[HISTORY: Adopted by the Borough of Hanover 1-13-1949 by Ord. No. 685. Amendments noted where applicable.]
General penalty — See Ch. 1, Art. I.
Parking Authority — See Ch. 8, Art. II.
Parking meters — See Ch. 254.
Snow emergencies — See Ch. 304.
Vehicle impoundment — See Ch. 339.
Abandoned or junked vehicles — See Ch. 342.
Vehicle weight limits — See Ch. 350.
Parking of vehicles in the Borough of Hanover is hereby regulated as follows:
How to park.
[Amended 3-17-1954 by Ord. No. 825; 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
When parking, vehicles shall be drawn up to the right-hand curb and stopped not more than six inches from the curb and parallel thereto, except that:
Vehicles shall be parked at right angles to the curbline on Center Square.
Vehicles shall be parked with the front thereof toward the curb at an angle to be shown by appropriate markings on the surface of the street and curb on:
Name of Street
East Chestnut Street
Between the first and second alleys east of and approximately parallel to Railroad Street
East Walnut Street
Between Eagle Avenue and York Street
McCosh Street
From Stock Street southwardly for a distance of 216.5 feet
Double parking is prohibited within the Borough of Hanover except for such time as may actually be required for loading and unloading of passengers or materials.
Streets and alleys in which parking is prohibited. Parking is prohibited at all times in the following streets and alleys:[1]
Name of Street
Alley extending northward from Baltimore Street, commonly known as "Newcomer's Alley"
[Added 9-17-1952 by Ord. No. 790]
From Baltimore Street to York Street
Alley extending westward from Baltimore Street at the property of Metropolitan Edison Company
From Baltimore Street to the intersection of the first alley west of and parallel with Baltimore Street
Alley extending northward from Broadway at the property occupied by Samuel Shirk & Son, Inc., sometimes known as "Railroad Street"
[Amended 4-23-1952 by Ord. No. 782]
From Broadway to East Chestnut Street, except for a space 60 feet in length on the west side thereof, beginning 100 feet north of Broadway, where parking is permitted for loading and unloading only during usual and customary business hours
Alley extending southward from Broadway at the property occupied by J.C. Tanger & Son
[Amended 4-23-1952 by Ord. No. 782]
From Broadway to East Walnut Street, at the point sometimes known as "Five Points," except for a space 60 feet in length on the west side thereof, beginning 75 feet south of Broadway, where parking is permitted for loading and unloading only during usual and customary business hours
Alley extending eastward from Carlisle Street, known as "Bank Lane"
[Amended 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772; 5-8-2002 by Ord. No. 2052]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street, except for a loading/unloading zone on the south side from a point 25 feet from the rear of the east side of Carlisle Street sidewalk a distance of 80 feet eastwardly 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and parking shall be allowed here 8:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. daily
Alley extending westwardly from Carlisle Street, known as "College Avenue"
[Amended 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Carlisle Street to High Street, except for a loading/unloading area starting 25 feet behind the curb a distance of 60 feet on the south side
Alley extending eastward from Carlisle Street at the property of Helen S. Delone
[Added 3-16-1949 by Ord. No. 690]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street
Alley extending north from Frederick Street to West Chestnut Street, known as "Doss Alley"
[Amended 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772]
Except for a loading/unloading zone on the east side from a point 45 feet north of the northern edge of the Frederick Street cartway, north a distance of 150 feet
Alley extending southward from Frederick Street being the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
[Amended 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Frederick Street to West Walnut Street, except for a loading/unloading zone on the west side from a point 25 feet behind the curb for a distance of 60 feet, southwardly
Alley sometimes known as "Hoffacker's Alley"
From Broadway to East Chestnut Street
Baltimore Street
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
East and west
From Exchange Place north to Center Square, no parking, no stopping and no standing
Boundary Avenue
[Added 9-19-1951 by Ord. No. 767; amended 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From Baltimore Street to South Franklin Street, except for on the south side from the South Franklin Street intersection eastwardly 75 feet
[Added 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2326]
At the property located at 316 Broadway, for a distance of 12 feet from the northern edge of the driveway; and 12 feet from the southern edge of the driveway
From Center Square to the first alley east of Center Square
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Railroad Street westwardly to Center Square, on the north and south sides, no stopping and no standing
[Added 6-15-1983 by Ord. No. 1755]
From Keagy Avenue north to Hollywood Avenue
Carlisle Street
[Added 10-16-1957 by Ord. No. 939]
From the south side of Kuhn Drive northwardly to the Borough line
Carlisle Street
[Added 12-26-2001 by Ord. No. 2048]
At the sixth meter stall south of Park Avenue, except for loading and unloading only in said stall
Carlisle Street
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Bank Lane south to Center Square, no parking, no stopping, and no standing
Carver Alley, sometimes known as "North Franklin Street"
[Added 6-21-1950 by Ord. No. 730]
From Frederick Street to the first alley north of and parallel with Frederick Street
Center Square (northeast quadrant)
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Broadway northwardly to the interior Square curbline north of and parallel to Broadway, except for loading and unloading between the decorative pole lamps adjacent to the curb parallel to Carlisle Street
Center Square (northwest quadrant)
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
Frederick Street northwardly to the interior Square curbline north of and parallel to Frederick Street, except for loading and unloading adjacent to the space between the decorative pole lamp parallel to the curb parallel to Carlisle Street
Center Square (southeast quadrant)
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Broadway southwardly to the interior Square curbline south of and parallel to Broadway, except for loading and unloading adjacent to the space between the decorative pole lamps parallel to the curb parallel to Baltimore Street
Center Square (southwest quadrant)
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Frederick Street southwardly to the interior Square curbline south of and parallel to Frederick Street, except for loading and unloading adjacent to the space between the decorative pole lamps parallel to the curb parallel to Baltimore Street
College Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From High Street to the first alley west of and parallel to High Street, commonly called "Wendler's Alley"
Conewago Avenue
[Added 4-11-1951 by Ord. No. 758]
From Carlisle Street to North Franklin Street
Eagle Avenue
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From Hanover Street to the first alley north of and parallel to Hanover Street
Eagle Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Hanover Street to Pleasant Street
East Chestnut Street
[Amended 7-21-1951 by Ord. No. 833]
From Broadway westward to the first alley intersecting said East Chestnut Street
East Chestnut Street
[Amended 7-21-1951 by Ord. No. 833]
From North Street westward for a distance of 200 feet
East Chestnut Street
[Added 12-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2359]
For a distance of 80 feet in front of the Hanover Market House located at 210 East Chestnut Street
East Walnut Street (or the alley which is a continuation of East Walnut Street)
From Baltimore Street to York Street
Exchange Place
[Amended 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772; 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Baltimore Street eastward to Railroad Street, except for a loading/unloading zone on the north side from a point 25 feet east of the rear of the east side of Baltimore Street sidewalk eastwardly 60 feet
Exchange Place
[Amended 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772; 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Baltimore Street westward to Centennial Avenue, except for a loading/unloading zone on the south side from a point 25 feet west of the rear of the Baltimore street sidewalk, westwardly 60 feet
Factory Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From Middle Street eastwardly to the first alley east of and parallel to Middle Street
First alley east of and parallel with Baltimore Street
From Walnut Street, at the point sometimes known as "Five Points," to Newcomer's Alley
First alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
[Added 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802]
From West Chestnut Street to the end of said alley at property of the Hanover Shoe, Inc.
First alley northwest of and parallel to East Middle Street
[Added 5-21-1958 by Ord. No. 957]
From Eagle Avenue to Railroad Street
First alley north of and parallel to Hanover Street
[Added 6-15-1983 by Ord. No. 1755]
From York Street to Eagle Avenue
First alley west of and parallel with High Street
[Added 7-19-1950 by Ord. No. 731]
From Poplar Street northward to the alley sometimes known as the "Hostetter Alley"
First alley east of and parallel with Locust Street
[Added 2-15-1956 by Ord. No. 891]
From Broadway to East Walnut Street
First alley east of and parallel to Moul Avenue
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
Extending from Grant Drive south to its termination point at lands belonging to the Hanover School District
First alley north of and parallel with Pleasant Street
[Added 9-19-1951 by Ord. No. 767; amended 2-19-1986 by Ord. No. 1815]
North and south
From York Street to Eagle Avenue
First alley north of and parallel with West Chestnut Street
From Carlisle Street westward to North Franklin Street
First alley north of and adjacent to 309 West Hanover Street
[Added 2-28-2024 by Ord. No. 2362]
From West Hanover Street northerly to the first alley north of and parallel to West Hanover Street
First alley southeast of and parallel to West Walnut Street, commonly called "Shue's Alley"
[Added 9-17-1958 by Ord. No. 975]
Southwestwardly from Baltimore Street to Ruth Avenue
First alley northwest of and parallel with York Street, sometimes known as "School Avenue"
From Broadway to East Walnut Street
Forney Avenue
[Added 12-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1162]
From the first alley north of Frederick Street to the first alley south of Poplar Street
Frederick Street
[Added 1-26-2000 by Ord. No. 2033]
From Doss Alley east to Center Square on the north and south sides, no parking, no stopping and no standing
Newcomer Alley, which is the first alley southeast of and parallel to East Walnut Street
[Added 5-21-1958 by Ord. No. 957]
From York Street to Baltimore Street
North Franklin Street
[Added 12-26-2001 by Ord. No. 2048]
From West Chestnut Street northwardly 130 feet on the east side, except for loading and unloading only
North Street
[Added 7-21-1951 by Ord. No. 833]
From East Chestnut Street to Broadway
Middle Street
[Added 5-23-2012 by Ord. No. 2186]
East and west
From Philadelphia Street southerly to the railroad tracks of CSX Corporation
Pleasant Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From York Street to Eagle Avenue
Second alley from Center Square, commonly known as "Wagner Alley," extending southward from Frederick Street
[Added 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802]
From Frederick Street to Exchange Place
Second alley east of and parallel with Railroad Street
[Added 10-19-1955 by Ord. No. 884]
From East Chestnut Street northward to the first alley north of and parallel with said East Chestnut Street
Stock Street
[Added 4-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2285]
From Eichelberger Street westwardly 97 feet, parking is prohibited
Stoner Avenue
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From Frederick Street to West Chestnut Street
Third Street
[Added 12-26-2001 by Ord. No. 2048]
From Carlisle Street westwardly 100 feet on the north side, no parking, no stopping and no standing.
Wall Street
[Added 12-15-1954 by Ord. No. 836]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street
West Chestnut Street
[Added 12-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1162]
From a point 200 feet west of Hoffman Avenue to Forney Avenue
West Clearview Road
[Amended 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Carlisle Street to Randolph Street
Editor's Note: This subsection was amended as follows to repeal various entries: 9-21-1960 by Ord. No. 1055; 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; and 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411. See additional amendments noted in the table below.
Streets and alleys in which parking is restricted. Parking is restricted in the following streets and alleys in the manner hereinafter provided:[2]
Name of Street
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Eichelberger Street eastwardly a distance of 75 feet and westwardly a distance of 75 feet
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 6-15-1955 by Ord. No. 876]
From Penn Street to the first alley west of Penn Street, during school hours
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Eichelberger Street eastwardly a distance of 50 feet and westwardly a distance of 75 feet
Alley extending westward from Baltimore Street, commonly known as "Elk's Alley"
[Added 9-17-1952 by Ord. No. 790]
From Baltimore Street to Centennial Avenue, except for loading and unloading
Alley extending northwestwardly from the intersection of East Chestnut Street and Broadway, sometimes known as the "Cordage Alley"
[Added 3-21-1951 by Ord. No. 754]
Alley extending northward from East Chestnut Street, at the property occupied by Hanover Fire Company No. 1
[Added 7-19-1950 by Ord. No. 731]
From East Chestnut Street to the first alley north of and parallel to East Chestnut Street
Alley at the east side of St. Vincent's Catholic Church
[Added 4-17-1957 by Ord. No. 927]
From Third Street to South Street
Alley (commonly known as "St. Vincent's Lane") between St. Vincent's Catholic Church and the property known as "212 Third Street"
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From Third Street to South Street
Alley extending eastward from York Street at Trinity Reformed Church
[Amended 7-21-1951 by Ord. No. 833]
From York Street to School Avenue
Alley extending eastward from York Street at Trinity Reformed Church
[Amended 7-21-1951 by Ord. No. 833]
From the first alley east of and parallel to York Street westward for a distance of 125 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 9-17-1975 by Ord. No. 1644]
From Center Square southwardly to the first alley south of and parallel to Broadway
Baltimore Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Granger Street northwardly a distance of 75 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 11-7-1973 by Ord. No. 1601]
From a point 164 feet north of the northern curbline of Hanover Street, northwardly a distance of 150 feet, between the hours of 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, except for school buses loading and unloading
Baltimore Street
[Added 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the southern curbline of Hanover Street 66 feet southwardly
Baltimore Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the southern curbline of Middle Street southwardly a distance of 130 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From 75 feet north of Pleasant Street to Pleasant Street
Baltimore Street
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From Pleasant Street north a distance of 70 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From Pleasant Street southward a distance of 286 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
From 125 feet south of Pleasant Street to 155 feet south of Pleasant Street, except for loading and unloading
Baltimore Street
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From 75 feet north of Boundary Avenue to Boundary Avenue
Baltimore Street
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
From the first alley south of and parallel with Boundary Avenue to a point 50 feet north and to a point 50 feet south of said alley
Baltimore Street
[Added 5-15-1968 by Ord. No. 1390]
From Center Square southwardly to the alley known as "Exchange Place"
Baltimore Street
[Amended 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947]
In front of the Gettysburg Auto Parts Store
Baltimore Street
[Added 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From northern curbline of Hanover Street northwardly a distance of 65 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the southern curbline of Middle Street southwardly 150 feet
Baltimore Street
[Added 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
At its intersection with Mount Royal Avenue, from the alley opposite Mount Royal south to the first alley south of and parallel with the aforementioned alley extension of Mount Royal Avenue
Baltimore Street
[Added 5-15-1968 by Ord. No. 1390; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From a point 108 feet north of the northern curbline of West Middle Street southwardly to Middle Street
Bank Lane
[Added 4-22-2020 by Ord. No. 2298]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street, except for the area beginning 103 feet northwest from Carlisle Street and continuing 112 feet toward Railroad Street which shall be for loading and unloading
Blossom Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245; amended 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2332]
Left-hand side
From the intersection with Grant Drive, to a sign 60 feet from Grant Drive; from a sign 300 feet from the intersection with Grant Drive south to a sign 400 feet; from a point 50 feet west of the second intersection with Grant Drive to the second intersection with Grant Drive; from the second intersection to Grant Drive east 25 feet to a sign; from a point 500 feet from the second intersection with Grant Drive to a point 30 feet north of the intersection with Spencer Drive; from a point 135 feet from the intersection with Spencer Drive west approximately 60 feet to the next driveway on Blossom Drive; from Washington Avenue to a point 65 feet west; from a point 260 feet from the intersection with Washington Avenue west to the third intersection with Grant Drive
Blossom Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245; amended 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2332]
Right-hand side
From the first intersection with Grant Drive to a sign 60 feet from Grant Drive; from a sign approximately 325 feet from the first intersection with Grant Drive to a sign approximately 442 feet from the first intersection with Grant Drive; from a point 55 feet west of the second intersection with Grant Drive; from the second intersection with Grant Drive to the intersection with Spencer Drive; from the intersection with Spencer Drive north to the sign 30 feet from Spencer Drive; from a point 145 feet from the intersection with Spencer Drive west to the intersection with Washington Avenue; from the intersection with Washington Avenue west to a sign 50 feet from Washington Avenue; from a point 152 feet from the intersection with Washington Avenue east to the intersection with Grant Drive
