[Adopted 3-29-1984 by L.L. No. 1-1984]
Pursuant to the requirements of Article 17 of the General Municipal Law of the State of New York and § 714 thereof, the following described property is and shall be annexed into the Village of Rouses Point as of the effective date of this article hereinafter set forth and henceforth shall be part of the Village of Rouses Point:
Parcel I and Parcel II.
Parcel I: Beginning at a stone monument marked "61-60" found at the southerly bounds of New York State Route 2 at the intersection with the west bounds of Montgomery Street, and said point also being the division line of the Great Lots 60 and 61 and being also the northeast corner of the 1877 corporate boundaries of the Village of Rouses Point, and from said point of beginning thence south eighty-seven degrees twenty-one minutes fifty-nine seconds (87º 21' 59") west (using grid north standards) along the southerly bounds of Route 2 and along the northerly bounds of the present corporation limits of the said Village of Rouses Point, which course is also described in the 1877 corporate bounds as being north seventy-eight degrees fifty-five minutes (78º 55') west (believed to be magnetic bearings) and so running for a distance of one thousand nine hundred eight-seven and ten-hundredths (1,987.10) feet to a point on the easterly bounds of New York State Route 9N; thence turning and running north sixteen degrees nineteen minutes twenty-seven seconds (16º 19' 27") west for a distance of two hundred fifty-five and fourteen-hundredths (255.14) feet to a concrete monument set in the easterly bounds of said New York State Route 9N, which said Route 9N is also known as Lake Street and also known as Route 9B and also known as Route 14 and also known as Canadian Road; thence continuing and running along the easterly bounds of said Route 9N on the following bearings and for the following distances; north sixteen degrees nineteen minutes twenty-seven seconds (16º 19' 27") west for eight hundred ninety-five and thirty-hundredths (895.30) feet; north sixteen degrees fourteen minutes twenty-one seconds (16º 14' 21") west for one thousand one hundred twenty-seven and thirty-eight hundredths (1,127.38) feet; north sixteen degrees twenty-one minutes twenty-five seconds (16º 21' 25") west for a distance of one thousand five hundred twenty and thirty-hundredths (1,520.30) feet; north sixteen degrees eighteen minutes twenty-five seconds (16º 18' 25") west for a distance of forty-six and ninety-six hundredths (46.96) feet to the southwest corner of lands of Canam Energy Corp. marked by a set four-by-four-inch concrete monument (Liber 631, Page 100); with all of the aforesaid changes in bearings on Route 9N being marked by found concrete highway monuments; thence turning and running north eighty-eight degrees sixteen minutes fifty-eight seconds (88º 16' 58") east along the southerly bounds of said Canam Energy Corp. premises for three (300) feet to a four-by-four-inch concrete monument set at the southeast corner of said Canam Energy Corp. premises; thence turning and running north sixteen degrees eighteen minutes twenty-four seconds (16º 18' 24") west along the easterly bounds of said Canam Energy Corp. premises for three hundred (300) feet to a four-by-four-inch concrete monument set at the northeast corner of said Canam Energy Corp. premises, which point is also on the international boundary between the United States and Canada; thence turning and running north eighty-eight degrees seventeen minutes one second (88º 17' 01") east along the said international boundary between the United States and Canada for a distance of two thousand nine hundred sixty-eight and ninety-three hundredths (2,968.93) feet to a concrete border monument No. 646; thence running north eighty-eight degrees eight minutes one second (88º 08' 01") east and continuing along said international boundary for a distance of eight hundred seventy one and ninety-nine hundredths (871.99) feet to a found eighteen-inch diameter bronze monument inscribed "C.B.M.A.-1884"; thence north eighty-eight degrees thirty-three minutes fifty-four seconds (88º 33' 54") east and continuing along the said international boundary for four hundred twenty-eight and eighty-two hundredths (428.82) feet to a concrete border monument No. 645-A; thence continuing along the bearing north eighty-eight degrees thirty-three minutes fifty-four seconds (88º 33' 54") east and along said international boundary seventy (70) feet, more or less, to the low water mark of Lake Champlain; thence turning and running in a southerly direction along said low water mark and shoreline of Lake Champlain as it winds and bends and around the peninsula upon which is situate the ruins of Fort Montgomery for a total distance of approximately six thousand nine hundred (6,900) feet, more or less, along the following courses for the following distances; turning and running from the aforesaid point seventy (70) feet, more or less, distant on a bearing of north eighty-eight degrees thirty-three minutes fifty-four seconds (88º 33' 54") east from said border monument No. 645-A and running in a generally southerly direction along the said low water mark and shoreline of Lake Champlain as it winds and bends for a distance of approximately one thousand seven hundred (1,700) feet, more or less; thence turning and running in a generally northeasterly direction and running along the northerly side of the roadway to Fort Montgomery for a distance of approximately five hundred (500) feet, more or less; thence turning and running