[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the Borough of Haddonfield 9-26-2000 by Ord. No. 1804. Amendments noted where applicable.]
Payment of claims — See Ch. 9.
Delinquent accounts — See Ch. 21.
Procedures for handling payments to the Borough of Haddonfield when billed for certain specific services shall be as follows.
All payments due to the Borough for specific Borough services based on billing by Borough personnel shall be considered due upon receipt.
Any such payments not received within 30 days of mailing by the Borough shall be considered delinquent and subject to a follow-up failure-to-pay notice which shall carry a penalty of $25 to be added to the billing amount and due upon receipt.
Any original payment not received within 60 days of mailing of the original notice shall be assessed interest on the total balance due, including any penalty added, at the rate of 1.5% per month or 18% per annum, until fully paid.
Payments made without the penalty or interest shall not be considered paid until the full amount of the penalty and interest are paid.
The levying of penalties and interest shall be in addition to the withholding of approvals or future services if determined to be necessary in the best interests of the Borough.
The Borough may waive penalties and interest as provided above where the entity being billed is a government or nonprofit or eleemosynary entity or organization, subject to the determination by the Borough Administrator that the payment timetable is not considered excessive.
Any entity billed under the above procedure which believes that the procedure was incorrectly applied, may request a review of the charges by the Borough Administrator after payment in full of the charges in question and submission of a written basis for review. After the review, the Administrator may authorize a refund or credit if an error is discovered and documented. Appeals of the decision of the Administrator may be made in writing to the Commissioner who is the Director of Revenue and Finance, whose decision shall be final.
All billings sent out by the Borough shall include language which clearly advises the entity being billed of the above procedures and rules, along with potential penalties and interest that will be charged for late payments.
Whenever the Borough Administrator deems it necessary, the Borough may require payment prior to the service or materials being provided.