Boundary Avenue
[Added 10-15-1969 by Ord. No. 1457]
From the first alley west of and parallel to Centennial Avenue eastwardly a distance of 100 feet and westwardly a distance of 100 feet
Boundary Avenue
[Added 6-19-1985 by Ord. No. 1802]
At its intersection with Baltimore Street a distance of 45 feet from the corner, no stopping or standing
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
Parking is prohibited 163 feet
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From the railroad northward to lands of No. 513 Broadway, known as "Trone's Gulf Service Station"
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
Both north and south of Fulton Street and both north and south of East Chestnut Street, within 117 feet of the intersections of the curbs of said streets
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292; amended 4-12-2006 by Ord. No. 2107]
From Fulton Street to the first alleyway north of and parallel to Fulton Street
[Added 12-27-2006 by Ord. No. 2116]
From the first alley south of and parallel to Fulton Street to the first driveway south of and parallel the aforesaid alleyway, except for loading and unloading
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
A distance of 128 feet, southwardly from Grant Drive
[Added 11-4-1964 by Ord. No. 1248]
From Highland Avenue southwardly for a distance of 75 feet, except for intervals of 15 minutes only
[Added 8-19-1959 by Ord. No. 1013]
From the first alley north of Locust Street north 43 feet, except for loading and unloading
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From the Moulstown Road northward a distance of 54 feet
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the northern edge of the first alley south of Ridge Avenue northward to the southern edge of the first alley north of Ridge Avenue, except for a distance of 30 feet beginning at a point 25 feet north of the northern curbline of the first alley south of Ridge Avenue where parking will be limited to 15 minutes
From the second alley north of and parallel to Ridge Avenue northwardly for a distance of 75 feet, except for intervals of 15 minutes only
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From School Avenue a distance of 34 feet northward, except for loading and unloading
[Added 8-19-1992 by Ord. No. 1910]
East and west
From Eisenhower Drive northwardly to the Flickinger Road intersection, southwardly to the first alley intersection perpendicular with Broadway, running westwardly to the first alley west of and parallel to Broadway; this intersection is at 1216 Broadway
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
East and west
From McKinley Avenue to a point 100 feet north and to a point 100 feet south of said McKinley Avenue
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From the alley known as "Allewelt's Alley" for a distance of 90 feet westward and for a distance of 25 feet eastward
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From the alley sometimes known as "Railroad Street," for a distance of 94 feet eastward
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
East of Locust Street, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Locust Street and Broadway
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
Both north and south of Philadelphia Street, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Philadelphia Street and Broadway
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From York Street a distance of 62 feet eastward
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292; amended 4-12-2006 by Ord. No. 2107]
From the north side of East Chestnut Street northwardly to the second driveway perpendicular to Broadway
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
From East Chestnut Street south 60 feet
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
Both north and south of Fulton Street and both north and south of East Chestnut Street, within 50 feet of said curb intersections
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
From the northern curbline of Grant Drive northwardly a distance of 160 feet
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
To the first alley south of and parallel to Grant Drive
[Repealed 9-27-2023 by Ord. No. 2343]
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the northern edge of the first alley south of Ridge Avenue northward for a distance of 260 feet
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
North of Stock Street, within 50 feet of the intersections of the curbs of Broadway and Stock Streets; and south of Stock Street, within 120 feet of the intersections of the curbs of Broadway and Stock Streets
Carlisle Street
[Added 10-2-1985 by Ord. No. 1808]
On the northeast corner at its intersection with Park Avenue a distance of 75 feet northward from Park Avenue on Carlisle Street
Carlisle Street
[Added 4-15-1959 by Ord. No. 992]
From Chestnut Street northwardly for a distance of 162 feet
Carlisle Street
[Added 8-19-1992 by Ord. No. 1910]
From the intersection with Eisenhower Drive north to the Borough line and south to Kuhn Drive/Dart Drive
Carlisle Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the northern curbline of Library Place to the southern edge of Kuhn Drive
Carlisle Street
[Added 5-15-1968 by Ord. No. 1390]
From Bank Lane to Center Square
Carlisle Street
[Amended 11-20-1963 by Ord. No. 1201]
From the north curbline of Chestnut Street northwardly 115 feet
Carlisle Street
[Added 5-15-1968 by Ord. No. 1390]
From Chestnut Street to Gail Street
Carlisle Street
[Added 2-24-1960 by Ord. No. 1034]
From Conewago Avenue north 182 feet to Third Street
Carlisle Street
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From Conewago Avenue southwardly to the Pennsylvania Railroad
Carlisle Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From Elm Avenue to Maple Avenue
Carlisle Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the southern edge or boundary of Fourth Street southward to a point 75 feet south of the southern edge or boundary of the first alley south of and parallel to Fourth Street
Carlisle Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the northern edge or boundary of Kendig's Lane northward for a distance of 117.3 feet
Carlisle Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the southern edge or boundary of Kendig's Lane southward for a distance of 154 feet
Carlisle Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From Maple Avenue southward for a distance of 159 feet 11 inches
Carlisle Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
From Third Street northwardly for a distance of 110 feet
Carlisle Street
[Added 2-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1081]
From a point measured northwardly 330 feet from Third Street to a point 354 feet from Third Street, except for loading and unloading
Centennial Avenue
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; amended 9-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1978]
North of Hanover Street, within 40 feet of West Hanover Street
Centennial Avenue
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
From West Walnut Street north and south for a distance of 60 feet
Centennial Avenue
From Exchange Place southwardly for a distance of 50 feet
Centennial Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Frederick Street to the first alley south of and parallel with Frederick Street
Centennial Avenue
[Added 1-21-1959 by Ord. No. 983]
From Frederick Street southwardly for a distance of 189 feet
Centennial Avenue
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; 9-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1978]
North of Hanover Street, from West Walnut Street to the first alley south of and parallel to West Walnut Street, a distance of 237 feet
Centennial Avenue
[Added 3-18-1959 by Ord. No. 986]
From the first alley south of and parallel to West Walnut Street (called "Shue's Alley") to the first alley north of and parallel to West Middle Street, limited to one hour's duration
Centennial Avenue
[Added 1-21-1959 by Ord. No. 983]
From Frederick Street southwardly for a distance of 146 feet
Centennial Avenue
[Added 6-20-1973 by Ord. No. 1589]
From a point 60 feet south of the first alley south of and parallel to West Walnut Street southwardly a distance of 30 feet, except for intervals of 15 minutes only
Center Square (southeastern corner)
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
From 43 feet south of Broadway to 80 feet east of Baltimore Street
Center Street
[Added 12-22-2010 by Ord. No. 2170]
East and west
From Ridge Avenue and the York Railroad crossing at the Penn Township line
Charles Street
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From Highland Avenue northwardly for a distance of 50 feet
Charles Street
[Added 5-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2312]
Extending 90 feet north from the intersection of Highland Avenue
Charles Street
[Added 3-16-1949 by Ord. No. 690]
From Highland Avenue to Potomac Avenue, except for physicians in attendance at the Hanover General Hospital
Charles Street
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From a point 50 feet north of Highland Avenue to a point 50 feet south of Potomac Avenue, except for physicians only
Charles Street
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From Potomac Avenue southwardly a distance of 50 feet
Charles Street
[Added 8-5-1964 by Ord. No. 1242]
From North Street to Stock Street
Charles Street
[Added 5-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2312]
Extending 45 feet south from the south driveway cut of 221 Potomac Avenue
Chestnut Street
From High Street to Railroad Street
Commerce Street
[Added 9-17-1958 by Ord. No. 975]
From Maple Avenue to the first alley south of and parallel to Maple Avenue, two-hour parking
Commerce Street
[Added 5-4-1994 by Ord. No. 1965]
From the first alley north of and parallel Third Street a distance of 65 feet northwardly
Dart Drive
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
North and south
From Carlisle Street to Eichelberger Street
Eagle Avenue
[Added 5-21-1958 by Ord. No. 957]
From East Walnut Street to East Middle Street
Eagle Avenue
[Amended 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Middle Street to Hanover Street
Eagle Avenue
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292]
From Pleasant Street to Spring Avenue
East Chestnut Street
[Added 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059; amended 4-12-2006 by Ord. No. 2107]
From Allewelt Alley to Broadway
East Chestnut Street
[Added 10-19-1983 by Ord. No. 1760]
From the corner of the eastern curbline of Market Alley 75 feet east
East Chestnut Street
[Added 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
From Carlisle Street eastwardly for a distance of 150 feet
East Chestnut Street
[Added 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059; amended 4-12-2006 by Ord. No. 2107]
From the private driveway opposite North Street to Broadway
East Elm Avenue
[Added 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917]
From Penn Street westwardly to the first alley west of and parallel to Penn Street a distance of 180 feet, during school hours
East Hanover Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705; amended 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
From Railroad Street westwardly a distance of 40 feet
East Middle Street
[Amended 8-2-1958 by Ord. No. 966; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From Baltimore Street to York Street
East Middle Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From School Avenue eastwardly a distance of 30 feet and westwardly a distance of 30 feet
East Middle Street
[Added 11-21-1984 by Ord. No. 1789]
From the corner of York Street eastwardly to the first driveway east of York Street
East Middle Street
[Added 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
North and south
From the intersection of the eastern curbline of Ridge Avenue eastward for a distance of 175 feet
East Middle Street
[Amended 8-2-1958 by Ord. No. 966; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From the first alley east and parallel to Baltimore Street to York Street
East Middle Street
[Added 10-15-1969 by Ord. No. 1457]
From Ridge Avenue westwardly a distance of 100 feet
East Middle Street
[Amended 8-2-1958 by Ord. No. 966; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From York Street to the Western Maryland Railroad right-of-way
East Middle Street
[Added 2-21-1973 by Ord. No. 1568 amended 4-18-1973 by Ord. No. 1569]
From Factory Street westwardly a distance of 330 feet, restricted to two hours, Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
East Walnut Street
[Added 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; repealed 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
East Walnut Street
From Philadelphia Street eastwardly to the first alley east of and parallel to Philadelphia Street, Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., except for intervals of three hours only
East Walnut Street
[Added 10-15-1969 by Ord. No. 1457]
From the first alley west of and parallel to Ridge Avenue to a point 123 feet eastwardly
East Walnut Street
[Added 8-5-1964 by Ord. No. 1242]
For a distance of 50 feet north and south of Baer Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 6-20-1973 by Ord. No. 1589]
From North Street northwardly a distance of 60 feet
Eichelberger Street
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
East and west
From Grant Drive northwardly to the end thereof at lands now or formerly of Adams Agstone, Inc.
Eichelberger Street
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
From Allegheny Avenue to Clearview Road
Eichelberger Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
From Stock Street to Allegheny Avenue
Eisenhower Drive
[Added 8-19-1992 by Ord. No. 1910]
North and south
From Carlisle Street eastwardly to Eichelberger Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 2-24-1960 by Ord. No. 1034]
From Carlisle Street west 105 feet to the first alley west of and parallel with Carlisle Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
North and south
From High Street eastwardly a distance of 150 feet and westwardly a distance of 173 feet
Elm Avenue
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
North and south
From Randolph Street eastwardly a distance of 75 feet and westwardly a distance of 75 feet
Elm Avenue
[Added 4-15-1959 by Ord. No. 992]
From Carlisle Street westwardly to the first alley west of and parallel to Elm Avenue
Exchange Place
From Centennial Avenue westwardly to the first alley west of and parallel to Centennial Avenue
Factory Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From a point 70 feet east of the center line of Hanover Street to a point 210 feet east of the center line of Hanover Street
Factory Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From a point 70 feet east of the center line of Hanover Street to a point 30 feet west of the center line of Hanover Street, except for intervals of two hours only
Factory Street
[Amended 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
From Middle Street eastwardly a distance of 180 feet
Factory Street
[Added 4-20-1966 by Ord. No. 1303]
North and south
From East Hanover Street eastwardly a distance of 160 feet
Factory Street
[Amended 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
From Middle Street eastwardly a distance of 180 feet, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Factory Street
[Added 7-18-1973 by Ord. No. 1592]
From Terrace Avenue westwardly a distance of 70 feet
Filbert Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195; amended 5-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1614]
From South Street to Poplar Street
First alley southwest of and parallel with Baltimore Street
[Added 9-17-1958 by Ord. No. 975]
Southwestwardly from West Walnut Street to West Middle Street, except that loading and unloading shall be permitted in a loading zone, which is on the southwest side of said alley from the first alley southwest of and parallel to West Walnut Street, commonly called "Shue's Alley," to the first alley northwest of and parallel to West Middle Street
First alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
[Added 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
From Middle Street southward a distance of 67 feet
First alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
[Added 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
From Middle Street southward a distance of 82 feet
First alley east of and parallel to Broadway
[Added 2-21-1973 by Ord. No. 1568]
From Fulton Street southwardly a distance of 204 feet
First alley south of and parallel to Broadway
[Added 7-18-1951 by Ord. No. 759; amended 2-17-1982 by Ord. No. 1742]
From Locust Street west to School Avenue
First alley south of and parallel to Broadway
[Added 7-18-1951 by Ord. No. 759; amended 2-17-1982 by Ord. No. 1742]
from Locust Street west a distance of 125 feet
First alley east of and parallel to Carlisle Street
[Added 4-20-1966 by Ord. No. 1303]
From Clearview Road northwardly to proposed Dart Drive
First alley north of and parallel to Chestnut Street
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street
First alley north of and parallel to Clearview Road
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From Carlisle Street to the first alley east of Carlisle Street
First alley west of and parallel to Eagle Avenue
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
From Pleasant Street northwardly to the first alley north of and parallel to Pleasant Street
First alley south of and parallel to East Middle Street
[Added 9-15-1971 by Ord. No. 1518]
From York Street to Eagle Avenue, Monday through Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
First alley north of and parallel with Frederick Street running westwardly from Stoner Avenue to a dead end, which alley is known as "College Avenue"
[Added 11-4-1987 by Ord. No. 1836]
First alley south of and parallel to Frederick Street
[Added 10-15-1969 by Ord. No. 1457]
From Centennial Avenue westwardly a distance of 95 feet
First alley south of and parallel to Frederick Street
From the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street to Centennial Avenue
First alley south of and parallel to Fulton Street
[Added 12-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1691]
From Broadway to East Walnut Street
First alley north of and parallel to Fulton Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
North and south
From Broadway to the first alley east of and parallel to Broadway
First alley north of and parallel to Hanover Street
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490, approved by Mayor 11-19-1970]
North and south
From McAllister Street westwardly a distance of 100 feet
First alley west of and parallel with High Street, commonly called "Wendier's Alley"
[Added 11-20-1963 by Ord. No. 1201]
From Frederick Street to College Avenue, except for loading and unloading
First alley east of and parallel to McAllister Street
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
East and west
From Orchard Street to the first alley south of and parallel to High Street
First alley south of and parallel to Mount Royal Avenue running east from Baltimore Street
[Added 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
From Baltimore Street eastwardly to the first alley east of and parallel to Baltimore Street
First alley south of and parallel to Mount Royal Avenue running east from Baltimore Street
[Added 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
From Baltimore Street a distance of 30 feet eastwardly
First alley south of and parallel to Mount Royal Avenue running east from Baltimore Street
[Added 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
Starting at a point of 72 feet eastwardly from Baltimore Street to the first alley east of and parallel to Baltimore Street
