All persons discharging or depositing wastes into the public sewers shall pay a sewer service charge proportional to the liquid volume of waste so deposited, which charge shall be collected as a sewer rent.
All persons discharging or depositing wastes with concentrations in excess of the pollutant concentrations in normal sewage shall pay a surcharge to be determined by the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator and approved by the Village Board based upon a calculation of the costs to treat said wastes.
All fees and charges payable under the provision of this chapter shall be paid to the Village. Such fees and charges shall be as set forth herein or as established hereafter by Board resolution or after hearing when five days' notice is required.
The volume of flow which will be used for commercial and industrial customers in computing sewer service charges and abnormal sewage surcharges shall be based upon metered water consumption as shown on the records of meter readings maintained by the Village of Rouses Point Water Department. In the event that a commercial or industrial customer discharging wastes into the POTW produces evidence to the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator demonstrating that a substantial portion of the total amount of metered water does not reach the POTW, then the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator shall either establish a percentage of the total metered water to be used as a basis for such computations or direct the installation of appropriate flow measuring (and totaling) devices to measure and record the actual amount of flow into the POTW. In the event that a user discharging wastes into the POTW procures all or part of its water supply from unmetered sources, the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator shall either direct the installation of water meters on the other sources of water supply or direct the installation of appropriate flow measuring devices to measure and record the actual amount of flow into the POTW. Any water meters and/or flow measuring devices installed pursuant to this section shall be of a type and design acceptable to the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator and shall be installed, maintained, and periodically tested as required by the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator, at the owner's expense. All such meters and/or flow measuring devices shall be subject to periodic inspection, testing, and reading by the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator. Any customer discharging wastes into the POTW may install a flow measuring device at his/her option of the type, design, installation, and maintenance standards of the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator, at the owner's expense.
Sewer bills will be billed in advance to the property owner monthly on or before the last working day of the month for residential users, such as a single-family dwelling or a multiple dwelling building. If a sewer bill is a commercial or industrial user, the customer will be billed. Bills will become due and payable to the Village on or before the last working day of the month. Partial payments for combined water, sewer and electric bills will be applied to electrical accounts first.
If a customer wishes to contest a bill, a written explanation should be sent to the Village Office within 10 days of receipt of the bill. The Board of Trustees will review the customer's request, and the customer will be notified of the Village Board's decision. All bills, including those contested by the customer, must be paid in full by the due date to avoid interest charges and discontinuance of service. If the Village Board decides to reduce the bill and the bill has been paid prior to resolution of the dispute, the bill will be adjusted accordingly.
Once all water flows into a building have been shut off and, pursuant to and upon petition of a property owner or tenant submitted at least five working days before the end of the month, and after an examination by the Wastewater Treatment Chief Operator or his designated representative which confirms that there are no connections, including but not limited to roof drains or sump pumps or cellar drains, foundation drains, area drains to the sewer system, the operations and maintenance charges portion of the next billing month. For any month or part thereof in which water service is provided to a building, a full month's operation and maintenance charge shall be collected, as long as there is a physical connection between the building and the Village sewer system.
For any whole or part month in which there is any physical connection of any nature between a building and the Village sewer system, there shall be no waiver of the debt service charges portion of the sewer rents for said premises.
The fee for filing an application for sewer service is $10. This fee will be due and payable at the time a building permit is obtained.
If a leak occurs in water pipes in a commercial or industrial user's building, after the meter, the Village will deduct the sewer charge on the amount of water lost due to the leak if:
It is determined by the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator that the water did not enter the Village's wastewater treatment system; and
The amount of water lost in the leak can be accurately estimated or calculated.
The additional charges and fees associated with the operation of the pretreatment program shall be assessed the user and include:
Reimbursement of costs of setting up and operating the pretreatment program.
Issuing permits.
Monitoring, inspections, and surveillance procedures.
Costs of equipment and supplies.
Reviewing accidental discharge procedures.
Construction inspections.
Filing appeals.
Application for consistent removal status as outlined in 40 CFR 403.
Other reasonable expenses to carry out the program to satisfy the requirements of this chapter, the NYSDEC, and the federal government.
The charge for dumping septage into the POTW shall be determined via resolution of the Village Board in consultation with the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator. The manner of determining the volume dumped shall be at the discretion of the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator.
The charge for dumping abnormal sewage into the POTW shall be determined by the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator and approved by the Village Board based upon a calculation of the cost to treat said abnormal sewage. The manner of determining the volume dumped shall be at the discretion of the DPW Superintendent and/or WWTP Chief Operator.
The Village of Rouses Point may institute an equitable procedure for recovering the costs of any capital improvements of those parts of the POTW which collect, pump, treat, and dispose of industrial wastewater from those persons discharging such wastewater into the POTW.
Provisions of Article XI of this chapter relating to the collection of penalties shall apply to the collection of sewer service charges and abnormal sewage service surcharges unless where otherwise provided by application of the Sewer Rent Law by Village of Rouses Point.
The POTW shall be operated on the basis of a fiscal year commencing on the first day of June and ending on the 31st day of May.
The Village of Rouses Point (Board) shall have the authority to impose impact fees on new development, which development may:
Cause enlargement of the service area of the POTW.
Cause increased hydraulic and/or treatment demands on the POTW.
Revenues derived from user charges and associated penalties and impact fees shall be credited to a special fund. Moneys in this fund shall be used exclusively for the following functions:
For the payment of the operation and maintenance, including repair and replacement costs of the Village of Rouses Point POTW;
For the discovery and correction of inflow and infiltration;
For the payment of interest on and the amortization of or payment of indebtedness which has been or shall be incurred for the construction or extension of the Village of Rouses Point POTW; and
For the extension, enlargement, replacement of, and/or additions to the Village of Rouses Point POTW, including any necessary appurtenances.
The Village of Rouses Point shall maintain and keep proper books of records and accounts for the POTW separate from all other records and accounts, in which shall be made full and correct entries of all transactions relating to the POTW.
There shall be an annual review of the sewer charge system to determine if it is adequate to meet expenditures for all programs for the coming year.
Classification of old and new industrial users should also be reviewed annually.
The Village of Rouses Point shall maintain and carry insurance on all physical properties of the POTW of the kinds and in the amounts normally carried by public utility companies and municipalities engaged in the operation of sewage disposal systems. All moneys received for losses under any such insurance policies shall be applied solely to the replacement and restoration of the property damaged or destroyed.