All full-time employees are eligible for sick leave with pay for the conditions set forth in Subsection B below and subject to the accrual as set forth in Subsection C below.
Sick leave with pay shall be granted for the following reasons: personal illness; physical incapacity to perform duties as required or reasonable equivalent duties; illness of member of employee's household that requires employee's personal care and attention; and enforced quarantine of employee because of exposure to contagious disease.
In order to receive compensation while absent on sick leave, the employee shall notify his/her Health Officer/Administrator within 1/2 hour after the time set for the employee to begin his daily schedule. Failure to comply with the aforesaid requirements may result in a forfeiture of sick leave benefits.
When an employee claims sick leave for a period of more than three consecutive days or totaling more than 10 days in one calendar year, he shall submit to his Health Officer/Administrator, immediately upon his return to work, a doctor's certification of the existence of the condition entitling the employee to sick leave. The above may be waived at the discretion of the Health Officer/Administrator. The Health Officer/Administrator may undertake to confirm the existence of a valid basis for sick leave, and any employee failing to cooperate with said investigation shall forfeit the benefits contained herein.
The Health Officer/Administrator may grant permission to employees to attend conferences, conventions, training sessions, meetings and any other similar-type activities, if such attendance is in the best interest of the Department. Said permission may be granted with or without pay and/or expense allowances at the discretion of the Health Officer/Administrator. Any attendance herein required by the Health Officer/Administrator shall be with pay. Any period of authorized leave of absence provided herein shall in no event be greater than the period of actual attendance, plus reasonable travel time.
Absence from the Department for maternity reasons shall not be considered as sick leave and shall be without pay. Employees who become pregnant must report the same to the Health Officer/Administrator before the end of the third month of pregnancy. At such time it shall be determined by the employee, the Health Officer/Administrator and the employee's physician the proper time for the employee's leave to commence. Appropriate leave of absence may be granted to an employee in good standing for maternity and for a reasonable postdelivery period. Said employee shall be entitled to return to her former position, or a comparable position, at any time within one year from the date of her leave.
Employees summoned to jury duty and who actually serve shall be granted leave with pay for the period of service. However, the pay to which said employee shall be entitled during the period of absence shall be reduced by any compensation received by the employee for said jury service.
Part-time employees are not entitled to the following:
Personal days.
Funeral leave.
Health insurance.
Jury leave.
Military leave.
Each full-time employee covered by this agreement shall receive two personal days off each year, plus two days to be taken at convenience of employee with permission of his/her supervisor, for which he/she shall receive a full day's pay at seven hours straight time without working. The employee shall notify the Department head within 48 hours' time prior to using his/her personal days. Personal days may not be accumulated by any employee.
Each employee covered by this agreement is entitled to three days' paid leave for a death in the immediate family. Immediate family, for the purpose of this article, is defined as spouse, son, daughter, mother, father, brother, sister, mother-in-law, father-in-law, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, daughter-in-law, grandparents and grandchildren.