First alley extending westward from the intersection of Mount Royal Avenue and Baltimore Street
[Added 3-20-1996 by Ord. No. 1985]
From Baltimore Street to South Franklin Street and thence westwardly on the south side from South Franklin Street to the first alley west of and parallel to South Franklin Street; parking is prohibited on the whole south side of the alleyway
First alley north of and parallel to Park Avenue
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
North and south
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street
First alley north of and parallel with Philadelphia Street
[Added 8-17-1966 by Ord. No. 1319]
North and south
From East Middle Street eastwardly to the first alley west of and parallel with East Middle Street
First alley south of and parallel to Poplar Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966; amended 7-18-1973 by Ord. No. 1592]
North and south
From High Street to the first alley west of and parallel to High Street
First alley south of and parallel to Ridge Avenue
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
North and south
From Broadway eastwardly to the first alley east of and parallel to Broadway
First alley west of and parallel to St. Vincent's Lane
[Added 5-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1614]
From Third Street southwardly a distance of 30 feet
First alley west of and parallel to St. Vincent's Lane
[Added 5-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1614]
From Third Street southwardly a distance of 70 feet
First alley north of and parallel Third Street
[Added 5-4-1994 by Ord. No. 1965]
From Commerce Street eastwardly a distance of 95 feet
First alley south of and parallel to Walnut Street
North and south
From Ruth Avenue to the Hanover Borough School District property
First alley south of and parallel to Walnut Street (sometimes known as "Shue's Alley")
[Amended 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947]
For a space of 60 feet westwardly from a sign "No Parking to Corner," except for loading and unloading
First alley south of and parallel to Walnut Street (sometimes known as "Shue's Alley")
[Amended 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947]
From Ruth Avenue to Centennial Avenue
First alley northwest of and parallel with West Chestnut Street
[Added 8-19-1959 by Ord. No. 1013]
Extending southwestwardly from High Street to the first alley southwest of and parallel with High Street
First alley northwest of and parallel with West Chestnut Street
[Added 8-19-1959 by Ord. No. 1013]
Extending southwestwardly from High Street to the first alley southwest of and parallel with High Street, except for loading and unloading
First alley north of and parallel to West Hanover Street
[Amended 4-23-1952 by Ord. No. 782; 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772]
Between York Street and Eagle Avenue, from a point 66 feet west of York Street to a point 66 feet east of Eagle Avenue
First alley north of and parallel with West Hanover Street
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359; amended 10-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2154]
North and south
From a point 20 feet west of Baltimore Street to a point 50 feet west of Baltimore Street
First alley north of and parallel with West Hanover Street
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359; amended 10-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2154]
North and south
From a point 100 feet west of Baltimore Street to the first alley west of and parallel with Baltimore Street
First alley north of and parallel to West Hanover Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Baltimore Street to the first alley west of Baltimore Street, from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday
First alley north of and parallel to West Hanover Street
[Amended 4-23-1952 by Ord. No. 782; 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772]
Between York Street and Eagle Avenue, entire length
Fleming Avenue
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Frederick Street southwardly a distance of 50 feet
Forney Avenue
[Added 12-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1162]
From Poplar Street to the first alley south of Poplar Street
Frederick Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455; superseded 7-5-1972 by Ord. No. 1552]
Frederick Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917]
For a distance of 40 feet on both sides of the driveways into the Acme Market
Frederick Street
[Added 1-21-1959 by Ord. No. 983; amended 5-17-1972 by Ord. No. 1548]
From its intersection with Centennial Avenue and High Street, westwardly for a distance of 297 feet
Frederick Street
[Added 2-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1081]
From a point measured eastwardly 170 feet from Forney Avenue to a point 195 feet from Forney Avenue, except for intervals of 15 minutes only
Frederick Street
[Added 6-20-1973 by Ord. No. 1589]
From North Franklin Street eastwardly a distance of 45 feet
Frederick Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917]
For a distance of 15 feet on both sides of the driveway at Strine's Parking Lot, No. 225 Frederick Street
Frederick Street
[Added 1-21-1959 by Ord. No. 983; amended 5-17-1972 by Ord. No. 1548]
From Centennial Avenue eastwardly to Center Square
Frederick Street
[Added 1-21-1959 by Ord. No. 983; amended 5-17-1972 by Ord. No. 1548]
From its intersection with Centennial Avenue and High Street, westwardly for a distance of 212 feet
Frederick Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Fleming Avenue to Meade Avenue
Frederick Street
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From Meade Avenue northeast a distance of 126 feet
Fulton Street
[Added 4-19-1950 by Ord. No. 722]
From Broadway to East Middle Street
Fulton Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Broadway southwardly to the first alley south of and parallel to Broadway
Gail Avenue (being the first alley north of and parallel to East Chestnut Street)
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387]
From Railroad Street to North Street
Gail Avenue (being the first alley north of and parallel to East Chestnut Street)
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387]
From Railroad Street to the first alley west of and parallel to North Street
Gail Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 66]
From North Franklin Street to High Street, except for intervals of one hour only
Gail Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 66]
From North Franklin Street to High Street, except for intervals of one hour only
George Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Allegheny Avenue northwardly a distance of 50 feet and southwardly for a distance of 50 feet
George Street
[Added 5-20-1964 by Ord. No. 1229]
From North Street to the first alley north of and parallel with Stock Street
George Street
[Added 5-20-1964 by Ord. No. 1229]
From the first alley south of and parallel with Stock Street to Allegheny Avenue
Grant Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245; amended 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2332]
From a sign approximately 220 feet from the intersection with Moul Avenue to a sign 260 feet from the intersection; from a sign approximately 280 feet from the first intersection with Blossom Drive, to the second intersection with Blossom Drive; from the southern side of the second intersection with Blossom Drive to a sign 30 feet from the second intersection with Blossom Drive; from a sign 200 feet from the second intersection with Blossom Drive south to the third intersection with Blossom Drive
Grant Drive
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751; amended 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
At its intersection with Broadway, 122 feet
Grant Drive
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751; amended 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
At its intersection with Broadway, 95 feet
Grant Drive
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751; amended 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
At its intersection with Broadway, 125 feet
Grant Drive
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751; amended 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
At its intersection with Broadway, from Broadway to the first alley west of and parallel with Broadway
Grant Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245; amended 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2332]
From the intersection with Moul Avenue east to the first intersection with Blossom Drive; from the first intersection with Blossom Drive east to the sign 30 feet from Blossom Drive; from a sign 280 feet from the first intersection with Blossom Drive east to a sign 300 feet from the first intersection with Blossom Drive east on Grant Drive; from a sign approximately 730 feet from the first intersection with Blossom Drive south to the second intersection with Blossom Drive
Hanover Street
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
From Centennial Avenue to York Street
High Street
[Added 11-4-1987 by Ord. No. 1836]
North of the Elm Avenue intersection at the parking lot entrance to the first apartment complex north of Elm Avenue, a distance of 40 feet north of and 60 feet south of the parking lot
High Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
From a point 80 feet south of Fourth Street to a point 180 feet south of Fourth Street
High Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From Frederick Street to West Chestnut Street
High Street
[Added 9-20-1978 by Ord. No. 1696]
From a point 129 feet south of Kuhn Drive to a point 117 feet north of Kuhn Drive
High Street
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From the southern edge or right-of-way line of Maple Avenue southwardly a distance of 75 feet
High Street
[Added 9-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1155]
From its intersection with Third Street southwardly for a distance of 50 feet
High Street
[Added 9-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1155]
From a point 50 feet south from its intersection with Third Street to a point 200 feet south from its intersection with said Third Street, limited to one hour's duration
High Street
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
East and west
From Elm Avenue northwardly a distance of 150 feet and southwardly a distance of 175 feet
High Street
[Added 9-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1155]
From its intersection with Chestnut Street northwardly for a distance of 75 feet
High Street
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310; amended 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From the southern edge or right-of-way line of Maple Avenue southwardly a distance of 50 1/2 feet
High Street
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292]
From Pine Street to South Street
Juniper Lane
[Amended 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
From Diller Road to Pine Street, from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Juniper Lane
[Amended 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
From Diller Road to Pine Street
Kilpatrick Avenue
[Added 12-11-2002 by Ord. No. 2058]
North and south
From the first alley west of and parallel Frederick Street
Library Place
[Amended 12-15-1954 by Ord. No. 836; 10-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2154]
Between Carlisle Street and Railroad Street, except in parking spaces designated by painted stalls for use by vehicles used by people engaged in activities at Guthrie Memorial Library, Hanover's public library
Locust Street
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
From Broadway to East Middle Street
Locust Street
[Added 12-16-1959 by Ord. No. 1025]
From East Middle Street to Spring Avenue
Locust Street
[Added 5-20-1970 by Ord. No. 1476]
From Spring Avenue eastwardly to the Hanover Borough line
Locust Street
[Amended 4-15-1953 by Ord. No. 802; 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
From Broadway to the first alley south of and parallel to Broadway
Locust Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From East Walnut Street southwardly for a distance of 50 feet
Maple Avenue
[Added 11-4-1964 by Ord. No. 1248]
From the first alley west of and parallel with High Street to a point 50 feet west of said alley
Maple Avenue
[Added 3-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1086]
North and south
From Carlisle Street westwardly 60 feet
McAllister Street
[Added 10-15-1969 by Ord. No. 1458]
For a distance of 32 feet adjacent to property known as No. 36 McAllister Street, Monday through Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., except for intervals of 15 minutes
McAllister Street
[Added 8-9-2006 by Ord. No. 2109]
At the intersection with Orchard Street, a distance of 40 feet eastwardly from the northeast corner of Orchard Street at McAllister Street
McCosh Street
[Added 3-17-1954 by Ord. No. 825]
Southwardly for a distance of 216.5 feet
McCosh Street
[Added 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554]
From a point 155 feet north of the northern curbline of North Street, northwardly a distance of 25 feet
Middle Street
[Added 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059]
From Centennial Avenue to Second Avenue
Middle Street
[Added 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059]
From Second Avenue to Meade Avenue
Middle Street
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490, approved by Mayor 11-19-1970]
From the Western Maryland Railroad and Penn Central tracks northwardly to the first alley
Moul Avenue
[Added 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; amended 10-19-1983 by Ord. No. 1760]
From the intersection of the eastern curbline of Ridge Avenue with the southern curbline of Moul Avenue for a distance of 175 feet and from Washington Street to Wilson Avenue on the south side from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Moulstown Road
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From Broadway east a distance of 335 feet
Moulstown Road
[Added 8-19-1992 by Ord. No. 1910]
North and south
Eastwardly from Broadway to the Borough line
North Forney Avenue
[Added 8-5-1964 by Ord. No. 1242]
From the first alley north of and parallel with Frederick Street southwardly a distance of 75 feet
North Forney Avenue
[Added 6-2-1971 by Ord. No. 1511]
From the Penn Central Railroad right-of-way southwardly a distance of 200 feet
North Forney Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Frederick Street northwardly to the storm sewer box culvert
North Forney Avenue
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Pine Street southwardly a distance of 70 feet, restricted to one hour
North Franklin Street
[Added 3-18-1959 by Ord. No. 986]
From West Chestnut Street north 100 feet, limited to one hour's duration
North Franklin Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Park Avenue northwardly for a distance of 50 feet
North Stephen Place
[Added 8-9-2006 by Ord. No. 2109]
Between George Street and Potomac Avenue, a distance of 75 feet southwardly from Potomac Avenue.
North Stephen Place
[Added 8-9-2006 by Ord. No. 2109]
Between George Street and Potomac Avenue, a distance of 200 feet westwardly from the George Street intersection
North Street
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
From Carlisle Street to the intersection of Railroad Street
North Street
[Added 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059]
From Chestnut Street to George Street
North Street, 100 block
[Added 9-23-2020 by Ord. No. 2303]
150 feet westwardly from the Hanover Borough Public Works Recycling Yard gate and 50 feet eastwardly of said gate
Orchard Street
[Amended 4-20-1966 by Ord. No. 1303; 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From 316 feet northeast of McAllister Street, for a distance of 106 feet
Orchard Street
[Amended 4-20-1966 by Ord. No. 1303; 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
From 316 feet northeast of McAllister Street, for a distance of 64 feet
Park Avenue
[Added 6-18-1952 by Ord. No. 789; amended 5-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1614]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street
Park Avenue
From Carlisle Street westwardly a distance of 160 feet
Park Avenue
[Added 6-18-1952 by Ord. No. 789; amended 5-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1614]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street
Penn Street
[Added 6-15-1955 by Ord. No. 876]
From Allegheny Avenue to Elm Avenue, during school hours
Philadelphia Street
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From East Middle Street to East Walnut Street, limited to two hours, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Saturday
Philadelphia Street
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
From East Middle Street to Gay Street
Philadelphia Street
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From Middle Street to Broadway
Pine Street
[Added 10-19-1983 by Ord. No. 1760]
A distance of 40 feet east of the intersections of Forney Avenue and of Sprenkle Avenue, and 30 feet west of the intersections of Forney Avenue and of Sprenkle Avenue
Pine Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; amended 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
From a point 83 feet west of Juniper Lane to Juniper Lane
Pine Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; amended 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
From High Street westwardly a distance of 1,000 feet to the end of the property of Penland Paper Company
Pine Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; amended 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
From a point 130 feet northeast of Poplar Street northeastwardly for a distance of 200 feet
Pleasant Street
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 5-8-2002 by Ord. No. 2052; repealed 12-11-2002 by Ord. No. 2058]
Pleasant Street
[Amended 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Eagle Avenue to Baltimore Street
Pleasant Street
[Amended 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947]
From York Street to Fulton Street
Poplar Street
[Amended 11-16-1955 by Ord. No. 887]
From High Street to the boundary line of the Borough of Hanover
Poplar Street
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292]
From North Forney Avenue westwardly to the Hanover Borough line, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive
Poplar Street
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From North Forney Avenue to the Hanover Borough line
Potomac Avenue
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From the eastern edge of Charles Street eastwardly for a distance of 100 feet
Potomac Avenue
[Added 5-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2312]
Extending 80 feet west from the intersection of Charles Street
Potomac Avenue
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
From a point 80 feet east of the eastern edge of Charles Street to a point 130 feet east of the eastern edge of Charles Street
Potomac Avenue
[Added 5-26-2021 by Ord. No. 2312]
Extending 70 feet west from the intersection of Charles Street
Railroad Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From the northern curbline of Broadway northwardly a distance of 50 feet
Railroad Street
[Added 12-16-1959 by Ord. No. 1025; amended 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
From East Chestnut Street north 30 feet
Railroad Street
[Added 9-21-1960 by Ord. No. 1055]
From East Chestnut Street to a point measured northwardly 45.3 feet from East Chestnut Street, except for intervals of 15 minutes only between a point measured northwardly 21.3 feet from East Chestnut Street for a distance of 24 feet north therefrom
Railroad Street
[Added 9-21-1960 by Ord. No. 1055]
