In order to assist Code users in the transition to the new Code's organization, the Derivation Table indicates where chapters and articles of the 1967 Code have been included in the 2012 Code, or the reason for exclusion.
Not Code material (legislation is not general or permanent in nature).
Repealed effective with adoption of Code; see Ch. 1, Art. II.
Not included in Code but saved from repeal.
New legislation is pending.
Chapter/Title From 1967 Code
Location in 2012 Code
Part I, Administration
Ch. 1, General Provisions (reserved)
Ch. 2, Auditor, Independent
Ch. 5
Ch. 3, Board of Health
Ch. 12
Ch. 5, Borough Manager
Ch. 16
Ch. 7, Committees
Ch. 28
Ch. 9, Disposition of Moneys
Ch. 20, Art. I
Ch. 11, Fire Commissioner
Ch. 43
Ch. 13, Municipal Authority
Ch. 8, Art. I
Ch. 13A, Municipal Drug Task Force
Ch. 33
Ch. 14, Municipal Parking Authority
Ch. 8, Art. II
Ch. 15, Intermunicipal Agreements
Art. I, Local Government Trust
Ch. 52, Art. I
Ch. 16, Planning Commission
Ch. 70
Ch. 17, Police Force
Ch. 75
Ch. 18, Public Library
Ch. 55
Ch. 18A, Public Records
Art. I, Disposition of Public Records
Ch. 80, Art. I
Art. II, Public Records Policy
Ch. 80, Art. II
Ch. 19, Recreation Board
Ch. 84
Ch. 20, Sewerage Service Agreement
Ch. A404, Art. I
Ch. 21, Sewer System Agreement
Ch. 22, Shade Tree Commission
Ch. 92
Ch. 23, Streetlighting Contracts
Ch. 100
Ch. 23A, Tax Collector
Ch. 105
Ch. 24, Ward Boundaries
Ch. 110
Part II, Franchises
Ch. 26, American Telegraph and Telephone Company
Ch. A402, Art. V
Ch. 27, Community Antenna Television Franchises
Ch. 164
Ch. 29, Hanover Gas Company
Ch. A402, Art. III
Ch. 30, Hanover Light, Heat and Power Company
Ch. A402, Art. I
Ch. 31, Hanover Telephone Company
Ch. A402, Art. II
Ch. 32, Pennsylvania Telephone Company
Ch. A402, Art. IV
Part III, Personnel Programs
Ch. 35, Chief of Police Pension Plan and Fund
Ch. 62, Art. I
Ch. 35A, Drug and Alcohol Testing
Ch. 38, § 38-8
Ch. 36, Employees Pension Plan
Ch. 62, Art. II
Ch. 37, Employee Regulations
Ch. 38
Ch. 39, Fire Drivers' Pension Plan
Ch. 62, Art. III
Ch. 40, Firemen's Relief Association
Ch. 47
Ch. 42, Police Pension Plan
Ch. 62, Art. IV
Ch. 43, Salaries and Compensation
Ch. 88
Ch. 44, Social Security
Ch. 96
Part IV, General Penalty
Ch. 46, Violation and Penalty Ordinance
Art. I, General Provisions
Ch. 1, Art. I
Art. II, Penalty Assessment for Violation of Pretreatment Standards
Ch. A403
Part V, General Ordinances
Ch. 48, Automobile Graveyards
Ch. 130
Ch. 50, Board of Health Rules and Regulations
Ch. 137, Part 1
Ch. 52, Burial Regulations
Ch. 155
Ch. 54, Commercial Licenses
Ch. 240
Ch. 55, Curfew
Ch. 175
Ch. 56, Dance Halls
Ch. 179
Ch. 57, Dead Animals
Ch. 182
Ch. 59, Disorderly Conduct
Ch. 186
Ch. 60, Dogs and Other Animals
Art. I, Running at Large
Ch. 126, Art. I
Art. II, Nuisances
Ch. 126, Art. II
Ch. 61, Eating and Drinking Establishments
Ch. 137, Part 2, Art. III
Ch. 62, Fees
