[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough of Hanover 11-17-1943 by Ord. No. 628.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
General penalty — See Ch. 1, Art. I.
Eating and drinking establishments — See Ch. 137, Part 2.
Food handlers — See Ch. 217.
Parks and other public areas — See Ch. 259.
Editor's Note: This ordinance was amended 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411.
There is hereby established a public market in the Hanover Market House Building situate on the north side of East Chestnut Street, in the Borough of Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania, to be held upon such days and at such hours as the Market House Committee of the Borough Council shall from time to time authorize and direct.
[Amended 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1161; 9-1-1976 by Ord. No. 1670]
The stalls shall be let from year to year from the first day of January of each year, or for six-month terms from the first day of January and from the first day of July of each year, or for three-month terms from the first day of January, the first day of April, the first day of July and the first day of October of each year, at such rental as the Borough Council may from time to time by motion fix, which said rentals shall be payable quarter-annually in advance. In the event that any rental payments shall become delinquent for more than 15 days, a penalty of 10% shall be added and collected as a part of said rent. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as prohibiting the payment of rentals semiannually in advance.
The stall rental rates shall be as follows:
[Amended 10-27-2004 by Res. No. 830; 9-27-2006 by Res. No. 862; 12-23-2008 by Res. No. 899; 10-13-2010 by Res. No. 938; 9-26-2012 by Res. No. 1012; 9-24-2014 by Res. No. 1081; 9-28-2016 by Res. No. 1135; 1-27-2021 by Res. No. 1314]
Annual stall rental rate: $350.
Semiannual stall rental rate: $280.
Quarterly stall rental rate: $250.
Weekly stall rental rate: $35.
Restaurant stall rental rate with eating space: $1,060.
All purchasers of stalls for the year term or six-month term shall sign a lease agreement for the rental money for their respective stalls for the year term or the six-month term, as the case may be; and in default of payment, the same shall be collectible as are other debts of such nature. All purchasers of stalls for the three-month term shall pay the rental therefor prior to the commencement of the three-month term.
Stall purchasers are prohibited from subletting all or part of their stalls to any other person or persons; the use of the stall is and shall be limited to the purchaser thereof.
All stall holders will be held responsible for any damage to stalls and fixtures caused by them or their employees, and the cost of repairing the same will be collected by the Market Master. All stall holders shall keep their stalls in a clean and sanitary condition and, at the cost of the market, deposit all refuse in cans provided by the market for that purpose. Renters of butcher stalls must comply with the laws regulating the sale of fresh meats. All aisles are to be kept open to their full width, and neither fixtures nor merchandise will be allowed to stand in said aisles. The Council, through the Market House Committee, reserves the right without further notice to repossess any stall in case the lessee thereof fails to comply with the foregoing rules and regulations.
The Borough Council shall appoint a person, subject to dismissal at any time, to act as Market Master. Said Market Master shall supervise the market, keep it clean and in good order, shall open the Market House on market days and see that proper order is maintained and that the rules pertaining to the government of the market are carried out. He shall remain in attendance until the close of the market, shall act as janitor of the Market House Building, shall have the sidewalks swept dally and remove all snow therefrom and shall attend to the heating plant and see that the same is kept and maintained in proper condition. He shall assign stalls to transient vendors, collect all rentals from stall holders, issue a receipt in triplicate and turn the money over to the Borough Secretary weekly.
There shall be no selling of any article offered for sale before the appointed hour of opening the market.
[Added 11-20-1985 by Ord. No. 1810]
The Borough of Hanover reserves the right to rent stalls to vendors as it believes to be in the best interests of the Borough. Vendors are expected to attend to their stalls every market day rented. The Borough of Hanover reserves the right not to rent stalls to vendors who serve the public poorly.