From a point measured southwardly 41.3 feet from Gail Street to Gail Street, except for intervals of 15 minutes only
Railroad Street
[Added 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059]
From Park Avenue to a point measured northwardly 260 feet
Railroad Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; amended 2-21-1973 by Ord. No. 1568]
East and west
From Middle Street to Hanover Street
Railroad Street
[Added 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
Southwardly from Bank Lane a distance of 50 feet and from a point 94 feet south of Bank Lane a distance of 22 feet southwardly toward Broadway, except for loading and unloading only
Railroad Street
[Added 9-21-1960 by Ord. No. 1055]
From East Chestnut Street to a point measured northwardly 157.2 feet from East Chestnut Street, except for intervals of 15 minutes only between a point measured northwardly 59.3 feet from East Chestnut Street for a distance of 72 feet north therefrom
Railroad Street
[Added 8-5-1964 by Ord. No. 1242; amended 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
From Park Avenue northwardly a distance of 75 feet, except for loading and unloading, and from that point 75 feet west to a point 175 feet west from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday
Railroad Street Alley
[Added 11-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2027]
From Pleasant Street to a point opposite the north end of the second driveway off Pleasant Street, no stopping and no standing
Randolph Street
[Added 10-19-1966 by Ord. No. 1329]
From Elm Avenue northwardly to Kuhn Drive
Ridge Avenue
[Added 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the intersection of the southern curbline of Moul Avenue southward 310 feet to the intersection of the southern property line of Moul's Athletic field
Ridge Avenue
From Broadway to the first alley east of Broadway
Ridge Avenue
From East Middle Street eastwardly a distance of 115 feet
Ridge Avenue
[Added 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the northern curbline of East Middle Street northward for a distance of 125 feet
Ruth Avenue
[Added 7-19-1950 by Ord. No. 731]
From West Walnut Street to West Middle Street
School Avenue
[Added 9-17-1952 by Ord. No. 790]
From East Walnut Street to East Middle Street
Second alley west of and parallel to East Chestnut Street, sometimes known as "Park Avenue extended"
[Added 7-18-1973 by Ord. No. 1592]
East and west
From Railroad Street northwardly a distance of 107 feet
Second public alley west of and parallel to Jackson Street
[Added 8-26-2015 by Ord. No. 2228]
From the intersection of said alley with High Street to the intersection of said alley with the first alley east of and parallel to High Street
South Franklin Street
[Added 6-25-2008 by Ord. No. 2134]
From a point 230 feet north of the first alleyway south of Boundary Avenue to a point 250 feet north; therefore, parking shall only be allowed for loading and unloading in this twenty-foot area
South Street
[Added 5-8-2002 by Ord. No. 2052]
From St. Vincent's Lane to the first alley north of and parallel St. Vincent's Lane during school hours
Spencer Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
At the back of the cul-de-sac, between the last driveways on Spencer Drive
Spencer Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
From the intersection with Blossom Drive 45 feet east to a sign
Spencer Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245; amended 11-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2332]
From the intersection with Blossom Drive to sign 45 feet on Spencer Drive
Spring Avenue
[Added 11-21-1984 by Ord. No. 1789]
From a point at the last garage curb cut on the east side of Spring Avenue northwardly to the first alley north of and parallel to York Street
Stock Street
[Added 8-9-2006 by Ord. No. 2109]
On the northeast corner of the Charles Street intersection, a distance of 80 feet eastwardly from Charles Street
Stock Street
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
From Broadway west 73 feet
Stock Street
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
From Carlisle Street to the first alley
Stock Street
[Added 6-24-2015 by Ord. No. 2221]
From the intersection of Stock Street with Carlisle Street to the intersection of Stock Street with Eichelberger Street, and from the intersection of Stock Street with McCosh Street to the intersection of Stock Street with Penn Street
Stock Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Eichelberger Street eastwardly for a distance of 50 feet and westwardly for a distance of 75 feet
Stock Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
North and south
From George Street eastwardly for a distance of 50 feet and westwardly for a distance of 50 feet
Stock Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
North and south
From Penn Street eastwardly for a distance of 50 feet and westwardly for a distance of 50 feet
Stock Street
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
From Broadway west 178 feet
Stock Street
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
From Carlisle Street east 157 feet
Stock Street
[Added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455]
From Charles Avenue eastwardly for a distance of 50 feet and westwardly for a distance of 50 feet
Stock Street
[Added 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; repealed 4-24-2019 by Ord. No. 2285]
Stock Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; 4-19-1995 by Ord. No. 1975]
From McCosh Street westwardly to Eichelberger Street
Terrace Avenue
[Added 5-15-1974 by Ord. No. 1614; repealed 3-18-1981 by Ord. No. 1727]
Third Street
[Added 7-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1402; repealed 2-17-1982 by Ord. No. 1742]
Third Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
From Carlisle Street to a point westward 70 feet
Third Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
From a point 70 feet west of Carlisle Street to a point 110 feet west of Carlisle Street, except for intervals of one hour only
Third Street
[Added 12-19-1979 by Ord. No. 1710]
From Commerce Street westwardly to the Hanover Borough/Conewago Township line
Third Street
[Amended 3-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1754]
Opposite Filbert Street to Commerce Street
Third Street
[Amended 3-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1754]
From the intersection at High Street to the intersecting alley at Sterner's Garage
Third Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
From the eastern curbline of Krug Avenue eastwardly a distance of 50 feet
Third Street
[Added 7-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1402]
That portion situated north of the right-of-way of the Western Maryland Railroad, from North Franklin Street eastwardly a distance of 150 feet
Third Street
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
That portion lying south of the right-of-way of the Western Maryland Railway, from Carlisle Street to High Street
Third Street
[Added 9-17-1975 by Ord. No. 1644]
From a point 35 feet from the intersection of High Street and Third Street eastwardly for a distance of 50 feet, except for loading and unloading
Third Street
[Amended 3-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1754]
From the intersecting alley at Sterner's Garage to Commerce Street
Third Street, State Route 116
[Added 9-22-2021 by Ord. No. 2313]
For 55 feet east of St. Vincent's Lane and 138 feet west of St. Vincent's Lane
Third Street (that portion lying north of the right-of-way of the Western Maryland Railway)
[Added 7-3-1962 by Ord. No. 1145]
From Carlisle Street to High Street
Walnut Street
[Added 5-19-1971 by Ord. No. 1506, approved by Mayor 5-20-1971]
From Centennial Avenue westwardly for a distance of 100 feet, except for loading and unloading
Washington Avenue
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
From the intersection with Blossom Drive to the first driveway on Washington Avenue
West Avenue (being the first alley south of and parallel with Fourth Street
[Added 3-6-1963 by Ord. No. 1174]
From Church Street (being the first alley west of and parallel with North Franklin Street) to the second alley west of and parallel with Fourth Street, a distance of 182 feet
West Chestnut Street
[Added 3-18-1959 by Ord. No. 986]
From High Street west to the first alley west of and parallel to High Street, limited to one hour's duration
West Chestnut Street
[Added 8-17-1966 by Ord. No. 1319]
From Stoner Avenue eastwardly a distance of 60 feet
West Chestnut Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917]
From High Street eastwardly to the western boundary line of the property of the Park Theater
West Chestnut Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917]
From High Street westwardly to Stoner's Alley a distance of 460 feet
West Chestnut Street
[Added 4-15-1964 by Ord. No. 1223]
From North Franklin Street to High Street
West Chestnut Street
[Added 8-17-1966 by Ord. No. 1319]
From Stoner Avenue westwardly a distance of 75 feet
West Hanover Street
[Added 4-23-1952 by Ord. No. 782; amended 9-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1978]
East of Centennial Avenue, within 25 feet of Centennial Avenue, limited to 15-minute parking from a point 25 feet from the corner, a distance of an additional 40 feet
West Hanover Street
[Added 4-23-1952 by Ord. No. 782; amended 9-6-1995 by Ord. No. 1978]
East of Centennial Avenue, within 60 feet of Centennial Avenue
West Middle Street
[Amended 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From Ruth Avenue eastward to the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
West Middle Street
[Amended 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947; 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
From Baltimore Street to the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
West Walnut Street
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
From Centennial Avenue west 60 feet
West Walnut Street
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
From Centennial Avenue east 60 feet
West Walnut Street
From Baltimore Street to Centennial Avenue
West Walnut Street
[Amended 11-23-1960 by Ord. No. 1063]
From Centennial Avenue to Meade Avenue, except for loading and unloading within the space of 50 feet east of Meade Avenue to a point 160 feet east of Meade Avenue
Wilson Avenue
[Added 11-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2027]
North and south
From Moul Avenue eastwardly to the first school driveway, no stopping and no standing
Wilson Avenue
[Added 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
At its intersection with Broadway, from Broadway to the first driveway south of and parallel with Broadway
York Street
[Added 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the southern edge of the alley south of East Middle Street, southward to the northern edge of Spring Avenue
York Street
[Added 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the Middle Street intersection westwardly 153 feet and eastwardly 128 feet
York Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Spring Avenue eastwardly to the Borough line
York Street
[Added 6-16-1965 by Ord. No. 1275]
From 75 feet west of Hanover Street to Hanover Street
York Street
[Added 8-5-1964 by Ord. No. 1242]
From Hanover Street to Spring Avenue
York Street
[Added 4-16-1997 by Ord. No. 1999]
From the Middle Street intersection westwardly 126 feet and eastwardly 155 feet
York Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; 5-19-1971 by Ord. No. 1506]
From Broadway a distance of 98 feet southward
York Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; 5-19-1971 by Ord. No. 1506]
For a distance of 40 feet southward commencing at a point 98 feet from Broadway, except for loading and unloading
York Street
[Amended 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 917; 5-19-1971 by Ord. No. 1506, approved by Mayor 5-20-1971]
From the entrance to the fairgrounds northward to the first alley parallel to such entrance, a distance of 73 feet
York Street
[Added 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131]
From the southern edge of the first alley north of Pleasant Street, southward for a distance of 274 feet
Editor's Note: This subsection was amended as follows to repeal various entries: 7-19-1950 by Ord. No. 731; 4-11-1951 by Ord. No. 758; 12-15-1954 by Ord. No. 836; 10-17-1956 by Ord. No. 1055; 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411; and 5-17-1972 by Ord. No. 1548. See additional amendments noted in the table below.
Miscellaneous prohibitions and regulations.
Parking in front of churches, theaters, doctors' offices and hotels. No parking, except for loading and unloading, shall be allowed for a space of approximately 40 feet directly in front of any church during the hours for services therein; and no parking, except for loading and unloading, shall be allowed for a space of approximately 20 feet directly in front of any theater during the hours the same is open for business, nor directly in front of any physician's office, nor directly in front of any hotel; provided, however, that in the event that any hotel shall desire the restriction against parking provided in this subsection to be applicable to a space larger than said 20 feet in this subsection specified, a written application for such additional restricted space may be filed with the Borough Council, and in the event that the Borough Council shall determine that the requested additional restricted parking space is desirable for the accommodation of patrons and other persons using said hotel premises and that the grant of said request is in the public interest, said application shall be granted, upon the condition, however, that the total space so restricted in front of such hotel after the grant of said application shall not exceed 65 feet and upon the further condition that said hotel shall pay to the Borough annually, on or before March 1, a license fee in the amount of $175 to cover the costs incurred by the Borough in the supervision and maintenance of said additional restricted parking space.
[Amended 3-6-1963 by Ord. No. 1174]
No parking shall be allowed in front of any gasoline service station placed and maintained in accordance with ordinances of this Borough and laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, nor in such a manner as to obstruct the entrance to any building.
[Amended 12-29-1954 by Ord. No. 858][3]
Editor's Note: Original § 119-1D(3), which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 11-4-1964 by Ord. No. 1248.
No vehicle shall remain continuously parked on any street or thoroughfare in the Borough of Hanover for a period of more than 24 hours.
[Amended 11-18-1959 by Ord. No. 1021][4]
Editor's Note: Original § 119-1D(5), (6) and (7), which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411.
On the streets, areas or portions thereof set forth in this Subsection D(4), it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor vehicle or other vehicle to park such vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, for more than three hours at any time, except such spaces as are or shall be designated as cab stands, bus stops, entrances to hotels, theaters, fireplugs and other places where parking is now or may hereafter be prohibited. The foregoing shall apply to the following streets, areas or portions thereof:
[Added 10-6-1971 by Ord. No. 1528]
Name of Street
From the first alley north of and parallel to Locust Street to Fulton Street
From the first alley north of and parallel to Allewalt Alley (such first alley sometimes known as "Moul Alley") to the Western Maryland Railroad crossing
On the streets, areas or portions thereof set forth in this § 346-1D(5), it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor vehicle or other vehicle to park such vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, for more than four hours at any time, except such spaces as are or shall be designated as cab stands, bus stops, entrances to hotels, theaters, fireplugs and other places where parking is now or may hereafter be prohibited. The foregoing shall apply to the following streets, areas or portions thereof:
[Amended 10-19-1966 by Ord. No. 1329; 10-6-1971 by Ord. No. 1528][5]
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
[Repealed 10-19-1983 by Ord. No. 1760]
Carlisle Street
East and west
Between Park Avenue and the Pennsylvania Railroad
Frederick Street
North and south
Between Centennial Avenue and Meade Avenue
York Street
Northeast and southwest
Between Middle Street and the alley at No. 240 York Street
Editor's Note: Original § 119-1D(9), added 9-3-1969 by Ord. No. 1455, which immediately followed this subsection, was repealed 11-7-1973 by Ord. No. 1601.
On the streets, areas or portions thereof set forth in this § 346-1D(6), it shall be unlawful for the owner or operator of any motor vehicle or other vehicle to park between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Saturdays and Sundays and the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, for more than two hours at any time, except when such spaces are or shall be designated as cab stands, bus stops, entrances to hotels, theaters, fireplugs and other places where parking is now or may hereafter be prohibited. The foregoing shall apply to the following streets, areas or portions thereof:
[Added 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682]
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
East and west
Between Middle Street and Hanover Street
West Middle Street
[Added 12-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1691]
Between Ruth Avenue and the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
On the streets, areas or portions thereof set forth in this § 346-1D(7), it shall be unlawful for the owners or operators of any motor vehicle or other vehicle to park such vehicle between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. on any day except Sundays and the following legal holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day, for more than 1/2 hour at any time, except when such spaces are or shall be designated as cab stands, theaters, fireplugs and other places where parking is now or may hereafter be prohibited. The foregoing shall apply to the following streets, areas or portions thereof:
[Added 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682][6]
Name of Street
East Walnut Street
Between the first alley east of and parallel to Locust Street and Baer Avenue
Editor's Note: Original § 119-1D(12), added 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687, which followed this subsection, was repealed 10-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2154.
Overnight parking. No persons shall park any vehicle or continue to have said vehicle parked as set forth below between the hours of 12:01 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. on any day:
[Amended 7-17-1957 by Ord. No. 933; 8-7-1991 by Ord. No. 1896; 1-27-2021 by Ord. No. 2307]
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
Between Center Square and Middle Street
Carlisle Street
Between Center Square and Park Avenue
Center Square
Frederick Street
Between Center Square and High Street
York Street
Between Broadway and Middle Street
Unlawful usages. Unless specifically allowed under some law or ordinance, and except for the delivering of merchandise or the loading or unloading of the same, no vehicle shall remain parked in the streets or alleys of the Borough of Hanover for commercial purposes or for the sale or exhibition of any article, or for the storing of the vehicle itself or property therein, or for any commercial purpose wherein the parking of the vehicle becomes a means whereby the commercial transaction is affected or effected; and no vehicle shall be used or parked in a highway within the said Borough of Hanover for the purpose or intent of committing or inducing any unlawful act therein or thereby.
