[Adopted 2-8-1993 by Ord. No. 1488]
The owner or operator of all retail food establishments, catering establishments, commercial food preparation facilities, meal processing facilities and such other uses as may be designated by the Department of Public Works, Building Department or Health Officer which may result in the accumulation of oils, fats, cellulose, starch, proteins, grease and similar substances in the sanitary sewer system of the Borough of Ridgefield may be required, by order of the Department of Public Works, Health Officer or Construction Official, to add into each sanitary sewer line servicing such use a bacteriological culture formulation approved by the Director of Public Works and/or Department of Health to control and treat such discharges. The owners and operators of the establishments identified in this subsection may also be required to install interceptors as provided by § 333-35.
[Amended 3-24-2003 by Ord. No. 1811]
The application of such bacteriological culture formulation shall be in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications therefor unless otherwise directed by the Director of Public Works and/or the Department of Health.
The Director of Public Works and/or the Department of Health shall provide a list of approved bacteriological culture formulations upon request to the owner or operator of any of the facilities requiring the use of such formulation. The owners or operators of such facilities may submit additional formulations to the Director of Public Works and/or the Department of Health for approval.
The owner or operators of such facilities shall maintain accurate records of each application of such formulation, including the brand name, specific type and manufacturer of such formulation, the dates of application and the quantities applied. In addition, such persons shall retain all invoices, bills of sale, receipts or other suitable evidence for the purpose of such formulations. Such person shall retain all such records for a period of three years.
All records required to be maintained hereunder shall be available for inspection by the Director of Public Works and/or the Department of Health or his or its designee, upon request. In addition, the Director of Public Works and/or the Department of Health may require of any owner or operator regulated by the provisions of this section to periodically submit such records to the office of the Director of Public Works and/or the Department of Health.
In addition to such other remedies, such as the general penalty provided by ordinance, as may be provided by law for violation of this article, the Borough may add such formulations to the sanitary sewer system servicing facilities regulated hereunder and charge the cost thereof as a sewer user charge to any person violating any provision of this article.