain buildings owned by the Borough of Ridgefield are not used for public purposes during certain periods of time and further finds that some of these buildings contain separate facilities and/or meeting halls the proper use of which will not in any way interfere with, interrupt or affect the primary function for which the buildings were constructed.
It is a further finding of the governing body that civic-oriented and nonprofit organizations within the Borough of Ridgefield have used these buildings for meetings and for functions for many years and that such meetings and functions are beneficial to the overall good of the Borough of Ridgefield.
Any civic-oriented or nonprofit organization in the Borough of Ridgefield shall be permitted to use the buildings owned by the Borough of Ridgefield, subject to permission of the Mayor and Council.
Any group seeking to use a public building shall:
Submit a letter of application stating the time and purpose of the use and specifically which building or portion of which building is requested.
Submit to the governing body the names and addresses of those officers or persons in charge of said organization who shall be individually responsible for the care, use and possible damage to said buildings, equipment and/or furniture.
Said application shall be granted only if the holding of said meeting and/or function shall not interfere with the primary function for which said buildings are constructed.
The governing body may by resolution make additional rules and regulations governing the use of said public buildings, including prescribing security deposits for the use of said buildings.