Permit required.
No person shall handle, store or use any material or construct storage facilities or carry out any other activity in the Village as listed hereinafter in this section unless a hazardous materials handling permit has been issued therefor by the Chief Official. The permit shall specify:
The activity or operation for which the permit is issued.
Address or location where the activity or operation is conducted.
Name and address of permit holder.
Permit number and date of issuance.
Period of validity for the permit.
Permits shall not be transferable, and any change in activity, operation, location, ownership or use shall require a new permit.
Permits shall continue until revoked or for a period of time designated at the time of issuance, not to exceed 10 years. An extension of the permit time period may be granted, provided that a satisfactory reason can be shown for failure to start or complete the work or activity authorized within the required time period. No inspection shall be necessary, nor shall any permit fee be required, where either condition specified in § 72-28B applies.
Permits shall be required to be obtained and kept current and valid for the following as appears hereinafter in this section. No permits shall be given for same unless the New York State Uniform Fire Prevention and Building Code is complied with and unless all required provisions of this chapter are complied with.
When more than one permit is required for the same property or premises, a single permit may be issued listing all materials or operations covered. Revocation of a portion or portions of such consolidated permit, for specific hazardous materials or operations, shall not invalidate the remainder.
Permits shall be kept on the property or premises covered by the permit or covered by the permit holder.
Permits shall be issued within a reasonable amount of time for any operation, act or activity as specified in this chapter.
Provided that the permit is for an operation, act or activity which is requested by a homeowner or tenant to be performed upon or occur upon the residential premises involved as an incidental operation, act or activity in connection with such residence, such permit shall be issued within 10 days of application for same.
A permit may be suspended or revoked when it is determined that there is a violation of a condition under which the permit was issued or there had been a misrepresentation or falsification of material fact in connection with the permit application or condition of the permit.
The Chief Official shall keep official records of all inspection reports, recommendations, complaints and violation orders.
In accordance with the provisions of this chapter, a hazardous materials handling permit is required for the following activities:
Cellulose nitrate plastics (proxylin):
To store, keep or have on hand more than 25 pounds of cellulose nitrate plastics (proxylin).
To manufacture articles of cellulose nitrate plastics (proxylin), which shall include the use of cellulose nitrate plastics (proxylin) in the manufacture or assembling of other articles.
Compressed gases:
To store, handle or use at normal temperatures and pressures more than:
Two thousand cubic feet of flammable compressed gas; or
Six thousand cubic feet of nonflammable compressed gas.
To store, handle or use any quantity of liquefied or natural hydrogen gas.
Cryogenics: to store, handle or use cryogenic fluids, except used as a motor fuel and stored in motor vehicle tanks, as follows:
Production, sale or storage of cryogenic fluids.
Storage or use of flammable cryogenic fluids, cryogenic oxidizers or liquefied oxygen in excess of 10 gallons.
Dry-cleaning plants: to use in excess of four gallons of solvents or cleaning agents classified as flammable or combustible.
Dust-producing plants: to operate any grain elevator, flour, starch or feed mill, woodworking plant or plant pulverizing aluminum coal, cocoa, plastics, magnesium, spices, sugar, sulfur or other materials producing explosive-potential dust.
Explosive, ammunition and blasting agents:
To manufacture, possess, store, sell or otherwise dispose of explosives and blasting agents, except small arms or special industrial explosive devices for personal or industrial use.
To use explosives or blasting agents.
To operate a terminal for handling explosives or blasting agents.
Flammable and combustible liquids:
To store, handle or use flammable liquids in excess of 6 1/2 gallons inside dwellings or in excess of 10 gallons inside any other building or other occupancy or in excess of 60 gallons outside of any building. This provision shall not apply to liquids in the fuel tank of a motor, vehicle, aircraft, portable or stationary engine, boat or portable heating plant or paints, oils, varnishes or similar flammable mixtures, when such liquids are stored for maintenance, painting or similar purposes.
To store, handle or use combustible liquids in excess of 25 gallons outside of a building. This provision shall not apply to fuel oil used in connection with oil-burning equipment.
A permit shall be obtained for the initial installation of an oil burner and a fuel-oil tank used in connection therewith. A permit shall be required for the replacement of a fuel-oil tank connected to an oil burner. However, this provision shall apply only to property where the general public has normal access. It shall not apply to any establishment subject to a state boiler inspection, provided that said tank installation is also included in the inspection.
For processing, blending or refining of flammable or combustible liquids.
Flammable finishing: for spraying, coating or dipping operations utilizing flammable or combustible liquids.
Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging: to conduct fumigation or thermal insecticidal fogging operations.
Hazardous chemicals:
To store, handle or use more than 55 gallons of corrosive liquids or more than 50 pounds of oxidizing materials or more than 10 pounds of organic peroxides or more than 50 pounds of nitromethane or 1,000 pounds or more of ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate fertilizers and fertilizer mixture containing 60% or more ammonium or any amount of toxic material or poisonous gas.
To store, handle or use any quantity of air-reactive, water-reactive or unstable materials.
Organic coatings: to perform organic coating operations utilizing more than one gallon of organic coating on any working day.
Ovens and furnaces: to operate industrial processing ovens and furnaces operating at approximately atmospheric pressures and temperatures not exceeding 1,400º F. which are heated with oil or gas fuel or which, during operation, contain flammable vapors from the material in the oven or catalytic combustion system.
Service stations and repair garages: to operate a service station or repair garage.
Welding and cutting: to operate a welding and cutting business. A record of allocations where welding or cutting operations are performed shall be maintained and kept available for inspection by the permit holder.
Any person, firm or entity undertaking to or suffering to allow or who engages in the aforesaid activities without the required hazardous materials handling permit shall be in violation of this chapter and section.