Ch. A401
Ch. 63, Fees, Inspection; Eating and Drinking Places
Ch. 137, Part 2, Art. IV
Ch. 64, Firearms and Fires
Ch. 200
Ch. 65, Fire Prevention
Ch. 212
Ch. 66, Fires: Open
Ch. 159
Ch. 67, Food Handlers
Ch. 217
Ch. 68, Frozen Desserts
Repealed by Ord. No. 2164
Ch. 70, Garbage Grinders
Ch. 263, Part 1
Ch. 73, Milk and Milk Products
Repealed by Ord. No. 2163
Ch. 75, Motor Vehicles, Abandoned or Junked
Ch. 342
Ch. 76, Municipal Waste and Recycling
Ch. 308
Ch. 77, Public Areas, Use of
Ch. 259, Art. II
Ch. 78, Public Market
Ch. 267
Ch. 79, Public Parks
Ch. 259, Art. I
Ch. 81, Railroads
Ch. 274
Ch. 82, Rental Property
Art. I, Filing of Occupancy Reports
Ch. 278, Art. I
Ch. 84, Taxation
Art. I (Reserved)
Art. II, Per Capita and Amusement Tax
Ch. 325, Art. I
Art. III, Realty Transfer Tax
Ch. 325, Art. II
Art. IV, Wage and Income Tax
Repealed by Ord. No. 2177
Art. V, Local Services Tax
Ch. 325, Art. VI
Art. VI, Business Privilege Tax
Ch. 325, Art. III
Art. VII, Tax Certification Notices
Ch. 325, Art. IV
Art. VIII, Taxpayer's Bill of Rights
Ch. 325, Art. V
Ch. 87, Trailers and Other Temporary Structures
Ch. 330
Ch. 89, Utility Poles and Wires
Art. I, Marking
Ch. 335, Art. I
Art. II, Pole License Fee
Ch. 335, Art. II
Ch. 90, Vegetation and Weeds
Ch. 142
Ch. 90A, Water
Art. I, Use Restrictions
Ch. 355, Art. I
Art. II, Water Rates
Ch. 355, Art. II
Ch. 91, Yard Sales
Ch. 364
Part VI, Streets and Sidewalks
Ch. 92, Advertisements
Ch. 120
Ch. 93, Awnings
Ch. 133
Ch. 99, Noise
Ch. 248
Ch. 101, Running
Ch. 282
Ch. 102, Shade Trees
Ch. 294
Ch. 103, Sidewalk, Curb and Gutter Construction
Ch. 316, Art. IV
Ch. 104, Signs; Street Encroachments
Ch. 298
Ch. 106, Snow and Ice Removal
Ch. 316, Art. III
Ch. 108, Street and Sidewalks Uses
Art. I (Reserved)
Art. II, Throwing Missiles
Ch. 316, Art. I
Ch. 109, Street Construction and Dedication
Ch. 316, Art. II
Ch. 110, Street Openings and Excavations
Ch. 313
Part VII, Vehicles and Traffic
Ch. 114, Fire Lanes
Ch. 204
Ch. 115, Impoundment
Ch. 339
Ch. 116, Parking Meters
Ch. 254
Ch. 118, Snow and Emergency Regulations
Ch. 304
Ch. 119, Traffic Regulations
Ch. 346
Ch. 121, Weight Limits
Ch. 350
Part VIII, Buildings and Structures
Ch. 124, Building Regulations
Ch. 150
Ch. 125, Construction Codes, Uniform
Ch. 170
Ch. 126, Fire Limits
Ch. 207
Ch. 128, House Numbering
Ch. 147
Ch. 129, Housing Standards
Ch. 230
Ch. 131, Plumbing Code
Ch. 263, Part 2
Ch. 133, Septic Tanks, Cesspools and Privy Vaults
Ch. 286, Art. I
Ch. 134, Sewerage Connections
Ch. 286, Art. II
Ch. 135, Sewer Rents
Ch. 286, Art. III
Ch. 136, Sewers
Part 1, Industrial Waste
See now Ch. 290, Part 1
Part 2, Wastewater Collection and Treatment
Ch. 290, Part 2
Part IX, Subdivisions and Zoning
Ch. 138, Land Subdivision
Ch. 320
Ch. 140, Zoning
Reference page only; see Ch. 370
Part X, Index
Part XI, Appendix
Ch. 150, Enumeration of Street, Sewer and Land Ordinances
Ch. A400