Parking at intersections. Parking is prohibited at all times within the following distances of the intersections of the curbs in the following streets and alleys:
[Added 9-17-1952 by Ord. No. 790]
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
[Added 7-18-1956 by Ord. No. 910]
North of Pleasant Avenue, within 151 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Baltimore Street and Pleasant Avenue
[Added 7-3-1962 by Ord. No. 1145]
Within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs at McKinley Avenue
[Added 12-27-2017 by Ord. No. 2263]
Originating at the northern curb of the alley adjacent to 631 Broadway and extending 60 feet in a northwardly direction
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
Both north and south of Fulton Street and both north and south of East Chestnut Street, within 117 feet of the intersections of the curbs of said streets
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
From the northern edge of the first alley south of Ridge Avenue northward to the southern edge of the first alley north of Ridge Avenue, except for a distance of 30 feet beginning at a point 25 feet north of the northern curbline of the first alley south of Ridge Avenue where parking will be limited to 15 minutes
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
East of Locust Street, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Locust Street and Broadway
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
Both north and south of Philadelphia Street, within 50 feet of the intersections of the curbs of Philadelphia Street and Broadway
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
Both north and south of Fulton Street and both north and south of East Chestnut Street, within 50 feet of said curb intersections
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
From the northern edge of the first alley south of Ridge Avenue northward for a distance of 260 feet
[Amended 3-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1131; 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554; 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
Both north and south of Stock Street, within 50 feet of the intersections of the curbs of Broadway and Stock Streets
Carlisle Street
[Amended 10-19-1955 by Ord. No. 884]
North of Stock Street, within 75 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Carlisle Street and Stock Street
Carlisle Street
[Amended 10-19-1955 by Ord. No. 884]
Northwest of Center Square, within 57 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Carlisle Street and Center Square
Carlisle Street
[Amended 10-19-1955 by Ord. No. 884]
North of Elm Avenue, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Carlisle Street and Elm Avenue
Carlisle Street
[Amended 10-19-1955 by Ord. No. 884]
South of Maple Avenue, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Carlisle Street and Maple Avenue
Carlisle Street
[Added 3-27-2019 by Ord. No. 2283]
58 feet south of York Rail tracks (near Library Place)
Centennial Avenue
[Added 7-3-1962 by Ord. No. 1145]
Within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Middle Street
Centennial Avenue
North of West Hanover Street, within 40 feet of the intersection of the curbs of West Hanover Street and Centennial Avenue, as provided in § 346-1C
East Chestnut Street
[Added 8-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2329]
Railroad Street south to Carlisle Street
East Chestnut Street
[Added 4-26-2023 by Ord. No. 2340]
From the intersection of Railroad Street to the intersection of the first alley north of and parallel to Railroad Street
East Middle Street
[Amended 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Northwest corner of the intersection of East Middle Street and School Avenue, 10 feet westwardly
East Middle Street
[Amended 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Northeast side of the intersection of East Middle Street and York Street, 180 feet from the York Street curbline eastwardly
East Middle Street
[Amended 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Both east and west of Fulton Street, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curb of said street
East Middle Street
[Added 10-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2275]
Originating at Ridge Avenue 84 feet west on East Middle Street to the utility pole
East Middle Street
[Amended 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Both east and west of Eagle Avenue, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curb of East Middle Street and Eagle Avenue
East Middle Street
[Amended 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
West of York Street, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curb of East Middle Street and York Street
Forney Avenue
[Added 4-18-1956 by Ord. No. 899; 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
North of Frederick Street, within 100 feet of the intersection
Forney Avenue
[Added 4-18-1956 by Ord. No. 899; 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
East and west
South of Frederick Street, within 125 feet of the intersection
Frederick Street,
[Added 4-18-1956 by Ord. No. 899; 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
East of Forney Avenue, within 125 feet of the intersection with Forney Avenue
Frederick Street
[Added 4-18-1956 by Ord. No. 899; 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
North and south
West of Forney Avenue, within 150 feet of the intersection
Frederick Street
[Amended 2-15-1956 by Ord. No. 891]
Southwest of High Street, within 104 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Frederick Street and High Street
Frederick Street
[Added 4-18-1956 by Ord. No. 899; 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
East of Forney Avenue, within 167 feet of the intersection with Forney Avenue
Frederick Street
[Amended 2-15-1956 by Ord. No. 891]
Southwest of Centennial Avenue, within 61 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Frederick Street and Centennial Avenue
Fulton Street
North of Middle Street, within 50 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Fulton Street and Middle Street
Grant Drive
[Added 8-24-2022 by Ord. No. 2329]
Broadway west to intersection of first alley
Hanover Street
[Added 7-3-1996 by Ord. No. 1986]
Northeast and southeast corners of Hanover Street and McAllister Street, within 50 feet of the intersection with McAllister Street, including all stopping and standing
High Street
[Added 2-16-1955 by Ord. No. 870]
Southeast of West Chestnut Street, within 52 feet of the intersection of the curbs of High Street and West Chestnut Street
High Street
[Added 2-16-1955 by Ord. No. 870]
Southeast of Poplar Street, within 45 feet of the intersection of the curbs of High Street and Poplar Street
High Street
[Added 7-17-1996 by Ord. No. 1987]
Between Linden Avenue, northward to the first driveway intersecting High Street, which driveway is parallel to Linden Avenue
Library Place
[Added 12-15-1954 by Ord. No. 836]
East of Carlisle Street, within 60 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Carlisle Street and Library Place
Locust Street
[Added 4-20-1955 by Ord. No. 874]
Within 117 feet of the intersection of the curbs of Broadway and Locust Street
McAllister Street
[Added 7-3-1996 by Ord. No. 1986]
Northeast corner from Hanover Street to the first driveway north of and parallel to Hanover Street, during school hours
McCosh Street
North of Stock Street, within 60 feet of the intersection of the curbs of McCosh Street and Stock Street
Park Avenue
Within 50 feet of the intersection of Park Avenue with the first alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
Pine Street
[Added 2-19-1986 by Ord. No. 1815]
Within 50 feet of the intersection of North Forney Avenue and Pine Street (adjacent Eisenhart Wallpaper)
Poplar Street
[Added 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
Within 112 feet of the intersection of the curbs of High and Poplar Streets
Railroad Street
[Added 3-27-2019 by Ord. No. 2283]
80 feet south of the York Rail tracks (near Library Place)
Stock Street
[Added 10-19-1955 by Ord. No. 884]
Within 75 feet of the intersections of the curbs of Stock Street and Broadway and within 75 feet of the intersections of the curbs of Stock Street and Carlisle Street
West Chestnut Street
[Added 2-28-2018 by Ord. No. 2268]
From the first alley known as Doss Alley, 38 feet east of said alley on West Chestnut Street
West Hanover Street
East of Centennial Avenue, within 25 feet of Centennial Avenue, as provided in § 346-1C
West Hanover Street
East of Centennial Avenue, within 60 feet of Centennial Avenue, as provided in § 346-1C
Young's Circle
[Added 4-14-1999 by Ord. No. 2021]
Between High Street westwardly to the first driveway west of and parallel to High Street for more than a period of one hour at a time
The following designated streets and alleys are declared to be one-way thoroughfares:
Name of Street
Alley leading eastwardly from Baltimore Street to the first alley east of and parallel with Baltimore Street, sometimes known as "Bixler Alley"
Between Baltimore Street and the first alley east of and parallel with Baltimore Street, with its entrance at Baltimore Street and its exit at the first alley east of and parallel with Baltimore Street
Alley leading from Baltimore Street westward to Centennial Avenue at the property occupied by Metropolitan Edison Company
[Amended 4-19-1950 by Ord. No. 722]
Between Baltimore Street and the second alley west of and parallel with Baltimore Street, sometimes known as the "Wagner Alley," with its entrance at Baltimore Street and its exit at the said second alley west of and parallel with Baltimore Street
Alley leading southwardly from Broadway to East Walnut Street at the property occupied by J. C. Tanger & Son
Between Broadway and East Walnut Street, with its entrance at Broadway and its exit at East Walnut Street
Alley leading eastward from Carlisle Street at the property occupied by Hanover Savings Fund Society, sometimes known as "Bank Lane"
[Amended 3-16-1949 by Ord. No. 690]
Between Carlisle Street and Railroad Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at said Railroad Street
Alley leading westward from Carlisle Street to North Franklin Street at the property occupied by the Hanover Shoe Store, sometimes known as "Bank Lane"
[Amended 10-18-1950 by Ord. No. 739]
Between Carlisle Street and the first alley west of and parallel with Carlisle Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at the said first alley west of and parallel with Carlisle Street
Alley leading from East Chestnut Street to Broadway, known as "Allewelt Alley" and also known as "Hoffacker Alley"
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
Between East Chestnut Street and Broadway, with its entrance at Broadway and its exit at East Chestnut Street
Alley leading from Frederick Street northward to West Chestnut Street at the property occupied by the State Theatre
Between Frederick Street and West Chestnut Street, with its entrance at Frederick Street and its exit at West Chestnut Street
Alley leading southward from Frederick Street, being the first alley east of and parallel with Centennial Avenue, and sometimes known as the "Wagner Alley"
[Added 7-18-1951 by Ord. No. 759]
Between Frederick Street and Exchange Place, with its entrance at Frederick Street and its exit at Exchange Place
Alley leading from Frederick Street southward to West Walnut Street at the property occupied by Montgomery Ward Co.
Between Frederick Street and West Walnut Street, with its entrance at Frederick Street and its exit at West Walnut Street
Alley leading from Gail Street to Broadway, known as "Moul Alley" and sometimes "Market Alley"
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 4-4-1984 by Ord. No. 1772]
Between Gail Street and Broadway with its entrance at Gail Street and its exit at Broadway
Alley leading southward from Third Street, at the east of St. Vincent's Catholic Church
[Added 4-17-1952 by Ord. No. 927]
Between Third Street and South Street, with its entrance at Third Street and its exit at South Street
Alley extending eastward from York Street at Trinity Reformed Church
[Added 9-17-1952 by Ord. No. 790]
Between York Street and School Avenue, with its entrance at York Street and its exit at School Avenue
Blossom Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
In its entirety within the Borough, with its entrance at the first intersection with Grant Drive off of Moul Avenue and its exit at the third intersection with Grant Drive
Boundary Avenue
[Added 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687; amended 12-19-1984 by Ord. No. 1797]
From Baltimore Street to the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street, with its entrance at Baltimore Street and its exit at the first alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
[Added 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
From York Street to Fulton Street and East Chestnut Street, with its entrance at York Street and its exit at Fulton Street and East Chestnut Street
Chestnut Street
[Added 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
From Broadway to North Forney Avenue, with its entrance at Broadway and its exit at North Forney Avenue
College Avenue
[Added 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554]
From High Street to Stoner Avenue, with its entrance at High Street and its exit at Stoner Avenue
East Elm Avenue (alley portion)
[Added 6-19-1963 by Ord. No. 1179; amended 3-25-2009 by Ord. No. 2150]
With its entrance at Broadway and its exit at the intersection with the first alleyway west of and parallel with Broadway
Fifth Street
[Added 3-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1754]
From Carlisle Street westward to a point at the first alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at the first alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
First alley south of and parallel to Allegheny Avenue
[Added 7-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1402]
From Broadway to Penn Street, with its entrance at Broadway and its exit at Penn Street
First alley south of and parallel with East Elm Avenue
[Added 6-19-1963 by Ord. No. 1179; amended 7-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1402]
From Penn Street to Broadway, with its entrance at Penn Street and its exit at Broadway
First alley north of and parallel to Hanover Street
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672; amended 7-3-1996 by Ord. No. 1986]
From Eagle Avenue to McAllister Street, with its entrance at Eagle Avenue and its exit at McAllister Street
First alley north of and parallel to Hanover Street
[Added 9-7-1994 by Ord. No. 1967]
From McAllister Street to Eagle Avenue, with its entrance on McAllister Street and its exit at Eagle Avenue
First alley west of and parallel to High Street, sometimes known as "Wendler's Alley"
[Added 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554]
From College Avenue to Frederick Street, with its entrance at College Avenue and its exit at Frederick Street
First alley south of and parallel to Library Place
[Added 8-17-1966 by Ord. No. 1319]
From Carlisle Street eastwardly to the first alley east of and parallel to Carlisle Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at the first alley east of and parallel to Carlisle Street
First alley north of and parallel to Philadelphia Street
[Added 11-20-1985 by Ord. No. 1809]
East of Middle Street, one-way west with its entrance at the intersection with the first alley west of and parallel to Gay Street and its exit at Middle Street
First alley north of and parallel to Stock Street
[Added 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554]
From Eichelberger Street westwardly to the first alley west of and parallel to Eichelberger Street, with its entrance at the first alley west of and parallel to Eichelberger Street and its exit at Eichelberger Street
Frederick Street
[Added 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; repealed 4-19-1972 by Ord. No. 1544]
Gail Avenue (being the first alley north of and parallel to East Chestnut Street)
[Added 6-14-1966 by Ord. No. 1310]
From Railroad Street to North Street, with its entrance at Railroad Street and its exit at North Street
Library Place
[Added 4-25-2007 by Ord. No. 2125]
From Railroad Street to Carlisle Street, with its entrance at Railroad Street and its exit at Carlisle Street
Locust Street
[Added 9-5-1984 by Ord. No. 1784; amended 3-25-2009 by Ord. No. 2150]
From the Borough line at Penn Township to East Walnut Street, with its entrance at the Borough line and its exit at East Walnut Street
McAllister Street
[Added 2-21-1973 by Ord. No. 1568]
From Middle Street to Pleasant Street, with its entrance at Middle Street and its exit at Pleasant Street
North Franklin Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
From Bank Lane to Frederick Street, with its entrance at Bank Lane and its exit at Frederick Street
North Stephen Place
[Added 4-25-2007 by Ord. No. 2125]
On the west side from Allegheny Avenue southwardly from a point 25 feet south of Allegheny Avenue to a point 75 feet south of Allegheny Avenue
North Street
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
From Carlisle Street to the intersection of Railroad Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at said intersection with Railroad Street
North Street
[Added 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
From East Chestnut Street to Broadway, with its entrance at East Chestnut Street and its exit at Broadway
Orchard Street
[Added 7-3-1996 by Ord. No. 1986]
From York Street to McAllister Street, with its entrance at York Street and its exit at McAllister Street
Park Avenue
[Added 12-16-1964 by Ord. No. 1252]
From Carlisle Street to Railroad Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at Railroad Street
Railroad Street
[Repealed 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
Railroad Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
From Hanover Street to Middle Street, with its entrance at Hanover Street and its exit at Middle Street
Ruth Avenue
[Added 12-19-1979 by Ord. No. 1710]
From West Middle Street to West Hanover Street, with its entrance at West Middle Street and its exit at West Hanover Street
School Avenue
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
From Broadway to the first alley to the east, with its entrance at Broadway and its exit at said first alley to the east
Stoner Avenue
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292; amended 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554]
From West Chestnut Street to Frederick Street, with its entrance at College Avenue, its southern exit at Frederick Street and its northern exit at West Chestnut Street
Third Street
[Amended 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
On the northern side of the right-of-way of the Western Maryland Railway, between Carlisle Street and High Street, with its entrance at Carlisle Street and its exit at High Street
Third Street
[Amended 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
On the southern side of the right-of-way of the Western Maryland Railway, between Carlisle Street and High Street, with its entrance at High Street and its exit at Carlisle Street
Editor's Note: This section was amended as follows to repeal various entries: 6-18-1952 by Ord. No. 789; 11-20-1957 by Ord. No. 947; 10-19-1960 by Ord. No. 1059; and 4-15-1964 by Ord. No. 1223. See additional amendments noted in the table below.
[Amended 12-29-1954 by Ord. No. 858]
At the following intersections, official traffic signals shall be erected (or, if already erected, are hereby ratified) and traffic at such intersections may be directed by such signals:
Baltimore Street and Hanover Street
Baltimore Street and Middle Street
Broadway and Eisenhower Drive
[Added 8-19-1992 by Ord. No. 1910]
Broadway and Grant Drive
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
Broadway and Stock Street
Broadway and York Street
Carlisle Street and Chestnut Street
Carlisle Street and Clearview Road
[Added 9-21-1960 by Ord. No. 1055]
Carlisle Street and Eisenhower Drive
[Added 8-19-1992 by Ord. No. 1910]
Carlisle Street and Kuhn Drive - Dart Drive
[Added 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
Carlisle Street and Park Avenue
[Added 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
Carlisle Street and Radio Road
[Added 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
Carlisle Street and Stock Street
Center Square and Baltimore Street
Center Square and Broadway
Center Square and Carlisle Street
Center Square and Frederick Street
Eichelberger Street and Dart Drive
[Added 2-19-1986 by Ord. No. 1815]
Eisenhower Drive and Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Eisenhower Drive and K-Mart and Hanover Crossing driveways
[Added 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Eisenhower Drive and Wilson Avenue
[Added 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Frederick Street and Forney Avenue
[Added 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
Frederick Street and High Street
High Street and Chestnut Street
High Street and Elm Avenue
[Added 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
York Street and Middle Street
York Street and Pleasant Street.
