[HISTORY: Adopted by the Board of Health of the Borough of Maywood 10-18-73.[1] Amendments noted where applicable.]
Violations and penalties — See Ch. 330, § 330-21.
Food and beverage vending machines — See Ch. 359.
Retail food establishments — See Ch. 361.
Ice — See Ch. 373.
Editor's Note: The provisions of this chapter are derived from Ch. VII of the former Revised Sanitary Code, 1973, adopted 10-18-73.
All milk and fluid milk products shall be sold, offered for sale, delivered and distributed in the borough in original bottles or similar sealed containers.
The use of milk pumps in the sale, delivery or distribution of milk and fluid milk products in the borough shall be prohibited.
No person shall, within the borough, sell, offer or expose for sale or have in possession with intent to sell any milk or milk product which is adulterated, misbranded or unlabelled, as defined by N.J.S.A. 24:10-57.1 to 10-57.30. Chapter VII of the State Sanitary Code, and subsequent amendments thereof.
No person shall distribute or sell or offer for sale or have in possession with intent to distribute, sell or offer for sale within the Borough of Maywood any milk, milk products or fluid milk products unless such person has obtained a license from the Board authorizing him to make such sale or distribution.
The Board may refuse to issue a license if the proposed distribution, sale or offer for sale of such milk, milk products or fluid milk products, as described in the application for license, would violate any provisions of this Part III.
A licensee may not move his business to a new location until said location has been inspected and approved, in writing, by the Board. No alterations, changes or additions to a dairy or plant may be made until the plans for such alterations, changes or additions shall first have been approved by the Board, and the additions to such dairy or plant shall not be used until such plans have received the approval of the Board.
Any licensee for milk or cream shall immediately notify the Board, in writing, of any change in the source of his supply of such milk or cream. The notice shall state the name and address of each person supplying milk or cream at the time of the notice and the locality from which such milk or cream is procured.
No milk or cream license shall be granted to a person distributing or selling milk or cream in violation of any provisions of N.J.S.A. 26:4-12 to 4-14.
Every vehicle used for the distribution or sale of milk or cream shall contain adequate and proper icing facilities and shall be of a type approved by the Board.
All premises where milk or cream is produced, pasteurized, bottled or otherwise handled for sale or distribution shall be open for inspection at all times to the Board, its executive officer or its inspectors. All vehicles used in the distribution or sale of milk or cream shall be subject to inspection by the Board or its employees. Upon demand, samples of milk or cream shall be furnished to the Board or its executive officer or inspector from the premises or vehicles above-described upon proper payment therefor.