No person, firm or corporation shall, within the corporate limits of the Borough of Ridgefield, sell, offer for sale, display for sale or give away any food or drink intended for human consumption which is or has been prepared, cooked, processed, packaged or bottled in any mobile kitchen, trailer, truck, car or other vehicle.
No person, firm or corporation shall, within the corporate limits of the Borough of Ridgefield, sell, offer for sale, display for sale or deliver any box lunches, sandwiches, coffee or tea to the ultimate consumer, unless the box lunches, sandwiches, coffee or tea has been prepared in a restaurant, kitchen or establishment either duly licensed by the Board of Health of the Borough of Ridgefield or inspected and approved by the Health Officer of the borough or State Health Department.
Trucks, wagons or other vehicles used in the delivery of box lunches, sandwiches, coffee or tea shall be of a sanitary type approved by the Health Officer and shall be kept clean at all times. All food and drink shall be packaged in the kitchen, restaurant or establishment preparing the same, and the packages shall not be opened by the seller at any time. Must be licensed by the state as a commissary.
Every person, firm or corporation who or which shall engage in selling or offering for sale to the ultimate consumer any box lunches, sandwiches, coffee or tea shall first apply for and obtain from the Board of Health a license to sell or deliver such food or drink. The annual license fee shall be in accord with the license fee ordinance[1] for each vehicle used in the delivery of such food or drink, payable in advance for the calendar year in which issued. Said license shall expire at 12:00 midnight, December 31 of each year.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 425, License Fees.