[Added 9-21-1977 by Ord. No. 1689]
The following areas are hereby established as taxicab stands for occupancy by one cab only at the following locations, and no vehicle other than a taxicab shall be parked in said areas at any time:
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1491, approved by Mayor 11-19-1970]
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
First parking space south of Exchange Place
Carlisle Street
[Repealed 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
Carlisle Street
First parking space south of Chestnut Street
Center Square
Southeast quadrant, parking area parallel to the east curb
[Amended 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
No turns to the left shall be permitted on:
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
Between Center Square and the first alley on Baltimore Street from Center Square
Carlisle Street
[Added 5-15-1991 by Ord. No. 1895]
At the exit from 991 Carlisle Street onto Carlisle Street
Carlisle Street
[Added 5-15-1991 by Ord. No. 1895]
At the exit from the driveway at 1039 Carlisle Street and Carlisle Street
Carlisle Street
Between Center Square and the first alley on Carlisle Street from Center Square
Eisenhower Drive
[Added 11-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2027]
At the north and south side of the second crossover on Eisenhower Drive west of Broadway
Eisenhower Drive
[Added 11-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2027]
At the north and south side of the George Street intersection
Flickinger Road
[Added 8-28-2019 by Ord. No. 2287]
From the northbound lanes of Route 194 North (Broadway)
Frederick Street
Between Center Square and the first alley on Frederick Street from Center Square
George Street
[Added 5-10-2006 by Ord. No. 2108]
From the north side lanes of Eisenhower Drive at the George Street intersection, southwardly onto George Street
Middle Street
[Added 6-15-1977 by Ord. No. 1682; amended 9-20-1978 by Ord. No. 1696]
At the Baltimore Street intersection between the hours of 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, inclusive
Route 194 North (Broadway)
[Added 8-28-2019 by Ord. No. 2287]
From Flickinger Road
No turns to the right shall be permitted on red on:
Name of Street
Carlisle Street
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
Intersection of southbound traffic with Chestnut Street
Carlisle Street
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
At the intersection of westbound traffic on Stock Street with Carlisle Street northbound
Center Square
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
Frederick Street
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
At the intersection of southbound traffic on North Forney Avenue with westbound traffic on Frederick Street
York Street
[Added 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
At the intersection with Broadway
[Amended 12-29-1954 by Ord. No. 858]
At intersections and/or crossings, including Center Square, where there are automatic signal lights, operators of vehicles shall obey the directions of such signals as prescribed by law. Pedestrian traffic shall likewise obey the directions of such signals, but on Center Square and at Broadway and York Street, shall proceed only on a "Walk" signal.
All traffic shall keep to the right in going around any portion of Center Square, and when stopping for signal in Center Square, vehicles shall avoid pedestrian lanes of traffic.
No persons shall place any sign or paint any curbing to regulate traffic in highways within the Borough of Hanover, except under proper municipal authority.
In addition to any penalty prescribed by law, any person or persons defacing, knocking down or removing any traffic or parking sign, signal or marking placed by the Borough under proper authority shall pay to the Borough an amount to cover the damages caused thereby.
[Amended 12-29-1954 by Ord. No. 858]
No operator of any bicycle or motorcycle, when the same shall be in motion on any thoroughfare of the Borough of Hanover, shall carry any other person upon the handlebars, frame or tank of such vehicles, and no persons shall so ride upon said vehicle.
No persons upon roller skates or riding in or by means of any coaster, toy vehicle or similar device shall go upon any thoroughfare of the Borough of Hanover, except while crossing a street on a crosswalk.
No persons shall stand in a thoroughfare in the Borough of Hanover for the purpose of soliciting a ride from the operator of any private vehicle.
From and after the passage of this chapter, it shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to move or cause to be moved over any of the streets, thoroughfares, highways or alleys of this Borough any track vehicle driven by its own power or in any manner other than upon a platform vehicle having pneumatic or hard-rubber tires. When so transported upon another vehicle, such track vehicle shall be securely fastened thereto.
[Added 3-21-1951 by Ord. No. 755]
On Eisenhower Drive at the intersection of the second crossover west of Broadway, all traffic entering Eisenhower Drive from the north and south driveways shall be limited to right-hand turns onto Eisenhower Drive, only.
[Added 5-24-2000 by Ord. No. 2038]
On York Street at the intersection of East Walnut Street, all traffic entering York Street from either direction of East Walnut Street shall be limited to right-hand turns only onto York Street, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
[Added 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2326]
On Frederick Street at the intersection of North and South Franklin Street, all traffic entering Frederick Street from either direction of North and South Franklin Street shall be limited to right-hand turns only onto Frederick Street, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
[Added 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2326]
On Baltimore Street at the intersection of East Walnut Street, all traffic entering Baltimore Street from either direction of East Walnut Street shall be limited to right-hand turns only onto Baltimore Street, between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. every day.
[Added 6-22-2022 by Ord. No. 2326]
[Amended 11-16-1966 by Ord. No. 1333]
Except as otherwise provided by the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all vehicles driven on any part of the following thoroughfares of the Borough of Hanover shall be limited to the maximum speed as hereinafter set forth, and any speed in excess of such maximum as herein provided shall be unlawful:
The maximum speed shall be 35 miles per hour upon the following thoroughfares:
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
From Pleasant Street to the Hanover Borough line
[Repealed 2-17-1982 by Ord. No. 1742]
Carlisle Street
From Third Street to Hanover Borough line
Dart Drive
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
From Carlisle Street eastwardly to Eichelberger Street
Eichelberger Street
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
From Grant Drive northwardly to the end thereof at lands now or formerly of Adams Agstone, Inc.
Elm Avenue
From Carlisle Street to the Hanover Borough line
Fame Avenue
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
From Moul Avenue to the Hanover Borough-Penn Township boundary line
Frederick Street
[Repealed 2-17-1982 by Ord. No. 1742]
High Street
From Jackson Street to the Hanover Borough line
York Street
From Hanover Street to the Hanover Borough line
The maximum speed shall be 15 miles per hour on the following thoroughfares:
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245[1]]
Name of Street
Blossom Drive
In its entirety
Grant Drive
Between Moul Avenue and its southernmost intersection with Blossom Drive
Spencer Drive
In its entirety
Editor's Note: This ordinance also redesignated former Subsection B as Subsection C.
The maximum speed upon all the remaining thoroughfares within the Borough of Hanover shall be 25 miles per hour.
[Amended 2-16-1983 by Ord. No. 1751]
The Police Department and the parking attendants of the Borough of Hanover shall enforce the provisions of this chapter, with the power to assess fines for violations as provided within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Vehicle Code,[1] as amended, and on the basis of fines for parking established as follows:
A fine of $2 for the first 60 minutes of overtime parking.
A fine of $4 for overtime parking in excess of 60 minutes.
A fine of $10 for parking not paid within 48 hours of the violation.
Editor's Note: See 75 Pa.C.S.A. § 101 et seq.
In the event of fire or other emergency, or to expedite traffic or safeguard pedestrians, officers of the Fire Department may direct traffic as conditions require; and provided further that, in case of emergency, the Police Department may temporarily amend, change or suspend or abrogate any of the provisions of this chapter.
With respect to any words or phrases used in this chapter which are defined in the Act of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, known as the "Vehicle Code," the definitions as set forth in the Vehicle Code are hereby adopted for the purposes of this chapter.
All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict with or inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter are hereby repealed, except that this repeal shall not affect or prevent the prosecution or punishment of any persons for any act done or committed in violation of any such ordinance hereby repealed prior to the effective date of this chapter, and excepting further, that the provisions of this chapter shall not repeal or supersede any of the provisions of Ordinance No. 579, as amended, commonly known as the "Parking Meter Ordinance."[1]
Editor's Note: See now Ch. 254, Parking Meters.
[Amended 5-16-1962 by Ord. No. 1139]
The following areas are hereby established as bus stops, and no vehicle, other than a bus engaged in loading, unloading or awaiting passengers, shall be parked there at any time:
Name of Street
Baltimore Street
At East Hanover Street, north of East Hanover Street
Baltimore Street
At Penney's Store, south of Square
Carlisle Street
At Mid-Town Paint & Wallpaper, south of West Chestnut Street
Carlisle Street
At Bank of Hanover, two spaces, north of Bank Lane
Frederick Street
[Added 5-16-1984 by Ord. No. 1781]
At the western boundary line of the Fox Theater, westerly to the driveway cut to the Greyhound Bus Station
Third Street
At Commerce Street, east of Commerce Street, beyond driveway
Third Street
At Sullivan's Store, east of High Street
Third Street
At Commerce Street, west of Commerce Street
Third Street
At Sun Gas Station, west of gas station
York Street
At 132 feet south of Broadway for a distance of 66 feet
York Street
At Spring Avenue, north of Spring Avenue
York Street
At fair grounds entrance, south of fair grounds entrance
[Added 5-21-1997 by Ord. No. 2002; amended 5-8-2002 by Ord. No. 2052; 4-25-2007 by Ord. No. 2125; 9-24-2008 by Ord. No. 2137; 2-11-2009 by Ord. No. 2148; 10-14-2009 by Ord. No. 2154]
The following locations are hereby declared to be handicapped parking spaces, and official handicapped parking signs shall be erected in such a position as to face approaching traffic and indicate with arrows at the front and back of the space the area set aside for handicapped parking. Parking in these spaces shall be limited as indicated for each space.
Name of Street
Time Limit
2-hour interval
On the east side northwardly from the intersection of the first alley north of and parallel Locust Street a distance of 45 feet
2-hour interval
On the northeast corner of the Locust Street intersection, a distance of 22 feet from the "No Parking Area" at the hydrant
3-hour interval
On the southwest corner of the Fulton Street intersection, a distance of 22 feet southward from the corner
Fulton Street
On the west side, northwardly from the intersection with the first alley south of and parallel to East Walnut Street from a point 20 feet north of the alley intersection a distance of 15 feet
Pleasant Street
On the south side, eastwardly from the intersection of Baltimore Street from a point 25 feet east of Baltimore Street to a point 50 feet eastwardly from Baltimore Street
Editor's Note: Original § 119-14, added 5-16-1956 by Ord. No. 905, was repealed 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411.
[Added 4-26-2017 by Ord. No. 2256]
Definitions. As used in this section, the following terms shall have the meanings indicated:
A resident (or the parent, guardian or legal representative of the resident) who files an application for the installation of a handicapped parking space.
The property abutting on one side of a street and lying between the two nearest intersecting or intercepting streets or nearest intersecting or intercepting street and railroad right of way, waterway, or other barrier to or gap in the continuity of development along such street, alleys excluded.
The Borough of Hanover, York County, Pennsylvania.
The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation.
A parking space reserved for use by handicapped persons or disabled veterans utilizing vehicles lawfully bearing handicapped registration plates or placards.
A committee of the Borough made up of the Public Safety Committee, the Chief of Police and the Director of Public Works.
An instrument of notice that is hung from the inside rearview mirror of a vehicle or otherwise displayed on a vehicle as required by law indicating that said vehicle is currently authorized to park in a handicapped parking area.
An individual who occupies real estate within the Borough where such real estate is used as said individual's principal residence.
Application process.
Fees. The application for the erection of a permanent or temporary handicapped parking space shall be made available to any Borough resident (or the parent, guardian or legal representative of a Borough resident) and when submitted shall be accompanied by a fee of $50. An annual renewal fee of $10 shall apply to all permits renewed under Subsection D below. Fees may be waived if the applicant falls within the Federal Housing and Urban Development Poverty Guidelines.
Application. The application will be designed and developed by the Parking Review Committee, but shall include, at a minimum, the identity of the applicant, the address of the applicant's residence, the make, model and license plate number of the applicant's vehicle (if any), the applicant's disability, whether the disability is permanent or temporary, whether off-street parking is available immediately adjacent to or on the applicant's property, the location of any current handicapped parking spaces on the same block where the applicant resides, and a signature section. The application shall also contain a clause informing the applicant that the applicant is required to notify the Borough Manager immediately if and when the applicant moves from the address set forth on the application or no longer has a disability or no longer possesses a valid handicapped registration plate or placard. If the applicant is applying to have the fee waived due to economic hardship, the applicant must provide documentation that their income falls within the Federal Housing and Urban Development Poverty Guidelines. Upon receipt of an application from a handicapped or disabled individual (or such person's parent, guardian or legal representative), the Parking Review Committee may collect such relevant information as the Committee deems necessary to evaluate the application, including medical records evidencing the applicant's disability.
After acquiring a handicapped or disabled veteran's registration plate or placard from the Department, any Borough resident may file an application for the creation of a handicapped parking space upon the block on which the resident resides. The possession of a handicapped or disabled veteran's registration plate or placard does not guarantee that the resident's application for a handicapped parking space will be granted.
Statement of disability. All applications for a handicapped parking space must be supported by proof of the applicant's asserted disability from a medical doctor, doctor of osteopathy, or doctor of podiatry medicine (collectively, "physician"). The application shall include a statement by a physician, which shall be signed by the physician and which statement shall not be issued more than six months prior to the date of the application. Said physician's statement shall specifically set forth the nature of the applicant's disability, how the disability limits the applicant's mobility, and the estimated duration of the applicant's disability. Notwithstanding the applicant's provision of a physician's statement of disability, the Parking Review Committee may require the applicant to provide additional medical records evidencing the applicant's ongoing disability.
Criteria. In order to provide an adequate number of handicapped parking spaces in a particular block and to preserve adequate parking spaces for all Borough residents, before the Borough creates a handicapped parking space, the Parking Review Committee must determine that the limitations upon the number and placement of handicapped parking spaces on a particular block set forth in Subsection C(4) hereof will not be exceeded if the requested handicapped parking space is created, that the applicant has proven that there is no handicapped accessible off-street parking available to the applicant, and that the applicant meets one or more of the following criteria:
The applicant is medically required to use portable oxygen;
The applicant has limited or no use of one or both legs;
The applicant suffers from severe limitation in the ability to walk due to any arthritic, neurological or orthopedic condition or any physical ailment that prevents the applicant from walking 200 feet without stopping to rest;
The applicant suffers from a serious cardiac condition to the extent that the person's functional limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to the standards set by the American Heart Association; or
The applicant suffers from any other physical or mental impairment not heretofore mentioned which constitutes a substantial degree of disability and imposes great difficulty on the applicant walking more than 200 feet without stopping.
Final determination.
After collecting all pertinent information, the Parking Review Committee will review and investigate all information related to the application. The Parking Review Committee may obtain an independent medical review of the applicant's medical records and asserted disability. If the Parking Review Committee determines the applicant has met the requirements of this section, the Parking Review Committee may approve and authorize the creation of the handicapped parking space and installation of signage in accordance with applicable state laws and regulations and shall define the duration of its validity. In the event the Parking Review Committee determines the applicant has not met the requirements of this article, the Parking Review Committee shall deny the application and inform the applicant, in writing, of the denial and the reason(s) for the denial. The applicant may appeal the decision of the Committee to Borough Council, which shall consider such appeal pursuant to the provisions of the Local Agency Law.[1] Upon approval for a handicap parking space, the applicant shall pay to the Borough $185 to cover the cost of material and labor to erect the handicapped parking sign and paint the appropriate markings within the street right-of-way. In addition, the applicant shall pay to the Borough $100, which will be held in escrow by the Borough to pay the costs of removal of the sign and street painting when same are no longer authorized.
Editor's Note: See 2 Pa.C.S.A. § 551 et seq.
Fees described in § 346-13.1B(1) and C(4) are based upon reasonable estimates of the cost of labor and material to complete the tasks for which the fee is charged. The charges shall be subject to change to reflect increases or decreases in the cost of such labor and materials upon resolution of the Borough Council enacted from time to time.
Nonexclusive right. If a handicapped parking space is created under this section, the handicapped parking space so created may be used by any person parking a vehicle lawfully bearing registration plates or placards issued to handicapped persons or disabled veterans. The decision to approve the creation of a handicapped parking space shall not be construed as granting the applicant the exclusive right to park his/her vehicle in the handicapped parking space created hereunder.
Other parking regulations. Nothing in this chapter shall exempt handicapped individuals from other parking restrictions or regulations applicable to the space/block.