in a generally northerly direction for distance of approximately eight hundred (800) feet, more or less, to a point on the northern tip of the said peninsula; thence turning and running generally east thence in a southerly direction for a distance of approximately four hundred (400) feet, more or less, and so running around the northern tip of said peninsula and running southerly along the northeast side thereof; thence turning and running in a generally southeasterly direction for a distance of approximately six hundred (600) feet, more or less, to a point on the shoreline opposite of and east of the most easterly side of the said peninsula; thence turning and running in a generally westerly direction for a distance of approximately five hundred (500) feet, more or less; thence turning and running in a generally southwesterly direction for a distance of four hundred (400) feet, more or less, to a point on the southern tip of said peninsula; thence turning and running in a generally west then northerly direction and running around the southern tip and along the westerly side of the said peninsula for a distance of approximately four hundred (400) feet, more or less; thence turning and running in a generally southwesterly direction and so running along the southerly side of the roadway to said Fort Montgomery for a distance of approximately five hundred (500) feet, more or less; thence turning and running in a generally southerly direction along the shoreline for a distance of approximately one thousand one hundred (1,100) feet, more or less, to a point which is located north eighty-seven degrees fifteen minutes four seconds (87º 15' 04") east thirty (30) feet, more or less, from a found marble monument located on the northerly banks of lands of the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission (Liber 179 Page 276); and the aforesaid total distance along the shores of Lake Champlain being the said approximately six thousand nine hundred (6,900) feet, more or less, and the said above courses encompassing and including the peninsula or island or isthmus upon which is situate the remains and ruins of Fort Montgomery and which the main body of the said peninsula extends out into Lake Champlain and is located in an approximate northeast to southwest direction and is connected to the within above described premises by a roadway thereto; thence turning and running on a bearing of south eighty-seven degrees fifteen minutes four seconds (87º 15' 04") west along the northerly bounds of the lands of the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission for thirty (30) feet, more or less, to the aforesaid marble monument; which marble monument is located south four degrees thirty-eight minutes forty seconds (04º 38' 40") west three thousand ninety-four and twenty-three hundredths (3,094.23) feet from the aforesaid international border monument No. 645-A; thence continuing on the same bearing of south eighty-seven degrees fifteen minutes four seconds (87º 15' 04") west and continuing along the northerly bounds of the lands of the Lake Champlain Bridge Commission one thousand and sixty-four hundredths (1,000.64) feet to a marble monument found at the northwest corner of the said lands of Lake Champlain Bridge Commission; thence south ten degrees forty-one minutes forty-three seconds (10º 41' 43") west along the westerly bounds of the said lands of Lake Champlain Bridge Commission and running to the north bounds of the New York State Route 2 for a distance of eight hundred four and five-hundredths (804.05) feet to a concrete monument set in the northerly bounds of the said New York State Route 2; thence continuing on the same bearing of south ten degrees forty-one minutes forty-three seconds (10º 41' 43") west running and extending across the said New York State Route 2 for a distance of one hundred three and sixty-four hundredths (103.64) feet to the point and place of beginning at the aforesaid stone monument marked "61-60."
Parcel II: Beginning at the aforesaid found stone monument marked "61-60" set at the intersection of the southerly bounds of New York State Route 2 and the westerly bounds of Montgomery Street and running thence south fourteen degrees three minutes forty-two seconds (14º 03' 42") west along the westerly bounds of the said Montgomery Street for a distance of six hundred fifteen and seventy-eight hundredths (615.78) feet to a point; thence turning and running north eighty-three degrees fifty-four minutes eighteen seconds (83º 54' 18") east along what is believed to be the north bounds of the 1877 corporate limits of the Village of Rouses Point and along the south bounds of the Great lot 60 and the north bounds of Great lot 59 for a distance of fifty and forty-nine hundredths (50.49) feet to a point; thence running north fourteen degrees three minutes forty-two seconds (14º 03' 42") east for six hundred twenty-three and seventy-eight hundredths (623.78) feet along the east bounds of Montgomery Street to a point in the southerly bounds of New York State Route 2; thence turning and running south eighty-seven degrees twenty-one minutes fifty-nine seconds (87º 21' 59") west along the southerly bounds of New York State Route 2 for a distance of fifty-two and fifty-hundredths (52.50) feet to the point or place of beginning.
The above-described two parcels contain 339 acres, more or less.
The annexation herein authorized shall become effective on May 2, 1984, pursuant to the provisions of § 27 of the Municipal Home Rule Law and § 714 of the General Municipal Law.