Limitation on number of handicapped parking spaces. The Parking Review Committee shall not authorize handicapped parking space(s) in excess of the limitations set forth below.
Central Business District. No additional handicapped parking spaces may be granted by the Parking Review Committee within the Central Business District, as defined by the Zoning Ordinance[2] of the Borough. The Director of Public Works may direct the installation of a handicapped parking space within the Central District as he/she deems appropriate to ensure adequate and convenient parking for handicapped persons and the general public. In making such determinations, the Public Works Director shall consider all relevant factors that the Parking Review Committee must consider pursuant hereto.
Editor's Note: See Ch. 370, Zoning.
One-way roadways. When the roadway is a one-way roadway, no more than two handicapped parking spaces may be granted on each side of the block on which parking is permitted.
Two-way roads. When the roadway is a two-way street, no more than three handicapped parking spaces may be granted on each side of the block on which parking is permitted.
Other parking restrictions. The Parking Review Committee may consider other parking restrictions applicable to a particular block and other information regarding the block, including, but not limited to, the size of the block and existing limitations or restrictions on parking in the area and may further restrict the number of handicapped parking spaces to maintain an adequate number of unregulated parking spaces, as it deems appropriate.
Council action. Borough Council may authorize more than the maximum number of handicapped parking spaces on a particular block by ordinance, setting forth the block which is excluded from the above limitations and the maximum number of handicapped parking spaces permitted on that particular block. Any such ordinance shall expire and be of no further force and effect after the expiration of two years from the effective date of the amending ordinance, unless reenacted by Council. The Parking Review Committee shall notify each applicant on the subject block no more than 90 days and no less than 60 days prior to the expiration of such ordinance.
Existing handicapped parking spaces in excess of the limitations set forth in this section and existing on the effective date of this section shall be permitted to remain in place, subject to annual review by the Parking Review Committee and/or review by the Committee in response to a complaint of misuse or lack of need therefor. Applicants for preexisting handicapped parking spaces shall be notified of the obligation for an annual review of the grant of the handicapped parking space and of the obligation to notify the Borough of a change of circumstances resulting in the absence of a need for the handicapped parking space as set forth in Subsection B(2) above.
In designating a handicapped parking space, the Parking Review Committee and the Director of Public Works shall confirm that the space to be designated and any access isles shall be level, with surface slopes not exceeding 1:50 (2%) in all directions.
Placement of signs.
Generally. For a single application for a handicapped parking space, sign and road marking placements will be positioned as close as possible to the place of residence of the applicant as the street design and existing street features permit. In the event more than the permissible number of handicapped parking spaces are requested on a one- or two-way roadway, the handicapped parking spaces may be relocated in the center of the block or otherwise adequately positioned to collectively reflect, as a whole, the needs of all applicants, as determined by the Parking Review Committee.
Authority to post. The Director of the Department of Public Works will direct all postings, sign removal and replacements of handicapped parking space in accordance with Department rules and regulations. The Department of Public Works will report the posting or removal of handicapped parking signs and road markings and all actions taken upon applications for handicapped parking spaces to the Parking Review Committee.
Disputes regarding sign placement. The Parking Review Committee shall be responsible for investigating Borough and citizen complaints regarding the placement of handicapped parking signs and the Parking Review Committee shall require that all complaints be in writing and it shall conduct an investigation of the complaint within 90 calendar days after receiving a complaint. Upon conducting an investigation, the Parking Review Committee shall report the complaint, its investigation and its findings in a manner it deems just and appropriate, including, but not limited to, the removal of the handicapped parking space. The complainant, block residents, applicant and the Borough shall be entitled to present evidence to the Parking Review Committee.
Annual reporting.
Annual reporting. After approval of the application, the applicant shall submit an annual renewal application. The renewal application shall be designed by the Parking Review Committee and require the applicant to verify the continuance of his/her disability. The Parking Review Committee shall require an applicant to submit an updated physician's statement of the applicant's disability, based on the criteria set forth under the Eligibility and Determination subsections of this chapter. The Parking Review Committee may require the applicant to submit medical records, other than a physician's statement, which evidences the applicant's ongoing disability. In January of each year, the Parking Review Committee shall mail to (via regular first class mail) each applicant (and applicants under prior rules and regulations) the renewal application referenced herein. If the applicant fails to submit the renewal application, including the physician's statement of disability and additional medical records (if such records are requested) by March 15 of that year or the applicant is no longer eligible for a handicapped parking space, the Parking Review Committee shall inform the Director of Public Works that the handicapped parking space should be removed. The Parking Review Committee may obtain an independent medical review of the applicant's medical records. The Parking Review Committee shall give written notice of its determination that the applicant is no longer eligible for a handicapped parking space to the applicant within 30 days of the Borough's receipt of the renewal application. The applicant may appeal the determination of the Parking Review Committee to Borough Council, which shall consider such appeal pursuant to the provisions of the Local Agency Law.
Penalties for violations.
False statements. It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly and willfully, with the intent to deceive, make a false statement to any public official for the purpose of obtaining a handicapped parking space. Any person who violates this provision shall be guilty of committing a summary offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than $500, nor more than $1,000, plus court costs and reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by the Borough in the enforcement proceedings.
Violations. Any person who violates any other provision of this chapter shall be guilty of committing a summary offense and, upon conviction thereof, shall be subject to a criminal fine not to exceed $1,000 per violation and, in default of payment thereof, may be imprisoned for a period of time not to exceed 30 days.
Penalties for violation. Whoever parks in a designated handicapped parking space and does not lawfully bear handicapped registration plate or placards shall be fined not less than $100 nor more than $1,000 and in default of payment thereof may be imprisoned for a period of time not to exceed 30 days.
[Added 12-29-1954 by Ord. No. 858][1]
The following intersections are hereby declared to be stop intersections, and official stop signs shall be erected (or are hereby confirmed if heretofore erected) in such a position as to face traffic approaching the first-named street in the direction or directions hereby indicated. All vehicles approaching the intersection upon the second-named street in the direction or directions hereby indicated in each case shall come to a full stop, within a reasonable distance, before entering said intersection:
Stop Sign on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Penn Street
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428; amended 6-19-1985 by Ord. No. 1802]
East and west
Eichelberger Street
Allegheny Avenue
[Amended 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
North and south
North Stephen Place
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 10-6-1971 by Ord. No. 1528]
North and south
Oak Street
Allegheny Avenue
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
McCosh Street
Allewelt Alley
[Added 6-19-1957 by Ord. No. 932]
Bank Lane
Allewelt Alley
[Added 9-7-1977 by Ord. No. 1687]
Gail Street
Alley extending westwardly from Broadway, the first alley south of and parallel McKinley Avenue
[Added 12-26-2001 by Ord. No. 2048]
East and west
First alley west of and parallel Broadway
Alley extending from Broadway, the first alley north of and parallel Railroad Street
[Added 6-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2271]
Gail Street
Alley extension of Allegheny Avenue east of Penn Street
[Added 9-9-1998 by Ord. No. 2013]
North and south
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway
Aspen Court
[Added 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
Primrose Lane
Baer Avenue
East and west
Pleasant Street
Baer Avenue
East and west
Spring Avenue
Baer Avenue
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
North and south
First alley east of and parallel to Broadway
Baer Avenue
East Hanover Street
Baer Avenue
Terrace Avenue
Baltimore Street
East and west
Pleasant Avenue
Baltimore Street
East and west
Walnut Street
Baltimore Street
Granger Street
Baltimore Street
Mount Royal Avenue
Bank Lane
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
Allewelt Alley
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
Barberry Drive
[Added 6-17-1987 by Ord. No. 1829]
Clearview Read
Barberry Lane
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Grant Drive
Blossom Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
The southernmost intersection of Grant Drive
Blossom Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
The second intersection of Grant Drive
Boundary Avenue
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
First alley east of Second Avenue
Boundary Avenue
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Fleming Avenue
Boundary Avenue
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
Meade Avenue
Boundary Avenue
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Second Avenue
Boundary Avenue
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
South Forney Avenue
Brandy Court
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Primrose Lane
Brandywine Court
[Added 8-26-2015 by Ord. No. 2227]
Brandywine Court and alley running south to Paul Street
Brandywine Lane
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Primrose Lane
Brandywine Lane
[Added 8-24-2016 by Ord. No. 2249]
Unnamed alley connecting Brandywine Lane to Paul Street
Baer Avenue
Fulton Street
Hollywood Avenue
Keagy Avenue
Locust Street
Moulstown Road
Ridge Avenue
[Amended 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
North and south
Grant Drive
North and south
McKinley Avenue
[Added 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
North and south
Washington Avenue
[Amended 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
North and south
Wilson Avenue
County Road (part nearest to Borough line on Broadway)
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
Moul Alley
North Street
Carlisle Street
Elm Avenue
Carlisle Street
Fourth Street
Carlisle Street
Maple Avenue
Carlisle Street
Third Street
Carlisle Street
East and west
Park Avenue
Carlisle Street
Academy Street
Carlisle Street
Allegheny Avenue
Carlisle Street
Clearview Road
Carlisle Street
Library Place
Centennial Avenue
East and west
West Hanover Street
Centennial Avenue
East and west
West Middle Street
Centennial Avenue
East and west
West Walnut Street
Charles Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
West Avenue
Charles Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
Allegheny Avenue
Charles Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
East Elm Avenue
Charles Street
East and west
Highland Avenue
Charles Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
McKinley Avenue
Charles Street
[Amended 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
Potomac Avenue
Charles Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
Sunset Avenue
Cherry Lane
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Pine Street
Chestnut Street
[Added 3-6-1963 by Ord. No. 1174]
Hoffman Avenue
Clearview Road
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
Charles Street
Clearview Road
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Eichelberger Street
Clearview Road
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
McCosh Street
Clearview Road
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
North Stephen Place
Clearview Road
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
Eichelberger Street
Clearview Road
[Amended 7-3-1962 by Ord. No. 1145]
McCosh Street
Clearview Road
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
Sherwood Street
Clearview Road
[Added 6-17-1987 by Ord. No. 1829]
Dart Drive
College Avenue, which is the first alley north of and parallel to Frederick Street
[Added 6-19-1957 by Ord. No. 932]
First alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
Dart Drive
[Added 5-13-1998 by Ord. No. 2011]
North and south
Primrose Lane
Dart Drive
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
North and south
Wilson Avenue
Dart Drive
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
Eichelberger Street
DeGuy Avenue
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
Clearview Read
DeGuy Avenue
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
Grant Drive
Deerfield Condominium
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Primrose Lane
Diller Road
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Sprenkle Avenue
Diller Road
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Juniper Lane
Diller Road
[Added 6-17-1964 by Ord. No. 1232]
North Forney Avenue
Diller Road
[Added 6-17-1964 by Ord. No. 1232]
Queen Street
Doss Alley
[Added 9-9-1998 by Ord. No. 2013]
North and south
First alley west of and parallel to Baltimore Street
Driftwood Court
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Filbert Street
Eagle Avenue
[Added 9-9-1998 by Ord. No. 2013]
First alley east of and parallel to East Hanover Street
Eagle Avenue
[Amended 6-19-1957 by Ord. No. 932]
Orchard Street
East Chestnut Street
North and south
Railroad Street
East Chestnut Street
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
North Street
East Chestnut Street
Unnamed alley
East Hanover Street
North and south
McAllister Street
East Middle Street
Factory Street
East Middle Street
North and south
Baer Avenue
East Middle Street
North and south
Fulton Street
East Middle Street
North and south
Locust Street
East Middle Street
North and south
Philadelphia Street
East Middle Street, extended
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Moul Avenue
East Walnut Street
[Added 8-5-1964 by Ord. No. 1242]
Baer Avenue
East Walnut Street
Baer Avenue
East Walnut Street
[Added 2-17-1971 by Ord. No. 1502]
North and south
Locust Street
East Walnut Street
[Added 4-17-1991 by Ord. No. 1892]
Philadelphia Street
East Walnut Street
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
Fame Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
Dart Drive
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Dart Drive
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
East Elm Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 6-26-2019 by Ord. No. 2286]
East and west
Clearview Road
Eichelberger Street
[Added 5-20-1970 by Ord. No. 1476]
East and west
Elm Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428; amended 2-17-1971 by Ord. No. 1502]
East and west
Grant Drive
Eichelberger Street
[Added 5-21-1958 by Ord. No. 957]
Allegheny Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
DeGuy Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
McKinley Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Amended 2-21-1973 by Ord. No. 1568]
North Street
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Sunset Avenue
Eichelberger Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
West Avenue
Eisenhower Drive
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
Elm Avenue
[Added 5-20-1970 by Ord. No. 1476]
East and west
Eichelberger Street
Elm Avenue
High Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
Monroe Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
North and south
Hamilton Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
North and south
McCosh Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
North and south
Willow Street
Elm Avenue
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
High Street
Factory Street
[Added 7-18-1973 by Ord. No. 1592]
Terrace Avenue
Fame Avenue
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
East Walnut Street
Filbert Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
East and west
Diller Road
Filbert Street
[Added 5-21-1958 by Ord. No. 957]
North and south
Diller Road
Filbert Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
Princess Street
First alley south of and parallel to Allegheny Avenue
[Added 7-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1402]
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway
First alley east of and parallel to Baltimore Street, known as "Railroad Street Alley"
[Added 7-16-1997 by Ord. No. 2004]
North and south
First alley north of and parallel to Mount Royal Avenue
First alley southwest of and parallel with Baltimore Street
[Added 9-17-1958 by Ord. No. 975]
East and west
First alley southeast of and parallel with West Walnut Street, commonly called "Shue's Alley"
First alley west of and parallel with Baltimore Street
[Added 6-19-1985 by Ord. No. 1802]
North and south
Boundary Avenue
First alley west of and parallel with Baltimore Street
[Added 6-19-1985 by Ord. No. 1802]
North and south
Alley intersection of the westward projection of Mount Royal Avenue from Baltimore Street
First alley south of and parallel with Broadway
[Added 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
East and west
First alley east of and parallel with Locust Street
First alley south of and parallel to Broadway
[Added 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
North and south
Alley running perpendicular to East Walnut Street and Broadway which forms a northern extension of Baer Avenue
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway
[Added 9-20-1978 by Ord. No. 1696]
East and west
First alley north of and parallel to Grant Drive
First alley west of and parallel with Broadway
[Added 6-19-1985 by Ord. No. 1802]
East and west
Intersection of the first alley north of and parallel with Stock Street
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway
[Added 7-16-1997 by Ord. No. 2004]
North and south
First alley south of and parallel to McKinley Avenue
First alley east of and parallel with Carlisle Street
[Added 3-18-1981 by Ord. No. 1727]
East and west
First alley south of and parallel to Allegheny Avenue
First alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
[Added 6-19-1957 by Ord. No. 932]
East and west
College Avenue, which is the first alley north of and parallel to Frederick Street
First alley west of and parallel with Carlisle Street
[Added 6-19-1985 by Ord. No. 1802]
North and south
Conewago Avenue
First alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
[Added 9-17-1975 by Ord. No. 1644]
Gail Street
First alley west of and parallel to East Middle Street
[Added 7-16-1997 by Ord. No. 2004]
North and south
First alley south of and parallel to Ridge Avenue
First alley east of and parallel to Gay Street
[Added 4-17-1991 by Ord. No. 1892]
First alley north of and parallel to Philadelphia Street
First alley north of and parallel to Grant Drive
[Added 9-20-1978 by Ord. No. 1696]
North and south
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway
First alley south of and parallel to Grant Drive between Broadway and Penn Street
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
East and west
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway, on the south side of Grant Drive
First alley east of and parallel with Locust Street
[Added 3-18-1981 by Ord. No. 1727]
North and south
First alley south of and parallel with East Walnut Street
First alley east of and parallel with Middle Street
[Added 4-17-1991 by Ord. No. 1892]
North and south
First alley north of and parallel with Philadelphia Street
First alley east of and parallel to Moul Avenue
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
Grant Drive
First alley east of and parallel with North George Street
[Added 11-20-1985 by Ord. No. 1809]
Alley projection of Highland Avenue east of North George Street
First alley south of and parallel to South Street
[Added 9-20-1978 by Ord. No. 1696]
First alley east of and parallel to Sprenkle Avenue
First alley east of and parallel to Sprenkle Avenue
[Added 9-20-1978 by Ord. No. 1696]
First alley south of and parallel to South Street
First alley north of and parallel to West Chestnut Street
[Added 8-21-1957 by Ord. No. 935]
North and south
First alley west of and parallel to Carlisle Street
First alley east of and parallel with York Street
[Added 10-2-1985 by Ord. No. 1808]
East and west
Second alley south of and parallel with Middle Street
Fleming Avenue
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
Hartman Avenue
Fleming Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
East and west
West Hanover Street
Forney Avenue
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
East and west
Hartman Avenue
Forney Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
East and west
West Walnut Street
Fourth Street
Krug Avenue
Fourth Street
North and south
North Franklin Street
Fourth Street
[Added 9-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1155]
Krug Avenue
Foxleigh Drive
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
East and west
Dart Drive
Frederick Street
Fleming Avenue
Frederick Street
Forney Avenue
Frederick Street
Kilpatrick Avenue
Frederick Street
Meade Avenue
Frederick Street
[Added 12-19-1979 by Ord. No. 1710]
South Franklin Street
Frederick Street
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
Forney Avenue
Fulton Street
East and west
East Hanover Street
Fulton Street
East and west
East Walnut Street
Fulton Street
East and west
Pleasant Street
Fulton Street
East and west
Terrace Avenue
Gay Street
[Added 4-17-1991 by Ord. No. 1892]
First alley north of and parallel with Philadelphia Street
George Street
Highland Avenue
George Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
North Stephen Place
George Street
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
Potomac Avenue
George Street
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
East and west
Allegheny Avenue
George Street
[Amended 2-15-1956 by Ord. No. 891]
East and west
Elm Avenue
George Street
[Added 6-17-1964 by Ord. No. 1232]
East and west
Paul Street
George Street
[Added 9-26-2018 by Ord. No. 2274]
East and west
Wilson Avenue
George Street
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
Eisenhower Drive
George Street
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
North and south
Wilson Avenue
George Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Penn Street
George Street
[Added 6-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2271]
Wilson Avenue
Georgetown Circle
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Filbert Street
Grant Drive
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
East and west
Clearview Road
Grant Drive
[Added 4-19-1972 by Ord. No. 1544]
East and west
East Walnut Street
Grant Drive
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
East and west
McCosh Street
Grant Drive
[Added 6-17-1964 by Ord. No. 1232]
George Street
Grant Drive
[Added 6-17-1964 by Ord. No. 1232]
Penn Street
Grant Drive
[Added 11-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1369]
North and south
Eichelberger Street
Grant Drive
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
North and south
McCosh Street
Grant Drive
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
Clearview Road
Grant Drive
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
Clearview Road
Grant Drive
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
George Street
Grant Drive
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Penn Street
Grant Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
Moul Avenue
High Street
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
Kendig Lane
High Street
Pine Street
High Street
Poplar Street
High Street
South Street
High Street
Third Street
High Street
East and west
Maple Avenue
High Street
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
Clearview Road
High Street
Jackson Street
High Street
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
Kuhn Drive
High Street
Park Avenue
Holly Court
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Grant Drive
Honeysuckle Court
[Added 10-2-1985 by Ord. No. 1808]
Barberry Drive
Juniper Lane
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Sycamore Lane
Kennedy Court
[Added 8-21-1991 by Ord. No. 1897]
Eichelberger Street
Kilpatrick Avenue
[Added 11-4-1987 by Ord. No. 1836]
Hartman Avenue
Krug Avenue
[Added 9-20-1972 by Ord. No. 1554]
East and west
Fifth Street
Krug Avenue
[Added 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
Maple Avenue
Kuhn Drive
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Randolph Street
Kuhn Drive
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Keith Drive
Kuhn Drive
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Shafer Drive
Lee Street
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Paul Street
Linden Avenue
[Added 10-2-1985 by Ord. No. 1808]
Commerce Street
Locust Street
East and west
East Walnut Street
Maple Avenue
[Added 9-17-1958 by Ord. No. 975]
Commerce Street
Maple Avenue
[Added 2-24-1960 by Ord. No. 1034]
North and south
Monroe Street
Maple Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
North and south
North Franklin Street
Maple Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Hamilton Street
McCosh Street
[Added 5-21-1958 by Ord. No. 957; amended 9-21-1988 by Ord. No. 1847]
East and west
Allegheny Avenue
McCosh Street
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
East and west
DeGuy Avenue
McCosh Street
East and west
Highland Avenue
McCosh Street
East and west
Potomac Avenue
McCosh Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
West Avenue
McCosh Street
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
Dart Drive
McKinley Avenue
[Added 4-19-1972 by Ord. No. 1544]
East and west
East Walnut Street
McKinley Avenue
George Street
McKinley Avenue
[Added 2-20-1957 by Ord. No. 923]
North Stephen Place
McKinley Avenue
[Added 11-16-1955 by Ord. No. 887]
North and south
Lee Street
McKinley Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
North and south
McCosh Street
McKinley Avenue
[Added 11-16-1955 by Ord. No. 887]
North and south
Paul Street
McKinley Avenue
[Added 11-16-1955 by Ord. No. 887]
North and south
Penn Street
McKinley Avenue
[Amended 6-17-1964 by Ord. No. 1232]
North Stephen Place
Meade Avenue
[Added 10-16-1957 by Ord. No. 939]
Northeast and southwest
West Walnut Street
Middle Street
[Amended 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
Ridge Avenue
Middle Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
North and south
Railroad Street
Moul Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Grant Drive
Moul Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Keagy Avenue
Moul Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
McKinley Avenue
Moul Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Witmer Avenue
Moul Avenue
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
East and west
Fame Avenue (with eastbound traffic on Fame making a right turn to keep moving)
Moul Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
East and west
Hollywood Avenue
Moul Avenue
[Amended 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
East and west
Washington Avenue
Moul Avenue
[Amended 10-19-1966 by Ord. No. 1329]
East and west
Wilson Avenue
Moul Avenue
[Added 6-25-2003 by Ord. No. 2070]
North and south
Fame Avenue
Moulstown Road
[Added 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411]
East Walnut Street
Moulstown Road
[Added 6-6-1979 by Ord. No. 1705]
East Walnut Street
North Franklin Street
[Added 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387]
Jackson Street
North Franklin Street
[Added 11-18-1959 by Ord. No. 1021]
East and west
College Avenue
North Franklin Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
East and west
Fifth Street
North Franklin Street
East and west
Park Avenue
North Stephen Place
[Added 4-17-1957 by Ord. No. 927]
Sunset Avenue
North Stephen Place
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
East and west
East Elm Avenue
North Stephen Place
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
Paul Street
North Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Charles Street
North Street
[Added 3-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1086]
George Street
North Street
McCosh Street
Oak Street
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
North and south
Elm Avenue
Orchard Street
[Added 10-2-1985 by Ord. No. 1808]
McAllister Street
Paul Street
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Penn Street
Penn Street
Alley north of Stock Street
Penn Street
[Added 4-17-1957 by Ord. No. 927; amended 9-5-1973 by Ord. No. 1597]
East and west
Elm Avenue
Penn Street
[Added 11-18-1970 by Ord. No. 1490]
East and west
Washington Avenue
Penn Street
[Added 6-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2271]
East and west
Wilson Avenue
Philadelphia Street
[Added 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
Alley immediately south of and parallel to Broadway
Philadelphia Street
[Added 6-15-1983 by Ord. No. 1755]
East and west
First alley west of and parallel to Broadway
Pine Street
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
Spruce Street
Pine Street
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
Juniper Lane
Pine Street
[Added 3-6-1963 by Ord. No. 1174]
North Forney Avenue
Pine Street
[Added 4-19-1972 by Ord. No. 1544]
Sprenkle Avenue
Pleasant Avenue
[Added 5-20-1959 by Ord. No. 995]
South Franklin Street
Pleasant Avenue
[Added 11-19-1958 by Ord. No. 976]
South High Street
Pleasant Street
[Added 4-20-1955 by Ord. No. 874]
North and south
Locust Street
Pleasant Street
North and south
McAllister Street
Pleasant Avenue
Centennial Avenue
Poplar Street
[Added 11-21-1962 by Ord. No. 1160]
Forney Avenue
Poplar Street
[Added 8-16-1967 by Ord. No. 1359]
Hoffman Avenue
Poplar Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428; amended 12-19-1979 by Ord. No. 1710]
North and south
Filbert Street
Poplar Street
[Added 2-19-1969 by Ord. No. 1428]
Pine Street
Poplar Street
[Added 12-19-1962 by Ord. No. 1162]
Spruce Street
Potomac Avenue
[Added 8-20-1958 by Ord. No. 966]
North and south
North Stephen Place
Primrose Lane
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
East and west
DeGuy Avenue
Primrose Lane
[Added 10-2-1985 by Ord. No. 1808]
North and south
Dart Drive
Primrose Lane
[Added 8-16-1989 by Ord. No. 1860]
Barberry Lane
Princess Street
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Sprenkle Avenue
Railroad Street
Bank Lane
Railroad Street
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
Library Place
Randolph Street
[Added 3-15-1967 by Ord. No. 1345]
East and west
Clearview Road
Ridge Avenue
Center Street
Ridge Avenue
[Added 9-5-1973 by Ord. No. 1597]
North and south
Walnut Street
Ridge Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord No. 1119]
Moul Avenue
Ruth Avenue
[Added 2-17-1993 by Ord. No. 1933]
West Walnut Street
School Avenue
[Added 11-15-1995 by Ord. No. 1980]
North and south
Second alley south of and parallel with East Middle Street
Second alley east of and parallel with Philadelphia Street
[Added 4-19-1995 by Ord. No. 1975]
North and south
First alley north of and parallel to East Middle Street
Second alley west of and parallel with Ridge Avenue
[Added 4-19-1995 by Ord. No. 1975]
North and south
Gay Street
South Forney Avenue
[Amended 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292; 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
East and west
West Hanover Street
South Franklin Street
[Added 12-19-1979 by Ord. No. 1710]
East and west
Exchange Place
South Street
[Added 10-21-1959 by Ord. No. 1017]
Sprenkle Avenue
South Street
[Added 9-21-1955 by Ord. No. 882]
North and south
Filbert Street
Spencer Drive
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
Blossom Drive
Spring Avenue
[Added 8-15-1984 by Ord. No. 1783]
East and west
Fulton Street
Spring Avenue
[Added 9-17-1975 by Ord. No. 1644]
Eagle Avenue
Spring Avenue
[Added 4-20-1955 by Ord. No. 874]
North and south
Locust Street
Stock Street
North and south
Charles Street
Stock Street
North and south
Eichelberger Street
Stock Street
North and south
George Street
Stock Street
North and south
McCosh Street
Stock Street
North and south
Penn Street
Sunset Avenue
[Added 11-15-1961 by Ord. No. 1119]
North and south
McCosh Street
Sycamore Lane
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Filbert Street
Third Street
[Amended 2-10-1999 by Ord. No. 2019]
North and south
High Street
Third Street
North and south
North Franklin Street
Third Street
Commerce Street
Third Street
Krug Avenue
Trudi Court
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Grant Drive
Unnamed alley connecting Brandywine Lane to Paul Street
[Added 8-24-2016 by Ord. No. 2249]
Brandywine Lane
Unnamed alley between and parallel to East Middle Street and East Walnut Street, and running between Baltimore and York Streets
North and south
Eagle Avenue
Unnamed alley between and parallel to East Middle Street and East Walnut Street, and running between Baltimore and York Streets
North and south
South Railroad Street
Unnamed alley south of and parallel to Stock Street between Long Lane and Charles Street
[Added 10-24-2018 by Ord. No. 2276]
East to west
Long Lane
Washington Avenue
[Added 4-19-1972 by Ord. No. 1544]
East and west
East Walnut Street
Washington Avenue
[Added 5-25-2016 by Ord. No. 2245]
Blossom Drive
West Chestnut Street
[Amended 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288]
North Forney Avenue
West Chestnut Street
North and south
North Franklin Street
West Chestnut Street
[Amended 10-19-1966 by Ord. No. 1329]
North Forney Avenue
West Hanover Street
[Amended 2-15-1956 by Ord. No. 891]
North and south
Centennial Avenue
West Hanover Street
North and south
Meade Avenue
West Hanover Street
North and south
Second Avenue
West Middle Street
[Added 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292]
North and south
Centennial Avenue
West Middle Street
North and south
Forney Avenue
West Middle Street
[Amended 8-21-1957 by Ord. No. 935]
North and south
Meade Avenue
West Middle Street
North and south
Ruth Avenue
West Middle Street
[Added 4-20-1955 by Ord. No. 874]
North and south
Second Avenue
West Walnut Street
[Added 2-17-1993 by Ord. No. 1933]
Kilpatrick Avenue
West Walnut Street
North and south
Fleming Avenue
West Walnut Street
[Added 12-19-1979 by Ord. No. 1710]
South Franklin Street
West Walnut Street
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
Kilpatrick Avenue
Willow Avenue
[Added 6-1-1988 by Ord. No. 1845]
Sunset Drive
Willow Street
[Added 4-15-1987 by Ord. No. 1826]
Allegheny Avenue
Wilson Avenue
[Added 4-19-1972 by Ord. No. 1544]
East Walnut Street
Wilson Avenue
[Added 6-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2271]
Penn Street
Wilson Avenue
[Added 8-21-1992 by Ord. No. 1897]
North and south
Eisenhower Drive
Wilson Avenue
[Added 9-26-2018 by Ord. No. 2274]
North and south
George Street
Wilson Avenue
[Added 6-27-2018 by Ord. No. 2271]
North and south
Moul Avenue
Witmer Avenue
[Added 10-16-1963 by Ord. No. 1195]
North and south
Walnut Street
York Street
East Hanover Street
York Street
Unnamed alley at entrance to fair grounds
York Street
East and west
East Walnut Street
York Street
East and west
Pleasant Street
York Street
Spring Avenue
Editor's Note: This section was amended as follows to repeal various entries: 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 10-31-1968 by Ord. No. 1411; and 6-25-2003 by Ord. No. 2070. See additional amendments noted in the table below.
[Added 7-18-1956 by Ord. No. 910]
Carlisle Street, from the crossing of the Western Maryland Railroad at Third Street to the Borough line, shall be a no-passing zone, and the driver of a vehicle proceeding in either direction shall not overtake or pass or attempt to overtake or pass any other vehicle proceeding in the same direction in such zone.
[Added 10-6-1965 by Ord. No. 1288; 11-10-1965 by Ord. No. 1292; 10-19-1966 by Ord. No. 1329; 4-17-1968 by Ord. No. 1387; 7-20-1977 by Ord. No. 1685]
The following intersections are hereby declared to be yield-right-of-way intersections and official yield-right-of-way signs shall be erected in such a position as to face traffic approaching the first-named street in the direction or directions hereby indicated. All vehicles approaching the intersection upon the second-named street in the direction or directions hereby indicated in each case shall yield the right-of-way to traffic upon the first-named street.
Yield Sign on
Direction of Travel
At Intersection of
East Chestnut Street
Allewelt Alley
Grant Drive
East Walnut Street
[Added 12-15-1976 by Ord. No. 1672]
The following intersections are hereby declared to be do-not-enter intersections, and official do-not-enter signs shall be erected in such a position as to face traffic approaching the second-named street upon the first-named street or alley. All vehicles approaching the intersection upon the first-named street or alley shall not enter upon the second-named street:
Name of Street
At intersection of
First alley south of and parallel to Pleasant Street
Baltimore Street